

The Study of Financial Reporting Standard of Xbrl: Market Reaction and Standard Diffusion

【作者】 赵现明

【导师】 张天西;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 工商管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 从1998年美国注册会计师Charlie Hoffman首次将XML语言应用于财务报告领域形成XBRL标准以来,XBRL标准的发展已经走过了十个年头。XBRL标准作为未来的商业报告语言,将会影响整个财务报告信息链。2008年美国证券交易委员会(SEC)强制上市公司在未来三年内完成基于XBRL标准财务报告的报送工作,随后各国加快了XBRL标准年报的强制披露工作。我国是世界上最早采用XBRL标准的国家之一,2009年初沪、深两市推出了全新的基于新会计准则的XBRL标准平台系统,强制上市公司披露基于XBRL标准的财务报告。因此,XBRL财务报告标准已经成为会计研究的重要领域。本文主要围绕以下四个问题进行研究。(1)在我国XBRL标准的财务报告是否得到了投资者的认同?XBRL标准的财务报告是否通过增强数据的相关性、可靠性和可比性等提高了公司的透明度?(2)已有的研究更多的是关注XBRL标准本身,然而XBRL分类标准就像企业会计准则一样,是连接不同利益相关者的纽带,因此XBRL分类标准的发展以及XBRL标准在整个财务信息链中的扩散就不仅仅是一个技术问题,而是与XBRL标准的发展和扩散建立各种关系的社会网络中不同利益相关者共同作用的结果。那么我们如何从社会学的视角去看待XBRL标准的发展与扩散呢?社会网络中的哪些利益相关者或者因素影响XBRL标准在整个财务信息供应链中被采用?(3)现阶段上市公司被强制采用XBRL标准,从理论上分析,如果要最大化XBRL标准的作用,只有作为整个财务信息供应链中的其它中小企业也同时采用XBRL标准,才能彻底降低信息交互的成本,那么现阶段的中小企业是否有动机采用XBRL标准呢?哪些因素影响中小企业引入XBRL标准呢?(4)尽管现阶段XBRL标准财务报告只是对传统财务报告的转换,但是XBRL标准最终将会运用到企业的财务信息系统中。无论是大企业还是小企业当其有动机引入XBRL标准时,XBRL标准将会影响企业已有的财务信息系统。那么XBRL标准到底如何影响企业的财务信息系统?XBRL标准对企业的财务信息系统会有哪些有效的改进?上述四个问题,从关注现阶段XBRL标准的市场反应开始,将XBRL标准的扩散和推广作为研究目标,为XBRL标准在全行业的应用提供了指导。本文采用实证分析、理论分析和构建模型的研究方法,同时借鉴了供应链、管理信息系统等其它相关学科的思想对上述问题进行了深入的研究。得出了如下结论:(1)对我国强制上市公司提交基于XBRL标准的财务报告后,上市公司财务信息质量的市场反应进行了实证检验。现阶段,虽然整体来看市场并没有对XBRL年报的披露产生异常波动,并且对于深圳证券交易所的样本而言,XBRL年报的披露并没有能够显著的影响盈余反应系数(ERC);但是对于沪市而言,XBRL年报的披露在一定程度上影响了盈余反应系数(ERC)。实证检验中通过控制不同的窗口期,也得出了类似的结论。这就说明XBRL标准年报的信息含量已经有所表现,虽然XBRL标准在我国已经被强制采用很多年,但是依然没有得到市场的完全认同。造成上述现象的主要原因有两点:首先XBRL分类标准本身的质量需要改进,以更好的满足财务报告披露的要求;其次现阶段仅仅将XBRL标准应用于上市公司财务报告层面是不够的,应该将其推广至整个财务信息供应链和企业的财务信息系统中。(2)XBRL标准扩散的理论架构要充分发挥XBRL标准的效用,必须将其应用在整个财务信息供应链中,这就涉及到XBRL标准在企业中的扩散。本文将XBRL标准的扩散和发展置于社会学视角下,对XBRL标准的扩散进行了理论分析。构建了基于基础架构的视角和基于开源模式的两个XBRL标准扩散理论框架。从基础架构的视角来看,如何将XBRL标准嵌入企业已有的信息基础架构之中是影响XBRL标准扩散的主要因素,同时与XBRL标准相关联的不同机构组织和个人也是影响标准扩散的因素,包括XBRL标准与会计准则的相互影响,XBRL标准与监管者的关系等;由于XBRL标准由很多子标准组成,目前包括XBRL GL和XBRL FR。不同的标准所描述的财务信息的层面不同,也就是财务信息元素的粒度不同,因此粒度的不同也会影响标准的扩散。从开源模式来看,XBRL是一个开放、免费的标准。通过运用行动者网络理论分析了XBRL标准参与者的不同动机和市场结构对标准扩散的影响,并从三个方面对XBRL标准的扩散进行了分析,即:网络外部性的特性,参与者对标准的支持程度,潜在的采用者对标准的内在价值的评价。最后分析得出现阶段推动XBRL标准发展的主要还是监管者和XBRL国际组织。如果不能有效激励企业主动将XBRL标准应用于信息系统,XBRL标准的内在价值就不能充分发挥出来。(3)XBRL标准扩散的建模分析现阶段XBRL标准只是被强制运用于上市公司中,那么这些上市公司的上游企业是否有动机采用XBRL标准呢?社会学视角下,在主体企业已经被强制采用XBRL标准后,利益相关者在XBRL标准引入过程的策略选择和均衡结果是什么呢?通过建立博弈模型,本文得出如下结论,由于XBRL标准能够通过降低交易成本提高企业的竞争力,因此上游企业有主动采取XBRL标准的动机,但是由于不同时间点XBRL标准的引入成本和信息的效用不同,导致了企业在引入XBRL标准过程中的差异。因此通过减少企业将XBRL标准引入已有系统的成本,提高信息的使用效用,例如完善会计准则,特别是在XBRL分类标准的开发上,要能够充分实现财务信息的标准化,减少企业和投资者之间的信息不对称,并且增加对XBRL数据应用软件的开发和扩大XBRL标准宣传的方式提高财务信息的质量和投资者对XBRL数据的认知和利用率等加速XBRL标准的扩散速度。政府也可以通过强制和补贴同时进行的方式提高现阶段XBRL标准的扩散速度。最后借鉴已有的标准扩散研究文献,概括了四个影响XBRL标准扩散的主要方面,包括:技术标准本身的特性、技术标准采用者的特征、技术标准扩散的外部环境以及技术标准扩散的动力。(4)XBRL标准对企业财务信息系统的影响研究XBRL标准通过对财务信息链的影响,实现效用最大化。那么XBRL标准如何影响财务信息系统,基于XBRL标准的财务信息系统到底有哪些特点?论文的最后研究了XBRL标准对企业财务信息系统的影响和重构。通过对商业过程主要特点的分析,考察了信息系统工作质量、信息系统用户质量和业务集成的质量三个方面对商业过程质量的影响,同时分析了信息系统在人员的时间、信息系统使用者的时间、基础结构和资本四个方面发生相应的成本,建立了企业信息系统的不同模式:便于使用模式的适应性系统和便于将来升级的适应性系统。上述两种模式的差别主要体现在信息系统支持商业过程的适应性上。XBRL标准,特别是XBRL GL标准,能够通过对信息元素扩展的不同限制,实现不同模式下的信息系统。本文通过设计三种不同的XBRL分类标准扩展规则,实现了不同适应性的企业财务信息系统,从而提高不同环境下公司的运营效率。本文的研究创新主要有:(1)尽管已经有研究实证检验了美国自愿披露计划下XBRL标准的采用是否改善了公司治理状况以及是否提高了公司的透明度,然而作为世界上第一个强制上市公司报送XBRL标准财务报告的中国,却还没有研究实证检验中国的XBRL标准报告是否提高了公司的财务信息质量。本文首次实证检验了XBRL标准财务报告对投资者的影响,通过对比上市公司披露XBRL标准财务报告前后的盈余反应系数,考察现阶段XBRL标准是否充分发挥了应有的作用。实证结论为中国当前的XBRL标准实施效果提供了参考。(2)目前已有的研究文献大多关注XBRL标准本身,例如不同国家分类标准之间的协调,分类标准是否真实、准确地反映了会计准则和监管的要求等。然而XBRL标准不仅仅是一个技术工具,它的扩散和发展是不同利益相关者相互作用的结果。因此本文将XBRL标准的发展和扩散置于社会网络中,构建了基于基础架构视角下和基于开源模式下的XBRL标准发展和扩散理论,分别分析了两种视角下影响XBRL标准扩散的主要因素,在基础架构视角下主要考虑网络跟踪和粒度问题,在开源模式下主要考虑标准参与者的动机和市场组织结构,最后分析了现阶段影响XBRL标准扩散的因素和方式。这两个理论的构建,为未来不同利益相关者对XBRL标准扩散和发展的影响提供了理论指导。(3)基于本文构建的社会学视角下XBRL标准扩散的理论,通过建模研究了目前阶段上市公司作为主体企业被监管部门强制披露基于XBRL标准的财务报告后,财务信息供应链上的其它利益相关者在主体企业已经采用XBRL标准后所采取的策略行为以及均衡结果。为推动XBRL标准在中小企业的应用提供了指导。(4)从财务信息系统适应性的角度分析了XBRL标准对企业信息系统的影响,以及基于XBRL标准的财务信息系统所具有的主要特点;通过构建对XBRL分类标准扩展的不同限制,可以实现不同适应性的财务信息系统,为人们更深刻的认识XBRL标准对企业财务信息系统的影响提供指导。

【Abstract】 Since Charles Hoffman, CPA in US, employed XML language into financial reporting in 1998, XBRL standards development has gone through 10 years. XBRL as the future business language will impact the whole financial reporting information chain. In 2008 U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) forced listed companies to complete the financial reporting Submitted based on XBRL in the next three years, late countries in the world speed up mandatory disclosure of XBRL financial reporting. Thus XBRL has received attention world widely. China is one of the countries which applied XBRL earliest. Early 2009, Shanghai and Shenzhen stock market launched a XBRL Platform System based on the new CN-GAAP and forced listed companies to publish financial reporting based on XBRL. XBRL has become important research area in accounting.The dissertation focus on the four questions as following: (1) However, does XBRL be recognized by investors in China? Does the financial reporting based on XBRL increase the transparency of company by improving the quality of financial information such as relevance and reliability? (2) The past literatures mostly focus on the XBRL standard itself; however XBRL Taxonomies like GAAP is the linkage among the shareholders and its development and diffusion in the whole information chain is not just a technical matter but the result from compromise of different stakeholders. How do we view development and diffusion of XBRL from social perspective? Which part in society impact on the adoption of XBRL in then information chain? (3) At present XBRL is only forced to be applied into listed companies. Theoretically if XBRL can achieve utility maximization, only it would be adoption by upstream of listed companies. Is there incentive to adopt XBRL by upstream of listed companies? What factors affect on the introduction of XBRL? (4) Although at this stage XBRL financial reporting is just a conversion of traditional financial reporting, XBRL will be fully applied to the whole financial reporting information chain in the end. When listed companies and upstream have motivated to adopt XBRL, XBRL will impact on the information system. How does XBRL improve and impact on the financial information system chain? The four questions above begin from the market reaction of XBRL and study development and diffusion of XBRL as target. They can guide the instruction of XBRL.Based on theory research, empirical study and construction of model, drawing on the experience of supply chain, MIS and idea related to other subjects at the same time, the dissertation does the deeply research on the questions above and gets the following conclutions: (1) Market reaction of quality of financial information is tested after listed companies are forced to submit financial statement based on XBRL.At present, although there is no reaction in the whole market and in Shenzhen Stock market, the disclosure of XBRL financial reporting in Shanghai Stock market impact on earnings response coefficient (ERC) partly. By controlling on the window of event study, it gets the same result. This means that the effect of XBRL has not achieved the desired state although China has forced listed companies to submit financial reporting based on XBRL with the traditional format financial reporting for many years. The main reasons lead to this phenomenon as follow: firstly, the taxonomies should be improved in order to match the demand of disclosure. Secondly If XBRL can fully play its role as expected; it must be applied to the whole financial reporting information chain.(2) The theory of XBRL diffusion.In order to maximize of utility of XBRL, it must be put into the whole information chain. From social perspective, the paper constructs the theory and puts XBRL standard diffusion to the infrastructure perspective and open-source model. From infrastructure perspective, how to embed XBRL into infrastructure are the key characteristics which impact on the diffusion of XBRL. At same time the institutes and personnel related XBRL are the same important to the diffusion such as the interaction between taxonomies and GAAP, taxonomies and Regulator. Because there are many sub-standards in XBRL such as XBRL-FR and XBRL-GL, granularity is the main issues we focus on. Granularity will impact on the diffusion of XBRL. From open-source model, XBRL is open and free. By actor network theory (ANT), the paper analyses motivation of shareholders and market structure to the diffusion of XBRL from three aspects including network externalities, the level of support of participants and the evaluation of the intrinsic value of potential adopters. Now the organizations promote the diffusion and development of XBRL are mainly regulators and XBRL international. If not incenting firms to embed XBRL into information system initiative, the intrinsic value of XBRL cannot fully play.(3) Modeling and Analysis of the diffusion of XBRL.At present XBRL is only forced to be applied into listed companies, however, is there incentive to adopt XBRL by upstream of listed companies? From social perspective, after mandatory adoption of XBRL on the main firm, what are the strategies and equilibrium of stakeholders? By the establishment of game models, the paper gets the result that upstream has the incentive to adopt XBRL as XBRL standard can improve the competitiveness of enterprises by reducing transaction costs, but due to the difference of cost of XBRL introduction and usefulness of accounting information at different time points, it leads the difference in the process of XBRL introduction. Therefore, by reducing the cost of introducing XBRL into information system and increasing utility of information such as perfecting GAAP, especially decreasing asymmetry between firms and investors and achieving standardization of financial information by exploring XBRL taxonomy accelerate the diffusion of XBRL. In the end, the paper summarizes the four factors which impact on the XBRL standard diffusion, including the characteristics of technical standard, the characteristics of adopters, external environment of technical standard diffusion and the incentive of technical standard diffusion.(4) The study of XBRL impact on accounting information system.By impacting on the financial information system chain, XBRL can achieve utility maximization. Well then, how does XBRL impact on the financial information system chain and what characteristics is the financial information systems based on XBRL? In the end, the paper analyses the effect and reconstitution of XBRL standard to accounting information system. By analysis of the key features of business processes, the paper studies three factors in information systems which can impact the quality of the business process, that is the work quality of information systems, the user quality of information systems and the quality of business integration, then analysis the cost of information from four factors, including staff time, the user time of information, infrastructure and capital. In the end, the paper constructs the different pattern of information system, including easy to use and easy to change. XBRL, especially XBRL GL, can realize the different pattern of information system to improve the company’s operational efficiency by restriction of expansion of the different elements of information.The main innovation of the paper is including:(1) Although it was tested whether Voluntary Filer Program in SEC improved the transparency and Corporate Governance. There is no empirical analysis for the financial reporting based on XBRL in China which is the first country in the world to force listed companies to submit. It’s the first time for the paper to test the effect of the financial reporting based on XBRL to investors after XBRL was compulsorily applied in China capital market. By comparison the earnings response coefficient before and after mandatory disclosure, the paper studies whether XBRL plays its full role at present. (2) The past literatures mostly focus on the XBRL standard itself. However XBRL is not only not just a technical matter but the result from compromise of different stakeholders. The paper puts XBRL standard development and diffusion into the social perspective and constructs the theory of XBRL standard development and diffusion based on infrastructure perspective and open-source model. It analysis the factors of XBRL diffusion. From infrastructure perspective, web tracking and granularity should be focused on mainly, from open-source model, we should considerate the incentive of participants and structure of market. In the end, the paper analysis the factors and pattern of XBRL diffusion at present. Construction of the two theories is the guide of future research on development and diffusion of XBRL.(3) Based on the theories constructed above from social perspective, the paper analysis the strategies and equilibrium of the stakeholders in the financial reporting information chain after listed companies as main firms have been forced to submit financial reporting based on XBRL at this stage. The result guides the application of XBRL in the upstream.(4) The paper analysis the effect of XBRL on information system and the main characteristic of accounting information system based on XBRL. By restricting the expansion of taxonomies to control the adaptability of accounting information system, it’s the guide for the people to know the accounting information system based on XBRL.


