

Research on Simulation-based Pre-control of Ship Navigation Safety in Bridge Area Shanghai Jiao Tong University

【作者】 徐言民

【导师】 邹早建;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 船舶与海洋结构物设计制造, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国国民经济和交通运输业的飞速发展,大量跨江、跨海等跨越通航水域的桥梁日益增多,一方面对构建立体交通、促进区域经济发展起到了重要作用,另一方面也对水上交通运输造成了不同程度的不利影响,有些桥梁甚至面临严峻的船撞风险。从我国目前交通发展的趋势看,桥的数量逐步增多,船的尺度逐步增大,而且由于水上运输业的发展,航道上船舶通航密度增大,致使发生船-桥碰撞事故的风险越来越大。对于我国近年来已建、在建和拟建的大型跨海、跨江大桥如上海洋山深水港东海大桥、杭州湾跨海大桥、江苏苏通长江公路大桥、武汉鹦鹉洲大桥、广州港珠澳大桥等,桥梁及桥区通航船舶的安全问题已经成为摆在大桥和桥区航运管理部门面前的一个突出的问题。因此,为了顺应我国大量建造跨江、跨海大桥带来的对桥区船舶通航安全问题进行研究的迫切需求,防患于未然,非常有必要系统、深入地开展桥区通航安全预控研究,为船舶安全、快速通过桥区提供指导,以切实提高桥区船舶通航的安全性和效率。船撞桥事故原因主要有以下三个方面:人为因素、机械故障和环境因素。多数船撞桥事故都是在通航环境较差或船舶突然失控情况下,由于船舶驾引人员心理紧张导致误操作造成的。还有一部分事故是由于船舶驾引人员在实际驾引过程中没有考虑船间水动力干扰可能造成的后果,导致船舶出现欠控、甚至失控,错过避碰时机造成的。因此,本文针对桥区水域船舶建立了受控运动、欠控运动和失控运动数学模型,并据此建立桥梁主动防船撞预控系统,以期从预控的角度,解决或减少因人为因素和突发失控事故造成的桥区水域船舶安全通航问题。要确保桥区水域船舶安全通航,需要解决好以下三个问题:(1)对受控船舶航迹和航迹带宽进行预报,以是否满足桥梁通航净宽尺度作为通航安全判断标准,确保受控船舶安全通航;(2)受控船舶在现有的航行条件下在什么区域失控会导致由于风致漂移和流致漂移运动影响而撞击桥墩,对该区域进行预警,以便船舶在进入该区域前对船舶运动状态做适当调整,防止因在该区域失控造成船撞事故不可避免。(3)在船舶会遇、追越过程中以及通过桥墩水域时,在当时的航行状态和通航环境下,什么区域不能进入,否则会由于船间水动力干扰的存在导致船舶不能完全受控,即欠控,致使船撞桥事故发生。以受控船舶过桥航迹带宽、船舶欠控区和失控船舶临界撞桥区为判断标准,建立桥梁主动防船撞预控系统,指明船舶在当时航行状态和通航条件下的不可航行区域,对可能出现的船撞桥危险区域进行预报,将极大地减少因人为因素影响和船舶失控、欠控造成的船撞桥事故发生概率。鉴于此,本论文主要开展了以下工作:(1)通过对目前国内外船撞桥事故的统计,说明桥区水域船舶通航安全研究的必要性和紧迫性。(2)运用船舶操纵运动理论,建立了多工况下受控船舶操纵运动数学模型,为船舶操纵运动数值仿真模拟和船舶欠控运动数学建模提供基础。针对桥区水域通航船舶低速航行状态下受风、流影响较大的特点,建立了桥区水域船舶在风、流作用下的漂移运动数学模型。(3)运用建立的桥区水域船舶操纵运动数学模型,开展桥区水域船舶通航仿真模拟研究,对船舶过桥状态进行数值仿真模拟,确定桥区船舶操纵运动航迹带宽,为受控船舶在桥区水域的安全通航提供技术基础。(4)依托船舶操纵运动理论和船间水动力干扰理论,提出了船舶欠控运动概念,即当船舶接近另一船舶或海洋结构物至某一范围时,仅依靠本船自身动力,无法抵御由于水动力干扰的存在而造成的船舶不能完全受控的一种临界状态,该状态称为船舶欠控,发生船舶欠控的区域边界称为船舶欠控区。并通过水深、船长、船速以及船间距等参数的变化,对船舶欠控区进行实验对比及参数研究,建立了船舶欠控区通用模型。(5)建立了桥区失控船舶运动数学模型,计入船舶欠控运动影响,对失控船舶过桥状态进行了分析,提出了计及欠控区尺度的失控船舶临界撞桥区模型,对失控船舶能否安全过桥找到了判定标准。(6)基于船舶受控运动、欠控运动和失控运动三种船舶运动数学模型,以受控船舶过桥航迹带宽、船舶欠控区和失控船舶临界撞桥区为判断标准,构建了桥梁主动防船撞预控系统,为桥梁的主动防船撞做了有益的探索。本文基于船舶操纵模拟,建立了桥区水域船舶受控、欠控和失控运动数学模型,分析了受控船舶过桥航迹带宽、船舶欠控区和失控船舶临界撞桥区,构建了桥梁主动防船撞预控系统。通过本文的研究,为桥区水域船舶通航安全研究提供了新途径。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of economy and transportation, massive bridges crossing navigational waterways in inland rivers, straits and gulfs were constructed or are being constructed. On the one hand, more bridges have promoted tri-dimensional transportation construction and development of regional economy. On the other hand, bridges have resulted in negative impact on the navigation. Some bridges even face severe risk of ship-bridge collision. More bridges, bigger ships and larger vessel traffic density bring greater risk of ship-bridge collision. In China, massive bridges have been built, been constructed or been proposed, such as Donghai Bridge of Yangshan Deep-water Port, Hangzhou Bay Cross-Sea Bridge, Su-Tong Bridge, Wuhan Parrot Island Bridge, Hongkong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge, and so on. Safety of ships and bridges is becoming a prominent issue for management of ships and navigation. In order to conform to the urgent need of navigation safety in bridge areas, it is necessary to carry out research on pre-control to ensure safety of ships and bridges, to pilot ships safely and effectively.There are three determinant causes inducing ship-bridge collision, including human factors, mechanical failure and environment factors.Under severe environment situation or sudden accidents, i.e. out of control, some ship-bridge collision incidents are caused by mishandling due to psychological stress of pilots. Others are caused by hydrodynamic interaction between ships and bridges. Some pilots do not understand the intrinsic mechanism of hydrodynamic interaction between ships and bridges; do not know the potential consequences induced by hydrodynamic interaction, for an example, incomplete control state of ship motion. In order to ensure navigation safety in bridge area, an active pre-control system of anti-collision between ships and bridges was established based on mathematical models of under-control ship, incomplete-control ship and out-of-control ship.To ensure navigation safety in bridge area, the following three issues should be solved.The first one is to predict the trajectory breadth of under-control ship. Taking comparing result of trajectory breadth and clean breadth of bridge as the safety criterion to judge the under-control ship can pass bridge safely or not.The second one is to assign precaution area, in which ship-bridge collision may happen if under-control ship loss control due to wind and current drift motion. In this thesis, the area is called as Critical Collision Zone (CCZ) of out-of-control ship.The third one is to predict that in which zone the incomplete control state will happen for ships under head-on, overtaking and overtaken situation and for ships navigating near piers. In this thesis, the zone is called as Critical Uncontrollable Zone (CUZ) of incomplete-control ship.To establish active pre-control system of anti-collision between ships and bridges will significantly reduce the impact of human factors and the probability of ship-bridge collision accidents, based on the precaution of trajectory breadth of under-control ship, precaution area for out-of control ship and incomplete control zone for incomplete-control ship.Main contents of the thesis are as follows:(1) To illustrate the necessity and urgency of research on ship navigation safety in bridge area, statistics of collision accidents between ships and bridges were compiled.(2) Based on the ship maneuverability theory, maneuverability mathematical model for ship under control was set up which could be used to simulate ship’s motion trajectory and to identify the various ship’s safety passing width. Considering low speed characteristics of ships navigating in bridge area, wind-induced and current-induced ship drift model were established.(3) With ship maneuverability mathematical model, ship maneuverability simulator was used to simulate ships’navigation trajectories.(4) Concept of CUZ, in which the rudder cannot provide sufficient lateral force and/or moment to maintain the ship under control when ship approaches to other ship or marine structure, was put forward firstly. CUZ was systematically analyzed with different water depth, ship length, ship speed and stagger between ships. New generic equation of CUZ was established.(5) Based on mathematical model for ship out of control, considering CUZ, CCZ model was put forward firstly.(6) With mathematical model for ships under control, out of control and uncontrollable ship, initiative pre-control system of anti-collision between ships and bridges was firstly put forward.Based on simulation, mathematical models for ships under control, out of control and uncontrollable ships were established. Ships’safety passing width, CUZ and CCZ were put forward and analyzed. Finally, pre-control system of anti-collision between ships and bridges was established. The methods proposed in this thesis may provide a new way to research navigation safety in bridge area.

  • 【分类号】U676.1;U442
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】865
  • 攻读期成果

