

The Key Factors during the Strategic Transformation Implement of the Trading Central SOEs

【作者】 刘庆贤

【导师】 肖洪钧;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 针对战略转型“实施不当引致企业衰败”这一关键性难题,从解决“战略转型实施过程如何落地”入手,以“战略转型实施关键因素”为研究突破口,围绕“文献回顾——战略转型实施关键因素理论模型构建与修正——商贸类中央企业战略转型实施关键因素实践模型构建与实证验证”这一研究思路,综合运用产业链管理理论、组织协同理论、战略信息系统理论、组织学习理论,重点进行了以下研究工作:(1)战略转型实施关键因素的甄别与模型建构:系统梳理西方理论界战略转型权威学者的研究发现,重点聚焦于战略转型实施过程中的关键因素,结合国内学界战略转型著名学者基于中国情境下的研究成果,凝练并甄别出影响战略转型实施的关键因素,提出了战略转型实施关键因素初始理论模型,经过第一轮理论专家访谈和第二轮实务专家问卷调查进行修正,构建出战略转型实施关键因素理论模型,并对该模型四个维度进行了理论研究,为后续构建出商贸类中央企业战略转型实施关键因素实践模型奠定了理论基础。(2)案例研究方法严谨性测度指标的构建与检验性应用:本文研究对象——商贸类中央企业样本企业数量较少,决定了案例研究方法成为本文合适的研究方法。通过研究西方权威案例研究专家发表在世界一流管理学期刊上的案例研究型文献,尤其聚焦战略转型领域的案例研究文献,考察国内理论界案例研究学派的理论探索和案例研究操作的实践现状,构建出一套提升案例研究方法严谨性的测度指标,为后续运用这套指标进行商贸类中央企业战略转型实施关键因素的案例分析研究提供严谨科学的方法论基础。(3)商贸类中央企业战略转型实施关键因素的识别、模型建构与验证检验:运用了案例研究方法严谨性测度指标,对四户商贸中央企业战略转型实施过程进行案例研究,深化战略转型实施关键因素理论模型,引申构建出商贸类中央企业战略转型实施关键因素实践模型,并对该模型四个维度进行了理论研究,该实践模型所包含的四个维度是对战略转型实施关键因素理论模型四个维度的承续和具体化,两者之间具有较强的关联性,运用双案例对商贸类中央企业战略转型实施关键因素实践模型进行比较案例验证。本研究构建的战略转型实施关键因素理论模型,对于企业集团战略转型有较强理论参考;构建的商贸类中央企业战略转型实施关键因素实践模型,对于尚在战略转型探索中的商贸类中央企业战略转型实施过程,能够为其实施战略转型提供实践路径的指导;构建的案例研究方法严谨性测度指标,能够为提升案例研究水平提供方法论支持。

【Abstract】 For improper implementation of strategic transformation will lead to the decline, this dissertation starts with how strategic transformation process operates, and makes the strategic transformation implementation key factors as the breakthroughing point. This dissertation surrounds the research idea from the literature review to the strategic transformation implementation key factors theoretical model construction and amendment, and to the Trading Central SOEs strategic transformation implementation key factors practicial model construction and empirical cerification. This dissertation focuses on the following studies:(1) the identification and model construction of strategic transformation implementation key factors:this dissertation proposes the strategic transformation implementation key factors initial theoretical model, and makes the theorists and practical experts amendment, and carries out the theoretical studies of four dimensions in the model, this lays a theoretical foundation for the follow-up the Trading Central SOEs strategic transformation implementation key factors practice model.(2) the construction and verifying application of rigorous measuring indicators in case study method:the case study method is appropriate for this dissertation. This dissertation constructs a set of rigorous measuring indicators, and provides a rigorous and scientific methodology basis for applying this set of indicators for the case analysis of the Trading Central SOEs strategic transformation implementation key factors.(3) the identification, model construction and verification of the Trading Central SOEs strategic transformation implementation key factors:by the case study of four Trading Central SOEs strategic transformation implement process, this dissertation constructs the practical model of the Trading Central SOEs strategic transformation implementation key factors, and makes the comparing verification with two cases.The theoretical model of strategic transformation implementation key factors, the practical model of Trading Central SOEs strategic transformation implementation key factors and the rigorous measuring indicators in the case study method have strong theoretical and practical significance.


