

Research on Collaborative Manufacturing Execution System Based on Ubiquitous Computing

【作者】 王霄

【导师】 刘晓冰;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 制造执行系统(Manufacturing execution system, MES)作为连接企业上层计划管理和底层控制的桥梁,负责生产计划的执行、资源调配以及生产过程的控制等功能任务。而目前多品种、小批量、客户化的生产方式导致离散制造业MES在应用中存在着生产物流和信息流脱节的问题,主要体现在:生产过程中信息的收集、发布和处理手段落后;反馈信息不能及时、全面的反映生产过程中的实时变化,不能满足业务决策的需求。因此本文针对如何高效地获取和使用数据问题,建立了基于普适计算的协同制造执行系统的框架模型。同时在考虑MES系统迫切需求的集成性、重构性和交互性的基础上,做了以下研究工作:首先,根据普适计算融合物理空间与信息空间的思想,实现生产物流和信息流的协同需要解决两个问题:第一,建立动态的数据模型,在记录物料、人员等静态信息的基础上,充分反映生产过程中设备、物料、在制品以及订单任务等信息的实时状态和变化过程;第二,通过高效的手段从其它系统或现场获取这些信息,并实现信息的传递和共享,满足生产管理和控制的需求。针对第一个问题,本文以生产物流为主线、以管理控制为目的、以现场信息为对象,利用本体技术建立了分层结构的动态数据模型。静态设计本体实现系统间的信息交互和共享,业务运行本体反映和记录车间实时生产过程。针对第二个问题,借助普适计算中以射频识别、条码等自动感知为基础的蕴含式交互技术,以手持终端等无线应用为基础的普遍接入技术,提高MES信息收集、传递、处理的效率、自动化水平和覆盖范围。同时,通过建立事件模型和接口规范,实现多源异构信息的实时数据采集和交互,促进生产物流的合理化、快速化、方便化、效益化。然而,设备直接获取的信息只反映局部的生产状态,仍不能满足不同功能业务的需求。因此,利用上下文感知计算模型,建立车间业务规则模型,运用各种知识推理机制,对传感器数据等原始上下文及进行解释和推理,推导出高层的业务上下文信息。本文讨论了基于本体规则的上下文推理,根据生产过程实时状态推进业务流程;基于粗集的模糊推理方法,通过分析历史信息进行质量决策。最后,研究了基于普适计算的企业应用基础平台,为面向服务的企业协同应用提供运行支撑环境;开发了基于企业服务总线的协同制造执行系统数原型,并介绍了企业的应用案例。

【Abstract】 As the bridge connecting the planning&managing layer and the facility control layer, Manufacturing Executive System (MES) plays an important role in manufactural enterprises. However, within the current complicated manufacturing environment, to meet the individualized and diverse demand, companies have to change their production to multi-specification and small-batch and customized mode. In this condition, the deviation between Production Logistics and Information Flow shows up:the means of information collection, dissemination and visualization fall behind the production management demand; the feedback information can’t fulfill the need of management decision-making in real-time with dynamic data reflecting overall production process. Aims at improve the efficiency in the data collection and application, also lays a stronger emphasis on abilities of integration, collaboration and reconfiguration this dissertation constructed the system model of collaborative manufacturing execution system based on ubiquitous computing.First of all, to realize the collaboration of production logistic and information flow, according to the theory of fusing physical space and information space, the follows problem should be resolved:First, the dynamic information exchange platform should be constructed, which is not only including the static entity like material and personnel but also reflecting the real-time state and changes of equipment, material, semi-finished product and order in production process. Second, system could collect overall information from the production field and other information system, and realize share and dissemination of data through efficient ways, to satisfy the demand of production management and control. For the first problem, based on analyse of production logistic, combining the ontology method, a dynamic hierarchical data model was proposed. The static design ontology is used for data exchange and share and the business running ontology is used to reflect and record the production process.To resolve the second problem, the technology of automatic identification, implicit interaction and wireless net access technology were introduced, to improve the automatic level, data range and efficiency of data collection, transfer and processing. Also, the event model and interface model of heterogeneous distributed information of multi-sources were constructed, to support the realization of rationalization, instantaneous, convenience and benefit of production. Then, the context-wawre applications under ubiquitous environment were introduced to solve the problems of the data conversion from the plant to business (P2B), data transform and data transmission. To generate high level context and assure the consistency and accuracy of context, which is presented by ontology, several business rules were proposed to support context reasoning. For example, the fuzzy reasoning methods based on rough set used in quality management was discussed.Finally, an enterprise application platform based on ubiquitous computing was studied; a prototype of Ubiquitous Computing module of collaborative MES was presented as well. An application example was provided that verifies the feasibility of approaches to develop Manufacturing Executive System based on Ubiquitous Computing.


