

Study of the Influence of Reserve on Operating Reliability and Market Stability Under Power Market Environment

【作者】 贾燕冰

【导师】 严正;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 电力系统自动化, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 为了满足不确定性因素所引起的非计划电力需求,电力系统中应当预留足够的备用,以确保系统运行的可靠性。同时,随着电力工业市场化的推进,备用安排也要兼顾到电力市场的稳定性。研究备用对运行可靠性及市场稳定性的影响,有助于科学合理的安排备用,提高电网的运行效率,完善电力市场规则。论文建立了多区域互联电网备用评估模型。根据实际调度需求及系统运行特点,将传统评估模型做了合理的假设和简化,以满足对大规模电力系统可靠性在线快速评估要求。提出了分区与全网相结合的评估方法,定义了相应的运行可靠性评估指标体系,以反映互联电网各子区域相对独立又互为备用的运行和调度特点。设计了电力市场环境下共享备用确定及成本分摊的有效方法。在此基础上,开发了具有工程实用价值的备用评估信息系统。对大规模互联电网的评估结果表明,该模型较为真实的反映了备用对运行可靠性的影响;较为全面的描述了各子区域和全网的可靠性之间的关系;提供了一种较为合理的共享备用的成本分摊依据;评估信息系统具有较好的工程应用前景。论文改进了状态选择的快速排序法。该方法定义了最小相邻状态集和可替代相邻状态,证明了系统剩余状态中的最大概率状态一定包含在最小相邻状态集中。在确定元件序列时,定义了机组可用容量,兼顾事件发生的概率和重要程度,以减小抽样方差。对大规模电力系统的仿真表明,与传统快速排序法相比,改进算法大幅提高了收敛速度,减小了系统待选状态集,极大提高了计算效率。论文提出了计及备用容量影响的电力市场稳定性分析模型。基于代数-微分方程的特征根分析技术,研究了备用对电力市场平衡点附近小扰动稳定性的影响;基于数值仿真法,模拟了大扰动情况下,备用对电力市场稳定性的影响。这些研究工作为进一步完善电力市场交易规则提供了有益的参考信息。

【Abstract】 Sufficient reserve is indispensible for power system to satisfy the uncertain demand in operation, subject to the economic and reliability constraints of the system. Meanwhile, with deregulation of power industry, the stability of power market must be taken into account in arranging the reserve. The study of the influence of reserve on operating reliability and market stability can help to decide reasonale reserve in a practical way, to improve the economy and reliability of power system operation, and to design rational power market rules.A practical model for evaluating reserve in the multi-area power system is established in this dissertation. The model takes full consideration of the characteristics of the grid in which regional subsystems are relatively independent in normal operation and can support each other in emergency. A set of reliability indexes for each individual subsystem and the intact system is defined and a corresponding evaluation method is proposed. Test results for large-scale power systems proved that the model can realistically reflect the influence of reserve on operation reliability, and can correctly describe the relationship between the reliability of subsystems and whole system. The model can also calculate a reasonable cost allocation scheme for commonly-sharable reserve among subsystems.A modified quick sorting technique is proposed. By defining the minimum set of adjacent states and the replacement of neighboring states, it is proved that the maximum-probability states of the remaining states are definitely contained in the minimum set of adjacent states. Usable capability of units is defined to order the sequence of units. The probability and the importance of units are used to reduce the sampling variance. The application to practical systems shows that the convergence speed and calculation efficiency by using the modified sorting technique can be improved significantly.A dynamic model of power market incorporating influence of reserve is proposed. Based on eigenvalue techniques for differential-algebra equations, the influence of reserve on the market stability near the equilibrium point under small disturbance is studied. Based on the time-domain simulation method, the effect of reserve on market stability under large disturbance is analyzed. The research results are useful in designing market rules.


