

Study on Anti-Monopolistic Regulation of Transnational Mergers and Acquisitions

【作者】 吴云峰

【导师】 徐冬根;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要研究跨国并购反垄断法规制问题,指出了跨国并购在主权国家疆界内反垄断法规制碰到的困难以及引起的管辖冲突问题,阐述了反垄断法的不确定性和在国际层面的弹性执行等特点,分析了在目前情况下类似于WTO那样的机构来统一管理跨国并购的不可行性以及区域合作的难度,最后提出了在这样的现实情况面前,如何发扬我国反垄断法的效力,而又如何规避外国相关法律制度,尽可能使我国企业海外并购更加顺利的建议。本文第一章是对跨国并购的一些基本问题的研究。首先界定了企业、公司与事业,并购、兼并、合并与集中,跨国并购等几组本文出现频率较高而且比较关键的术语,接着分析了跨国并购对世界经济积极与消极的两方面影响,最后提出跨国并购对主权国家反垄断法规制带来的困难以及国家与国家之间反垄断法律管辖的冲突问题。第二章是对跨国并购反垄断法规制具体规则的分析。首先是反垄断法能够诞生的理论基础包括经济学上竞争理论以及经济民主主义思想,然后介绍了美国、欧盟等各国和地区反垄断法规制企业并购方面的具体规则,最后分析了反垄断法本身存在的不确定性,阐述了经济学分析方法的引入并不能从根本上解决这个不确定性的难题,而国际因素的介入更加使得不确定性因素加大。第三章经过从多边合作、区域合作、双边合作等三个方面的分析,认为在民族国家没有消亡、国家利益仍然被绝对维护、各国政治、经济、文化千差万别的情况下,跨国并购反垄断法规制国际协调的难度很大,短时期内不可能达到那种对跨国并购真正国际统一规制和协调的程度,而双边合作是最终无奈的选择。第四章通过对我国企业参与跨国并购现状的考察和评析,提出了我国反垄断法规制跨国并购的思考:服务于国家利益和国家战略;莫轻言国民待遇原则;具体案件具体分析;多部门配合,通盘考虑。也对我国企业海外并购遭遇反垄断法提出了几条对策和建议:取得政府的支持;熟悉与掌握并购目标国的相应法律规定;选择好并购对象和并购时机;积极营造有利的并购氛围。

【Abstract】 The thesis investigates the problem of anti-monopoly law related to transnational mergers and acquisitions. It points out the difficulties of transnational M&A when it is in conflict with anti-monopoly law in an independent country and brings about a series of regulation problems. The thesis discusses the indefinite nature of anti-monopoly law and the flexibility of the law enforcement in terms of international business. It analyzes the difficulty of WTO in regulating transnational M&A and the infeasibility of regional cooperation. Based on all these discussions, the author put forward several suggestions on how to put the anti-monopoly law into effect and how our enterprises sidestep relevant foreign laws so as to make their transnational M&A more smoothly.The first chapter discusses the basic issues in transnational M&A. It at first defines such frequent terms as enterprise, company and undertaking, M&A, acquisition, merger and concentration, transnational M&A. Then it analyzes the positive and negative effects of transnational M&A upon global economy. In the end, it elaborates the conflicts between international acquisition and national anti-monopoly law and the jurisdiction conflicts between countries in this respect.The second chapter analyzes the main rules of anti-monopoly law concerning transnational M&A. At the beginning it discusses the theoretical basis for anti-monopoly law---competition theory and democratic ideology in economics. It then introduces the practice of the United States and European Unions in terms of the regulating rules of anti-monopoly law guiding M&A. It finally analyzes the indefiniteness of anti-monopoly law and argues that the introduction of economic analysis can not solve the indefinite problem and the intervention of international factors increases such indefiniteness.The third chapter analyzes the difficulty of supranational cooperation concentrating anti-monopolistic regulation of transnational M&A at multilateral level, regional level and bilateral level. It argues that the supranational regulation will not come true actually in a short period because of national interests and various political, economic, cultural factors in different countries. It points that the bilateral cooperation concentrating anti-monopolistic regulation of transnational M&A is the eventual choice. The fourth chapter reviews and analyzes the M&A involved with Chinese enterprises, and then put forward several points related to the anti-monopolistic regulation: it is in the national interest and in conformity with national strategies; national treatment standard should not be mentioned excessively; different cases need to be analyzed differently; it calls for the co-operation of many government departments. Finally, it set forth several suggestions on how our enterprises sidestep relevant foreign laws: it should get the support from our government in advance; the relevant foreign laws should be known well; choose the right object and occasion; build the favorable environment for M&A.


