

On Virtual Self in Network

【作者】 徐琳琳

【导师】 王前; 安延明;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 网络时代的到来营造出人类新的生存空间,给人的自我存在与自我表现带来了新的方式,即在网络空间中自我的存在方式——“虚拟自我”。网络中的虚拟自我是现实自我在网络虚拟环境中的衍生物。网络技术的“人际性”、“后现代性”、“去抑制性”以及“容器人”效应,是网络中虚拟自我能够存在的技术条件。网络中虚拟自我存在的心理学根据,在于它是对人们所缺乏事物的心灵补偿、自我认同的实验室,面具下的自我舞台,以及新的健康人格诉求途径。网络中虚拟自我的价值在于,它是认知世界的新工具、自我价值实现的新方式、追求自由的新方法。事实上,在网络出现之前,虚拟自我已经存在于现实生活当中,表现为理想的自我、虚构的自我、想象的自我、矛盾的自我,只是没有成为独立的存在,而常常被人们忽略。这些虚拟的自我与现实自我存在着矛盾与冲突。网络技术出现后,使人们摆脱现实世界各种条件的限制,在网络空间中可能获得更多的亲身体验和在场感,为虚拟自我成为相对独立的存在提供了条件。网络中的虚拟自我的发展可以分为初级阶段和高级阶段。初级阶段的虚拟自我是依赖网络环境的虚拟自我,具有明显的感性特征,受到网络中外界信息和网络运营商的很大影响,往往不能自控。尽管从心理上可以感受到虚拟自我的存在,但不能完全自主,因而不是本质意义上的自我。高级阶段的虚拟自我是经过自觉反思和道德提升形成的,是理性支配下的具有自觉意识的自我。网络中的虚拟自我只有达到这一阶段,网络才能真正成为人的有利工具而不是束缚或误导人的设施。达到网络中虚拟自我的高级阶段,是网络中虚拟自我发展的目标,但现在很多人尚未达到这一阶段。很多相关的社会问题都是由此而来的。网络中的虚拟自我有其积极的意义和价值。它有助于从一个新的角度审视自我的本真状态,发现自我的弱点和缺陷,并通过网络上的实践活动发展和完善自我。这是处于高级阶段的网络中虚拟自我应具备的功能。但同时应该看到,目前处于初级阶段的网络中的虚拟自我带来了许多新的问题,甚至出现了一些负面影响。这一阶段的虚拟自我往往排斥现实自我干预和控制,甚至反过来对现实自我进行渗透和侵蚀。首先带来的是青少年迷恋虚拟自我而沉迷于网络游戏的问题,他们利用网络逃避现实,寻求解脱,进而将网络中的逻辑和规则移入现实世界。其次是成年人由于虚拟身份的增加,非常规人际互动性的虚拟交往,导致孤独、空虚、成瘾等心理问题,进而出现人格分裂、社会角色异化甚至自我认同危机。对于部分网民群体而言,呈现出一种追求感性而忽视理性,追求低俗与实用,反对高雅与深厚的趋向,进一步发展导致了自我认知能力退化、反社会主流倾向等问题。我国传统文化的某些弱点,加重了这种非理性的网络中虚拟自我的涌现,以及独生子女一代对这种虚拟自我特殊迷恋的倾向。因此,我们必须找到网络中虚拟自我与网络技术的应然关系,使网络技术活动成为真正由自我意识所主宰的整体自我的活动,成为自我整合、自我协调和人格升华的活动,而不是自我分裂的活动。重塑符合社会发展所需要的“虚拟自我”,不但需要建构网络中虚拟自我的伦理,而且需要社会教育、舆论导向共同发挥作用。

【Abstract】 With the advent of the Internet age, a new virtual living space for human is created, which brings a new way of self-existence and self-expression, that is, the existence of self in virtual space-"virtual self. Virtual self is a ramification of real self in virtual environment. The interpersonal nature, post-modernity, and disinhibition of network technology, as well as the vessel effect are the technical conditions of the virtual self in network. The psychological bases of the virtual self in network are the spiritual compensation for the lack of matters, self-identity laboratory, stage of self hidden under the mask provide, and a new means of healthy personality demands. The value of virtual self in network is a new means to understand the world, a new method to achieve self-worth, and a new way to pursue freedom.In fact, virtual self, embodied in ideal self, fictional self, imagined self, or contradictory self that contradict and conflict with real self, did exist in real life before the emergence of network. It was neglected by people, since it was not became a relatively independent existence. With network technology, which frees people from the restrictions of the real world, offers more first-hand experiences and senses of presence in cyberspace, and provides conditions for the becoming a relatively independent existence of the virtual self.The development of virtual self in network can be divided into the primary stage and the advanced stage. Virtual self in the primary stage rely on the network environment, with obvious perceptual character, greatly affected by the outside information of network and network companies, often cannot control its own. Although psychologically we could feel the existence of virtual self, it isn’t completely autonomic, thus it is not a self in the essential sense. Virtual self in the advanced stage is the outcome of conscious reflection and moral promotion and the self of consciousness under the domination of reason. It is only the virtual self in network reach this stage that the network can truly be a beneficial tool for people rather than constraining or misleading facility. To reach the advanced stage of the virtual self in network is the goal of development of virtual self in network, however now few people have reached that stage so that many social problems are caused.Virtual self in network has its positive meaning and value. It helps to reflect the true state of self from a new perspective, find the weaknesses and shortcomings of self, as well as develop and perfect self through the practical network activities. This is the function that virtual self at the advanced stage should perform. However, it is also should be noted that virtual self in the primary stage has brought many new problems and even some negative impacts currently. Virtual self in this stage often rejects the intervention and control of the real self, even aggresses and corrupts it. It firstly results in adolescents’ infatuation with the virtual self, and addiction to network games. The youngsters escape from reality, seeking relief on Internet. Further more, they apply the logic and rules of the network to the real world. Secondly, for adults, virtual identity and the unconventional virtual communication lead to psychological problems such as loneliness, emptiness, and addiction, or even the problems of split personality, alienation of social roles and self-identity crisis. Among the partial netizens, there is a tendency to advocate sensibility while ignoring rationality, to pursue vulgarity and practicality while opposing to elegance and depth. Developed further, it may lead to the degradation of self-perception, and the anti-social mainstream tendency. Some of the weaknesses of Chinese traditional culture aggravate the irrational virtual self in network, as well as the trend that the only-child generation fascinated in the virtual self.In conclusion, we must find the ought-to-be relations between virtual self and network technology, so as to make network technological activities the overall self activities dominated by self-awareness, as well as activities of self-integration, self-coordination and personality sublimation, rather than the activities of self-split. To remodel "virtual self" in line with the needs of social development, we needs not only to build the virtual self ethic, but also to make sure that social education and public opinion play a role together.

【关键词】 网络虚拟自我
【Key words】 InternetVirtualSelf
  • 【分类号】C912.1;G206
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】1961
  • 攻读期成果

