

System Analysis and Operation Control for Energy Consumption of Road Logistics

【作者】 徐广印

【导师】 沈胜强;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 动力机械及工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 伴随社会经济的发展、人口数量的增加、人类生活标准的提高,全世界能源消费量不断上升,作为社会经济服务性子系统的物流业是能源消耗的主要领域之一。物流活动与社会经济的发展相辅相成。现代物流是经济发展的支柱,经济的发展又会引起物流总量的增加。频繁的物流活动会增加能源消耗、加重空气污染和废弃物污染、引起交通堵塞等,因此,对社会经济的可持续发展也产生了消极影响。进入21世纪以来,资源短缺、能源过度消耗、环境恶化等重大危机更加凸现,作为大量消耗能源、也以噪音、废气等严重破坏环境的道路物流业,在发展上必然面临着很强的制约。本文在可持续发展思想指导下,运用现代科学理论和技术方法对道路物流能源消耗进行结构分析、系统优化、动态模拟与仿真调控、灰关联评价等方面的工作,从而完成物流能源消耗系统理论的研究。主要研究内容包括:(1)绪论及相关现状概述。确立论文的研究背景、研究框架以及研究方法,并对国内外相关领域的研究和发展现状进行检索分析,体现在论文的第一章和第二章。(2)道路物流能源消耗系统分析。基于统计数据揭示中国物流能源消耗结构和消费情况,得出物流能源消耗相关分析结构图;依据系统结构辩识技术确定道路物流能源消耗的结构模型并完成模型辩识与相关性研究,体现在论文的第三章。(3)道路物流能源消耗系统优化研究。在系统分析的基础上,建立宏观层次、规划阶段和应用环节三个不同目标要求的物流能源消耗系统优化模型,构建算法并进行模型应用;基于系统结构模型和优化模型,进行道路物流能源消耗的系统动力学理论研究与模拟仿真;构建道路物流能源消耗系统运行的调控模型,并实现模型的运行响应和分析,体现在论文的第四章和第五章。(4)道路物流能源消耗关联研究。构建基于现代物流和供应链管理环境下的道路物流能源消耗评价指标体系;确定道路物流能源消耗决策管理方案。以全国和河南为例,对物流能源消耗量和相关物流指标的关联度进行排序计算与分析。(5)最后,论文对物流能源在建模、控制和政策实施等方面研究趋势进行了展望。本文的应用性理论研究,希望能从节约能源的角度重构物流理论基础,完善效率、效益、节能的基本准则和目标,协助指导物流工程规划与设计、物流作业与物流管理方法、技术创新,并希望最终能协助规范全社会物流活动行为,以促进物流业的健康发展。

【Abstract】 Along with the socioeconomic development, population increasement and the improvement of humanity living standards, the worldwide energy consumption is rising. As a subsystem of the socio-economic system, the logistics industry is one main areas of the energy consumption.Logistics activities is correlatived with socio-economic development each other. The modern logistics is the backbone of economic development; and the economic development would come about the increase in the logistics gross. Frequent logistics activities will increase energy consumption, air and rubbish pollution, traffic congestion and so on. Therefore, it has also had a negative impact on the socio-economic sustainable development. In the 21th century, the major crises, such as resources shortage, excessive energy consumption, environmental worsening, are much distinctly. The road logistics is an industry with not only large energy consumption, but also much noise, emissions and other serious damage to the environment, which development faces with a very strong constraint inevitablely.Under the direction of sustainable development, by the modern scientific theories and techniques, the thesis makes some research on the energy consumption of road logistics system for the structure analysis, system optimization, dynamic simulation and control, gray relational evaluation, to complete the theory research on energy consumption of logistics systems. The content is as follows:(1) PartⅠis the introduction and overview of the status quo (Chapters 1 and 2). It includes research background, research framework, research methods, and the related research fields both at home and abroad about the study.(2) PartⅡis the systemic analysis of energy consumption of road logistics (Chaper 3). Based on the statistical data, the energy consumption of China logistics structure and consumption is revealed. The correlation chart of the energy consumption of the logistics structure reached is given. Based on the system identification techniques, the structure model of the energy consumption of road logistics system and related research are completed.(3) PartⅢis the optimization study of energy consumption of road logistics system (chapters 4 and 5). Based on the systemic analysis above, the optimization model of energy consumption is established on three different aspects of the objectives, i.s. the macro-level, the planning stage and the application. The model algorithm and applications are given too. Then, based on the model and optimization model for energy consumption, the study on the system dynamics theory and simulation is made. The control model for the energy consumption of road logistics system operating is build, and the operation in response to the realization of the model and analysis.(4) PartⅣis the association study about the energy consumption of road logistics systems (chapters 6). The evaluation index system for energy consumption in the road logistics based on modern logistics and supply chain management are build. The in decision-making management system of the energy consumption of road logistics is determined. The Case of China and Henan about the correlation between the energy consumption volume and the related index of road logistics is calculated and analyzed.(5) Finally, the research trends on the modeling, control and policy are discussed.The applied theoretical research in the thesis will reconstruct logistics fundamental theory from the perspective of energy conservation. The study is hoped to improve the basic guidelines and objectives in efficiency, effectiveness and energy-saving, to help guide the planning and design of logistics engineering, logistics operations and logistics management, technology innovation, and help to standardize the conduct of logistics activities of the whole society, then to promote the healthy development of the logistics industry eventually.


