

Graduates Employment System from the Perspective of Preference Theory

【作者】 石永昌

【导师】 林玳玳;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 产业经济学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 近年来随着我国高等教育改革和发展进程的加快,大学生就业问题已成为我国高等教育界乃至整个社会关注的焦点之一。如何解决大学生就业难的问题,最大限度地提高大学生人力资源在劳动力市场上的配置效率,使大学生这一宝贵人力资源的价值得以充分发挥,已成为促进经济发展和社会进步的重要标志。本文就是基于大学生就业日益困难的前提下,试图从大学生就业市场的供给方、需求方的相互作用关系出发,以供需双方的选择偏好为视角,对促进大学生就业的制度变迁与构建进行研究,以期为解决大学生就业难问题提出相应的理论框架与政策选择。本文认为,无论是大学生或是用人单位,其选择偏好是客观存在的,并能对其选择行为产生较大影响。从微观角度讲,个体偏好是异质的而且是可以改变的。因此,就业选择的过程实际上就是选择主体互动的过程,同时也是和就业制度相互作用的过程。通过就业制度的实施改变就业主体的偏好,进而缩短供求之间的偏差,是解决大学生就业难问题的关键。本文首先运用规范分析的方法,剖析了偏好与制度的共生演化机理,认为制度与偏好之间是互相影响和决定的。其次,本文又基于偏好的视角对大学生就业制度的变迁进行了分析,认为制度的变迁必须要适应个人偏好的变化,并且能够规范个人的选择行为。再次,本文运用实证分析的方法对大学生及用人单位的选择偏好的现状进行了调查并分析了影响的因素。最后,本文在对大学生就业市场供需双方偏好不对称所导致后果分析的基础上,提出了进一步促进大学生就业制度构建的路径选择。本文主要创新点是在对新制度经济学和行为经济学中有关偏好的理论进行综合的基础上,提出偏好与制度共生演化的理论分析框架;在问卷调查的基础上,分析了大学生就业偏好与用人单位选择偏好之间偏差的形成机理以及供需双方偏好的非对称性对宏观经济特别是区域发展的影响;阐述了用人单位与大学生双方偏好与制度的互动演化关系,并在此基础上提出了进一步促进大学生就业制度构建的路径选择模型及对策。本文共有图11幅,表50个,参考文献130篇。

【Abstract】 In recent years, as China’s higher education reform and development is accelerating, the employment of university graduates has become the concerns of the higher education sector and the whole society. The methods of solving the difficult problem of employment of university students, of maximizing allocative efficiency of students resources in the labor market, of bringing into full play the precious university students resources, has become an important symbol of economic development and social progress. This article, based on the increasingly difficult situation of employment for university graduates, is trying to study the academician employment system transition and construction under the premise of the interaction between supply-side, the employee, and the demand-side, the employer, of preferred perspective of supply and demand parties with a view to bring forth the corresponding theory outline and policy option for resolving the difficulties of university students’ employment.This article takes that either the university students or the employers has his preferences which objectively exit and greatly affect his behavior. From the micro perspective, individual preferences are various and changeable. Therefore, the process of job-finding is actually the interaction of the employer and the employee, and meantime the interaction of various employment systems. To change the principal’s preference through implementing the employment system and thereby reducing the deviation between supply and demand is the key of resolving the difficult employment situation facing university students.First, this article, based on the normative analysis, takes that system and preference is reciprocally affected and decided through analyzing the evolution mechanism of preference and system. Second, this article, based on empirical analysis, investigates into the preference of the university students and the employer and draws a conclusion. Finally, this article, based on the analysis that the preference of supply and the demand are asymmetric in the university students’ labor market, suggests a further step to promote the university students’employment system construction.This paper’s innovation proposes the theoretical analysis framework of preference and symbiotic evolution based on the theory relating to preferences of new system economics and behavioral economics comprehensively, analyzing the formation mechanism of the difference between the preference of college students and the preference of employment units as well as the influences of preference asymmetry of the supply and demand sides on the macro-economy, especially regional development, stating the relationship between the two sides’preferences and the system interactive evolution and putting forward route choice model and countermeasures of promoting system construction of college students’employment.This article is attached totally with 11 figures,50 tables and 130 references.

【关键词】 大学生就业偏好制度演化选择
【Key words】 graduatesemploymentpreferencessystemevolutionselection
  • 【分类号】F240
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】2662

