

On the Special Proceedings of Crime of Corruption

【作者】 任学强

【导师】 万毅;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 特殊诉讼程序是针对腐败犯罪特点而采取的应对程序,是普通程序的完善与补充。本文以我国腐败犯罪特殊诉讼程序为研究对象,围绕腐败犯罪给诉讼程序带来哪些难题,诉讼程序应当如何应对,应对措施如何法治化等三个问题展开论述。现阶段腐败犯罪案件具有涉及面广、大案要案频繁、携款外逃情况严重等特点,而由于侦查权力分散、主动性侦查措施不足、缺席审判犯罪控制功能缺失、以及司法协助困难等原因,现行诉讼程序难以应对,腐败犯罪的发现难、取证难、追逃难一直困扰着司法机关。面对犯罪控制的压力,超越法律,实施法外治理,成为司法机关的无奈选择。程序的隐形化既不利于犯罪控制又不利于人权保障。解决上述问题的特殊诉讼程序主要涉及四个关键环节:第一,在侦查权力的配置与运行上,赋予检察机关技术侦查权和诱惑侦查权,规范侦查权的适用条件和程序;第二,在证明方式上,采用刑事推定、作证豁免制度,明确其适用条件与规则,以利于查明案件事实;第三,在缺席审判功能上,兼顾权利保障与犯罪控制;第四,在司法协助上,实施跨国联合侦查与资产直接追回机制。特殊诉讼程序增强了司法机关的犯罪追诉能力,同时也明确了权力行使的规则,兼顾了犯罪控制与人权保障。本文研究的实践意义在于:腐败犯罪特殊诉讼程序在强化犯罪控制、保障刑法功能的同时,防止程序的隐形化、任意化,实现特殊程序的法治化,保障基本人权。本文研究的理论意义在于:在腐败犯罪诉讼程序向辩方失衡的格局中,特殊程序是对程序失衡的矫正,是程序动态平衡的一种表现。控制犯罪与保障人权的动态平衡观,以及特殊诉讼程序的设计,对于有组织犯罪、毒品犯罪等特殊类型犯罪诉讼程序的建立与完善,具有示范意义。

【Abstract】 Special proceedings against Corruption are the perfection and supplement of normal proceedings, responding to the characteristics of crime of corruption. This discretion focuses on the following three questions: what kinds of difficulty does corruption crime bring to the proceeding? How should proceedings dealt with it? And How to legalize the counter measures?Corruption in China at this stage is pervasive and frequent, accompanying by abscond to foreign countries. The difficulty of discovery, investigation and pursuit caused by the decentralization of investigation power, inadequacy of initiative investigation measures, absence of the system of trial by default and the difficulty of international judicial assistance implementation has been eating at judicial organs. Faced by the pressure of crime control, the extra-judicial governance has become the only choice of judicial authority. However, the invisibility of procedure makes against both crime control and human rights protection.In dealing with the above-mentioned problems, special proceeding involves four key links. First, on the allocation and operation of investigation power, it empowers investigation organ to apply technical investigation and entrapment detection. Second, on demonstration, it establishes criminal presumption system and witness exemption system. Third, it includes the system of trial by default, giving consideration to both crime control and rights protection. Fourth, on judicial assistance, it invites trans-national co-investigation and property recovery. Special proceeding improves the ability of judicial organ to prosecute crime, clarifies rules of the operation of power and finds a balance point between crime control and human rights protection.The significance of this dissertation is: the special proceeding of corruption crime strengthens crime control and guarantees the functions of criminal law while prevents the invisibilization and arbitrariness of proceeding, realizes the legalization of special proceeding and protects human rights. The theoretical significance of this dissertation lies in necessity to correct the excessive prosecution functions and to maintain the dynamic balance of the proceedings. The dynamic balance between crime control and human rights protection, together with the design of special prosecution proceeding, set up an example for the establishment of prosecution proceeding against special crimes such as organized crime, drug crime and so on.


