

Research on the Influence Mechanism of Organization Inertia on Organization Change and the Modle of System Dynamics

【作者】 孟范祥

【导师】 张文杰;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文以组织惯性对组织变革的影响为研究对象,在文献综述和探索性研究的基础上,以演化经济学、认知心理学为理论基础,综合运用企业管理理论、企业能力理论、经济学、战略管理等学科领域的理论和前沿观点,以系统动力学为分析工具,研究探讨组织惯性对组织变革的影响机理,构建了基于组织惯性的企业组织变革系统动力学模型。主要做了以下工作:(1)组织惯性的定义、特征、成因及变动分析。在评述国内外文献关于组织惯性概念的基础上,指出组织惯性是组织运行表现出的一种属性,面对环境变动或未遇到外部力量作用,通过组织内重复的、可识别的行为模式使组织保持自身发展运动状态的行为或倾向。具有客观存在,但其大小随时间变化;具有累积性;稳定性/易变性;路径依赖性;知识性等特征。分析了认知、组织学习、决策与组织惯性形成的原因和过程。得出企业组织惯性的形成认知、组织学习企业决策共同作用的结果结论。以组织惯性构成内容行为执行者、组织情境、惯例为基础,分析了执行人的变化、知识变化和组织情景变化及其影响因素对组织惯性变动的影响。(2)基于组织变革动力的组织惯性形成组织变革的传导机制和组织惯性对组织变革的影响机制。在分析现有组织变革模型的基础上,结合组织学习和企业能力,构建了组织变革路径模型和组织变革动力传导过程与机制模型。在分析组织惯性对企业组织发展作用形式的基础上,从企业与环境的相互作用中动态地研究组织惯性对组织变革的影响,研究了组织惯性在组织变革中的作用和传递路径,构建了与环境变化相匹配的组织能力框架、组织惯性对组织变革影响机制模型。(3)企业组织变革系统分析。利用系统动力学思想和分析方法,分析了组织变革系统的问题描述、体统边界划分和企业组织变革系统的基本结构。组织惯性与企业组织变革系统动力学模型及其仿真分析。(4)实证分析。在案例的基础上,采用历史分析、叙事分析和问卷调查等方法,对本文提出的理论和模型并对模型及相关结论进行分析和讨论,提出案例分析结果对理论和实践的启示作用。

【Abstract】 This dissertation takes Influence of organization inertia on the evolutionary of organization change as the research object. Based on the literature summary of organization inertia and organization change, and the theory of evolutionary economics and cognitive psychology, this dissertation study the influence mechanism of organization inertia on the evolutionary of organization change with the comprehensive application of enterprise management theory, strategic management theory, enterprise competence theory and Economics. On the basis of systematic analysis the factors of enterprise change,this dissertation puts forward a simulation model of enterprise change. Numerical simulation of the variables Effects on enterprise change, such as organization’s inertia, the ratio of learning-invest and learning efficiency the value-match degree. Organization’s inertia is the main limiting factors of the logistics enterprise change.The main contents are as follows:Firstly, by learning from the conceptions of organization inertia, deepening characters of organization inertia and its connotation, all this forms the framework of basic conceptions and is foundation of analyzing the evolutionary of organization change & organization inertia.Secondly,The cause of organization inertia is analyze based on the theory of evolutionary economics and cognitive psychology, The cause mainly includes cognizance, organizational learning, decision and organizational context.Thirdly, The cause of organization inertia change is analyze based on the content composition pf organization inertia, such as performer, organizational contex and routine.Fourthly, The transmission mechanism of motives for change is analyze based on the the present modle of organization change. combination with the theory of organizational learning and enterprise competence, This dissertation puts forward a the modle of the transmission mechanism of organization inertia on the evolutionary of organization change.Fifthly, based on the function analysis of organization inertia in the evolutionary of organization change, this dissertation puts forward the transfer path of organization inertia on the evolutionary of organization change, and build the modle of influence mechanism between organization inertia and organization change.Finally, On the basis of systematic analysis the factors of enterprise change,this dissertation puts forward a simulation model of enterprise change. Numerical simulation of the variables Effects on enterprise change, such as organization’s inertia, the ratio of learning-invest and learning efficiency the value-match degree. Organization’s inertia is the main limiting factors of the logistics enterprise change.


