

A Study of Innovation Diffusion of Producer Service Clusters

【作者】 张凤杰

【导师】 陈继祥;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 随着服务经济时代的到来,服务业在国民经济中的产值和就业比重日益增大,己成为国民经济中居绝对主导地位的产业部门。20世纪70年代以来,生产性服务业己成为发达国家服务业中发展最快的部分,产生了极强的集聚和辐射效应。上世纪90年代以来,我国工业化的推进速度明显加快,为生产性服务业的发展提供了广阔空间。以生产性服务业为突破口来促进现代服务业的加快发展,对于提升第一、二产业竞争力,增强现代服务业对制造业的渗透力,促进经济社会和谐发展和落实科学发展观有着重要的意义。加快发展生产性服务业,是贯彻落实科学发展观,转变发展观念、创新发展模式、提高发展质量的客观要求,对于我们更好地抓住未来战略机遇期,实现全面建设小康社会的宏伟目标,也将具有重要的战略意义。目前,国内外对生产性服务业集群中的创新扩散机理缺乏系统的深入的研究。确实,研究创新扩散的著作、文章不少,但总是局限在技术创新随时间的扩散,以及对扩散的一些实证分析,而系统的对生产性服务业集群中的创新扩散机理进行研究的并不多见,从技术创新扩散和管理创新扩散两个方面研究的更少。生产性服务业逐渐成为一国的支柱产业,而创新扩散则是其产业化的重要阶段之一,在某种意义上,创新扩散是生产性服务业生存发展的动力,创新扩散可以提高整个产业乃至国民经济的生产率。创新的迅速扩散一方面会给社会经济系统带来巨大的效益,另一方面又对社会整体的资源配置及福利水平具有直接的巨大影响。所以论文拟在这一领域作一些探索。从宏观上讲,对生产性服务业集群中的创新扩散机理进行研究,探寻创新扩散的方向和速度,有助于寻求促进生产性服务业集群化的方法和途径,为国家或区域促进生产性服务业集群化和社会综合效益极大化的有关政策制定和发展规划提供理论依据。从微观上说,研究企业采用创新扩散的决策机制,为企业促进自身建设,积极创造适合采用创新扩散的企业内部条件提供理论依据。论文从博弈、扩散演化两个方面对创新扩散进行研究,建立了一个研究创新扩散的范例,这对扩散理论的充实和完善有一定积极意义。论文提出的理论与实证相结合的分析框架,符合扩散研究的主流趋势,能够真实客观反映扩散的内在本质和机理。全文共分八章,每章的主要内容如下:第一章综合评述了国内外创新扩散研究的已有成果,分析了典型观点与代表人物的分析框架、理论要点、各自的特点和局限性,并在此基础上提出了本文的主要内容和研究框架。第二章用比较研究的方法界定了生产性服务业、集群及创新扩散的相关概念,并对创新扩散的主体、特征、扩散环境内涵作了详细分析,分析了生产性服务企业组织结构演化过程,研究了生产性服务企业技术创新与管理创新的互动模式,最后从系统的观点,用系统语言对创新扩散的内涵、特征进行界定,指出创新扩散是一个具有动态的、演进、有势系统,对于扩散的研究也必须从系统的观点进行。第三章回顾了前人关于产业集群的几种理论解释,此基础上分析了生产性服务产业的形成原因:生产性服务业是服务业和生产制造业在技术融合的基础上相互交叉、相互渗透,逐渐融合而成的现代服务业;研究了生产性服务业集群化发展的动因。第四章对生产性服务业集群中的管理创新扩散机理进行了研究。管理创新能否顺利扩散,主要取决于两个因素:选择创新的管理模式的企业群规模,企业群规模越大,扩散越易发生;企业间协同效应的限定,限定越小,扩散的概率越高。第五章指出了构造集群创新扩散环境评估指标体系的依据和原则,设计出一套适合于评估生产性服务业集群中的创新扩散环境的指标体系,并给出了数据分析的方法和步骤。对生产性服务业集群创新扩散环境及其优化对策进行了研究。另外,对美国硅谷生产性服务业集群促进创新扩散的因素进行了分析,以期为我国集群发展提供借鉴。第六章界定了技术创新扩散的涵义,分析了技术创新扩散的作用,研究了影响生产性服务业集群中技术创新扩散的因素,构建模型从不同的假设前提对技术创新在生产性服务业集群企业中的扩散过程进行了描述,通过博客营销扩散的实证分析证实了模型结论。第七章分析了创新扩散供给者的阻碍供给的动机和促进供给的动机两类动机,研究了创新扩散供给者和创新扩散接收者的行为。研究了基于政府监管条件下的生产性服务业集群中的“非法”技术创新扩散博弈、基于非完全信息条件下的生产性服务业集群中的技术创新扩散博弈和生产性服务业集群中的技术创新扩散转让费博弈问题。同时研究了如何使企业科技人员成为加快技术创新扩散的促进因素而不是阻碍因素的问题。第八章总结论文主要内容、结论和创新点,指出论文存在的缺陷及今后的研究方向。总体来说,论文沿着生产性服务业集群中的创新扩散的基本概念、理论基础、扩散机理、扩散模型以及实证研究的思路,理论与实证相结合,对创新扩散机理进行了深入分析,旨在寻求推动扩散速度,把握扩散方向的对策和措施,使创新扩散向着人们希望的方向进行。本文的主要创新点:(1)国内外学者对于创新在集群中的扩散做了大量的研究,但对于创新在生产性服务业集群中扩散的机理研究目前还没有或是研究的很浅显,因此论文的研究在某种程度上具有新颖实用性。(2)国内外学者对于创新在集群中的扩散的研究主要集中在技术创新扩散领域,但经济管理领域内创新概念包括技术创新和管理创新,显然管理创新在集群中的扩散机理研究是一个学术研究的薄弱环节,论文对管理创新在生产性服务业集群中的扩散机理进行了研究,在一定程度上弥补了这一薄弱环节。(3)构建了适合于评估生产性服务业集群中的创新扩散环境的指标体系,并以此对广州、深圳、北京、上海四地集群创新扩散环境进行评估。(4)在技术创新扩散的过程分析中,不仅仅考虑了技术创新供给者与潜在采用者,还分析了政府监管、信息完全与否及企业技术人员在扩散过程中的作用,并提出建议和对策。(5)在对扩散过程综合分析的基础上,对技术创新扩散的微观基础——企业采用行为进行了剖析,以博弈论为理论依据对企业采用行为进行博弈分析。

【Abstract】 Along with the arrival of service economy, service industry is taking more and more role in national economy and employment, and has become the industry taking an absolutely leading position in national economy. Since the 70’s of 20th century, the development of producer services is rapid, which has developed fastest in service industry and the focus of foreign investment. Since the 90’s of 20th century, with the rapid development of industry in China, producer services gets large developing space. The development of producer service and the promotion of“one or two”industry are supplemented and complemented each other. Modern service economy is connected with traditional economy now. That would take an important role in national economy and social harmony. The rapid development of producer service is a main command to apply“Scientific Outlook on Development”thoroughly, change conception of development, create new development model, improve quality of development. On the other hand, it is also important for grasping the chance of development, working energetically to build a well-off society.Now, we lack a deep research on innovation diffusion of producer service clusters home and abroad. Actually, so many papers or books about innovation diffusion are published, but most of them are focusing on innovation diffusion with time, or some empirical analysis, seldom of them are focusing on innovation diffusion from system point, or from technology and management innovation diffusion. Producer service has become a pillar of one nation, innovation diffusion is its main phase of development. To some extent, innovation diffusion is the motion of the development of producer service clusters. Innovation diffusion can improve productivity of the whole national economy. So the quick diffusion of innovation helps a lot for social economy, for collocation of resources and social welfare. That is the reason why I focus on this field.From macro point, our research on innovation diffusion of producer service clusters can find direction and velocity of innovation diffusion. That would help us to get methods of improving the development of producer service clusters. That would help us to find methods of realize maximization returns. That would help us to give sound suggestions for building up tactics. From micro point, our research on firms’taking innovation diffusion way could support good theory. Game theory and diffusion theory are two main theory of this paper. Through analyzing we build a study model on innovation diffusion, that is very important for diffusion theory. The frame of theory is connected with empirical analysis and sticked to the main tendency of diffusion theory, could reflect essence of diffusion.This paper is divided into eight chapters, details are as follows:The first chapter: It gives a review of the latest research on innovation diffusion home and abroad, analyzes typical points and their features and limitations, points to frame and details of this paper.The second chapter: It gives conceptions of producer service, clusters and innovation diffusion. Then analyzes its subjectivity, features, environment of diffusion, organization structure of producer service firms, study on mutual effect between technology innovation and management innovation. In the end, defines the essence of environment of diffusion using system words. Innovation diffusion is a dynamical system.The third chapter: It gives a review of the research of clusters, analyzes the main factors affect the progress of producer service clusters, points out the basis and principles for the progress of producer service clusters.The fourth chapter: It studies on management innovation diffusion in producer service clusters, analyzes the main factors affect management innovation diffusion of individuals. Through building up model, we found that two main factors affect management innovation diffusion: scale of players chose management innovation diffusion and the limitation of synergism. The final conclusion sticks to the real management innovation phenomena.The fifth chapter: It points out the basis and principles for constructing index system for the environment of innovation diffusion in producer service clusters; builds up an index system suits for evaluating it, and giving the method and steps of data analyzing. Study on innovation environment and its improving method. Take US case as a model for us country.The sixth chapter: It gives a conception of technology innovation diffusion, analyzes its effects on producer services cluster, analyzes the main factors affect the progress of technology diffusion, builds up three models to analyze the process of technology innovation diffusion, from different prerequisite hypothesis. The final conclusion sticks to the real technology innovation phenomena.The seventh chapter: It analyzes motions and actions of innovation diffusion given companies and innovation diffusion taken companies; studies the game between different substantial“illegal”technology innovation diffusion taken companies of producer services ,and the game between different substantial“illegal”technology innovation diffusion taken companies of producer services and the government regulation departments; studies the question of technology innovation diffusion fee; and analyzing these results accordingly.The eighth chapter: It summarizes the whole paper, points out its future study tendency.In short, this paper takes basic conceptions of producer service clusters, foundational theory of research, theory of innovation diffusion, models of diffusion and empirical study as its clue. Through connecting theory with empirical study, we have gotten a deep research on innovation diffusion. So we can give up suggestions accordingly. That would make innovation diffusion take the way we chose for it.Main creations of this paper:First, so many persons take innovation diffusion as their research aspect from home and abroad, but seldom of them take their eyes on innovation diffusion of producer service clusters. Actually, my paper could fix this little field to some extent. That would be creative.Second, so many persons take technology innovation diffusion as their research aspect from home and abroad, but seldom of them take their eyes on management innovation diffusion of producer service clusters. Actually, my paper could fix this little field to some extent. That would be creative.Third, we build up an index system suits for evaluating environment of innovation diffusion in producer service clusters, and comparing Shenzhen Guangzhou Shanghai Beijing’s environment of innovation diffusion.Forth, during our research on innovation diffusion, we not only take given and taken companies as study object; but also take government regulation, real information and the workers effects on innovation diffusion as study objects. Then we give suggestions accordingly.Fifth, on the basis of analyzing, take game theory as a main tool to analyze motions and actions of innovation diffusion given companies and innovation diffusion taken companies.

  • 【分类号】F273.1;F719;F224
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1607
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