

Research on Identification and Management of Social Public-oriented Electronic Governmentultimate Service Demand

【作者】 唐协平

【导师】 张鹏翥;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,电子政务的发展已经逐渐进入世界各国的议事日程,越来越多的研究者以及实践者开始关注这个社会热点。遗憾的是,电子政务建设虽然取得了不错的成绩,但是在发展过程中仍然面临着许多问题,如电子政务的利用率较低、数字鸿沟、用户满意度低以及信息孤岛等。由于这些问题的存在,一方面造成了政府信息资源的巨大浪费,另一方面,也不能为公众提供贴切的各项服务。与此同时,随着民主进程的推进,公众的参与意识逐步加强,公众对政府的服务也提出了更高的期望。他们希望能够改变公众与政府之间的关系,希望能够像消费者一样自由选择服务提供商,可以根据自己的意愿从服务较差的提供商转向服务较好的提供商。在此情况下,政府开始思考如何改变原来的官僚体制,以适应公众不断变化的需求,研究者们也开始对电子政务的研究进行重新审视。基于这一背景,本研究针对电子政务目前的发展状况及研究状况,提出改变原有的、主要基于电子政务提供者——政府的建设模式,从电子政务的需求方——最终用户的角度,对电子政务的最终用户中的社会公众——企业与公民的最终服务需求进行研究,以建立面向社会公众服务的电子政务最终服务需求识别模型与规划管理模型。本研究主要基于以下思路:电子政务需求国内外研究现状—>电子政务用户识别研究—>电子政务用户需求识别建模—>影响公民电子政务需求因素的实证分析—>影响企业电子政务需求的实证分析—>电子政务需求规划管理研究。本研究的主要工作和结论如下:第一,在电子政务概念演变的基础上,从电子政务的用户关系模式、电子政务服务内容、影响电子政务服务的因素、政府与公民及企业之间的互动的角度对电子政务需求的基础理论进行了综述;并对电子政务需求研究的意义及应用进行了探讨;最后对现有的研究进行了评述,从而引出了本文的研究方向。第二,对电子政务的用户进行识别,并提出了划分电子政务用户的方法。基于利益相关者理论,对电子政务的利益相关者进行了分析,从而确定了电子政务的主要用户群体,提出这些用户群体与企业的客户相比,主要存在着广泛性、平等性、以及权利与责任的对等性等特点。在此基础上,分别从宏、微观角度、电子政务系统的角度、政府的角度、以及地理区域角度对电子政务用户进行划分。进而构建了电子政务的用户关系模型,指出电子政务的用户之间存在着内部与外部的互动关系。最后形成了电子政务的用户识别流程,并利用信访信息系统的实际案例进行说明。第三,构建了电子政务需求识别模型。通过对电子政务供给与需求现状的分析,借鉴顾客需求识别的思想,建立了电子政务用户需求识别模型。基于该模型,利用生命周期理论,对电子政务的公民和企业的需求内容、影响需求规模与强度的因素,进行了理论上的探讨。并根据电子政务需求的外化程度,把电子政务的需求分成外显需求、潜在需求以及未发现需求。最后,在需求识别模型的基础上,提出了影响电子政务需求因素的概念模型。第四,研究了影响公民电子政务需求的关键因素。为了识别影响公民电子政务需求的关键因素,基于消费者行为学、生命周期理论,建立了公民需求影响因素的实证模型。以普通老百姓为样本对象,采取随机抽样的方式进行了问卷调查,获取541份有效问卷,并采用SPSS进行数据分析。研究结果表明,个体因素、社会因素、地理因素、技术因素等人口特征因素会对公民的电子政务需求产生重要影响,其中年龄、受教育程度、公民所在地区的经济发达水平、地区行政级别以及收入等因素尤为显著。而对于服务方式的选择,除了以上因素,上网时间也会对其产生重要影响。第五,研究了影响企业电子政务需求的关键因素。与公民卷类似,对于影响企业电子政务需求的因素,也是采用问卷调查的方法,共获取223份有效问卷,采用SPSS进行数据分析。研究结果表明,个体因素、社会因素、地理因素等人口特征因素也会对企业的电子政务需求产生影响,其中企业员工的年龄、受教育程度、企业所在地区的经济发达水平、地区行政级别以及企业的规模等因素尤为显著。而对于服务方式的选择,则主要与企业员工的受教育程度、企业的规模以及企业所在地区的经济发达水平有关。第六,研究了电子政务的需求规划管理。基于实证研究的结果,构建了需求强度分析模型,以探讨人口特征因素与电子政务需求强度之间存在的关系;并利用各个因素之间对需求规模的交叉影响,对电子政务的需求规模进行了规划管理。在此基础上,构建了电子政务需求规划动态管理模型。最后,利用实际调研的数据以及长宁区的人口数据,对需求强度分析模型以及需求规模规划模型进行了验证。本文的主要贡献和创新之处在于:(1)对电子政务的用户进行了识别,并提出了电子政务用户划分的方法。要实现电子政务,必须首先搞清楚的问题就是“谁是电子政务的用户?”。虽然有研究者在探讨电子政务的发展模式时,提出过G2G、G2C、G2G、G2N、G2E等,但是他们并没有明确提出电子政务用户的概念,也没有回答究竟谁才是电子政务用户的问题,而且这些模式中并没有对电子政务用户的划分提出一个可供参考的方法。这不仅会造成进一步研究的不便,而且对于电子政务的实践会产生一定的影响,前文所述的电子政务具体实施过程中出现的各种问题就是很好的体现。本研究在整理文献的基础上,将客户关系管理理论引入到电子政务研究中,丰富了理论研究内容,借鉴客户关系管理中客户细分的思想,对电子政务的用户进行了明确的界定,指出电子政务的用户与企业的客户相比,存在着广泛性、平等性以及权利与责任的对等性等特点。提出了划分电子政务用户的方法,分别从宏、微观角度、电子政务系统的角度、政府的角度以及地域等角度对电子政务的用户进行了划分,并对电子政务用户之间的关系进行了探讨,认为电子政务的用户之间存在内部与外部的互动关系。在此基础上,提出了电子政务用户识别流程,并利用信访信息系统的实际案例进行了说明。(2)电子政务需求识别模型的构建。确定了电子政务用户,但如何对电子政务的需求进行识别呢?本研究首先分析了电子政务供给与需求现状,基于顾客需求识别,构建了电子政务需求识别模型。基于需求识别模型,从生命周期理论的角度对公民、企业电子政务的需求内容进行了探讨,并分析了影响电子政务需求的人口特征因素,根据电子政务需求的外化程度,将电子政务的需求内容划分成外显需求、潜在需求和未发现需求,从而为资源约束下的电子政务的实施提供了理论上的依据。最后,借鉴消费者行为学,提出了影响电子政务需求的概念模型。(3)研究了影响公民、企业电子政务需求的关键性因素。前人的研究基本上是从宏观层面,如国家战略、文化背景等方面进行分析,而忽略了电子政务用户本身的影响。而且大多数研究都是基于经验、案例分析,缺乏实证研究。本研究主要基于调查问卷的数据,对影响电子政务的人口特征因素,即个体因素、社会因素、地理因素、技术因素及心理因素,从微观层面进行了实证研究。研究发现:人口特征因素中,个体因素、社会因素、技术因素及地理因素,如年龄、受教育程度、所在地区及地区行政级别、收入、上网时间等,会对电子政务的需求以及服务方式的选择产生影响。研究结果为政府提供个性化的服务提供了理论参考。(4)提出了电子政务需求规划管理模型。在电子政务的规划过程中,由于资源的限制,不可能所有的地区,所有的服务全部都电子化,这就需要对电子政务的规模与强度进行管理,从而将有限的资源使用在社会公众需求最为迫切的服务上。但是,以前的研究与实践都没有考虑到这个问题,电子政务的实践一般都是采用跟风的做法,根本不考虑本地区的具体情况,从而造成了资源的严重浪费,其结果也并不能让用户满意。因此,本研究基于实证研究的结果,构建了公民、企业的需求强度分析模型与需求规模规划管理模型,利用该模型,根据人口特征因素,可以对该地区电子政务需求强度以及需求规模等情况进行有效规划。再对模型做出理论上的分析之后,本研究以实际的调研数据进行了验证。最后,本研究构建了电子政务需求规划的动态管理模型,从而为政府部门的电子政务规划管理提供科学的决策依据。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the development of e-government has been placed on the agenda in most countries all over the world. More and more researchers and pioneers have paid much attention on this problem. Although the development of e-government has been promoted a lot, unfortunately, it still meets various challenges such as low-rate of utilization, data gap, low-level of users’satisfaction and data isolation. These situations lead to a great deal of resource waste as well as poor-service for public.Meanwhile, with the promotion of democracy, the participation awareness of public is increasing step by step. Public also expect more for government services and they hope to change the relationship between public and government. They would like to choose better government services just as market consumers. Based on this condition, governments are trying to change former democratic system for adopting flexible demands. The researchers also rethink the research of e-government.Aimed at the present conditions of e-government in research and practice, the research changed the former e-government developing mode which is oriented around the providers of e-government, which is oriented around the demanders of e-government----ultimate users, that is the public. The public demands for ultimate services are researched to set up the demands identification and management model of ultimate services. Our research is based on the consideration as follows: Research literature of electronic government demand-->Research on identification on electronic government users-->Identification on users’demands of electronic government-->Empirical analysis on factors of affecting citizen demands--> Empirical analysis on factors of affecting business demands-->Research on electronic government demands design.Primary work and conclusion as follows:Firstly, based on the conceptual evolution of electronic government, the basic theories of electronic government demands are discussed, including the relationship model of users, the content of service, the factors affecting electronic government service, mutual exchange among government, citizen and business; discuss the research meaning and application of e-government demand; and review former researches. So research direction is educed.Secondly, the users of electronic government are identified, and methods of distinguishing users are brought forward. We analyze the stakeholders of electronic government based on the stakeholder theory, and confirm the main users group. Comparing the customer of business, these users have the characters such as: universality, equality, and equity of right and duty. We advance methods which can classify the users of electronic government, from the point of view as following: macro-micro, system of electronic, government and geography area. Based on these, the relationship model of users is founded. It points out that there exists exchange relationship among users. Finally, user identification process is formed, and is explained by a case.Thirdly, a demand identification model is set up. Analyzing the situation of supply and demand, the model is founded by identification of customers’demand. Using life-cycle theory, the model discusses the demand content of e-government users, the influencing factors of demand scale and intensity of e-government. And demand lists of e-government are formed according to emerging degree of demand. Finally, a conceptual model which affects demand is proposed.Fourthly, key factors affecting citizen demand are discussed. An empirical model, which is based on consumer behavior theory and life-cycle theory, is founded in order to identify citizen demand. Our research obtains 541 efficiency effective samples by random collection, which aims at general citizen. The result which is analyzed by SPSS reveals that individual factor, society factor, geography factor, and technology factor will take an important effect on citizen demand of e-government. Among these factors, age, education level, geography location and level and income are obvious. And for service mode, another factor will be important, that is on-line time.Fifthly, key factors affecting business demands are discussed. Like citizen surveys, our research obtains 223 efficiency questionnaires by random collection. The result is similar to citizen survey, which age, education level, geography location and level, business scale may take a significant effect on business demands of e-government. For service mode choice, it is related to education level of employee, business scale and economic level.Sixthly, demand planning management is studied. The research sets up demand intensity analysis model in order to seek for relationship between population characteristic factors and demand intensity. And by using cross effects of all factors to demand scale, the planning management is carried out. So demand planning dynamic management model is set up, which is based on the analysis of demand intensity and demand scale layout. Finally, the research validates demand intensity and demand scale plan.The primary innovations of this thesis are summarized in the following:(1)The users of e-government are confirmed and a method of e-government user classification is put forward. In order to realize e-government, it is necessary firstly to clarify a problem:“who is the consumer of e-government?”Although there are researchers put forward some development patterns of e-government such as G2G, G2C, G2G, G2N, G2E, they don’t specifically give the conception of e-government consumer and also don’t clarify who on earth is consumer of e-government. The e-government development patterns they put forward don’t give the criteria of e-government consumer classification. This problem blocks further research practice of e-government. Diversified problems of e-government implementation we previously mentioned are a result of lacking e-government consumer clarification.Based on literature review, users’relationship management theory is applied into e-government research which enriches theory research content. Based on users subdivision of CRM, clarify e-government users are clarified and point out that e-government users mainly include four classes of group which are citizen group, corporation group, government group and non-government organization or non-profit institution. On the basis of this classification for e-government users, the criteria of classifying e-government users are put forward. Then e-government users are defined from angles of macro and microcosmic, e-government system, government and district, and discuss the relationship between e-government users. Then the research proposes user identified process of e-government., and explains the process by Xin-Fang information system case.(2)The demand identification model is constructed. After confirmation of e-government users, how can people recognize demand of e-government? Analyzing situations of supply and demand of e-government, demand identification model is conducted,including content of demands, factors affecting demand, demand lists which categorize e-government demand into outside demand, latency demand and undiscovered demand.(3)Key factors affecting citizen and business are studied. The majority of researches analyze from macro angle such as national strategy, policy and security, which ignore users themselves. And these researches are lack of empirical analysis, mainly based on experience and case study.Our research is founded on survey study, which studies population character factors. These factors, such as individual, society, geography, technology and psychology, are from the point view of user demand. The result reveals these factors will take an important effect on demand and service mode, embodying age, education level, location, location level and income, etc. It supplies theoretical reference for government individual service.(4)The planning management model of e-government demand. In the process of e-government planning, because of limited resource it is impossible to make all services electronic in all districts. So it needs to enforce e-government demand intensity and scale management. But previous research and practice don’t take this problem into account. Most e-government practices follow other district’s e-government practice without considering about concrete situation of local districts which causes bad waste of resource and dissatisfaction of users.Therefore, based on the results of empirical study, the model of e-government demand intensity and scale plan management about citizen and business is constructed. Through this model we can effectively forecast basic situation of e-government demand in one district based on its population character factor. After theoretically analyzing the model, the research verifies with practical data. Finally, a demand planning dynamic management model is constructed so as to provide scientific decision foundation for e-government management of government department.


