

The Empirial Research of Human All-round Development Evaluation Model Based on Scientific Outlook on Development

【作者】 李刚

【导师】 迟国泰;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 贯彻落实科学发展观的一个重要方面就是建立符合科学发展观“以人为本”核心要求的人的全面发展指标体系。人的全面发展是评价社会主义市场经济的最高标准,实现人的全面发展是科学发展最终目标。建立人的全面发展评价指标体系并对我国以及我国各级行政区进行评价对指导我国的科学发展具有重要的意义。本论文共分五章。第一章绪论。第二章基于科学发展观的人的全面发展评价指标体系构建。第三章是基于科学发展观的人的全面发展评价方法体系的构建。第四章是对中国、中国典型省份以及中国典型副省级城市的人的全面发展的实证研究。第五章是结论与展望。本论文的主要工作如下:(1)建立了基于科学发展观的人的全面发展评价指标体系。以科学发展观为指导,以国际权威机构经典观点的高频指标为基础,通过定性分析和定量分析方法相结合的方法筛选国民幸福指数、基尼系数等指标反映“以人为本”的科学发展观的核心,构建了符合科学发展观“以人为本”核心的人的全面发展评价指标体系。通过人均GDP、基尼系数、社会保障覆盖率等指标反映“人与社会和谐”原则;通过人均安全水资源拥有量、三废达标率、人均绿地面积等指标反映“人与自然和谐”的原则;通过国民幸福指数、恩格尔系数、平均受教育年限等指标反映“人与人和谐”的原则。(2)建立了基于科学发展观的人的全面发展评价方法体系。一是建立了标准差修正群组G1组合赋权的人的全面发展评价模型;二是建立了级差最大化组合赋权方法的人的全面发展评价模型;三是建立了基尼系数赋权方法的人的全面发展评价模型。(3)对中国、中国省级行政区及副省级城市的人的全面发展评价。一是通过标准差修正群组G1组合赋权评价模型对中国2001-2007人的全面发展进行评价;二是通过级差最大化组合赋权模型对中国14个典型的省级行政区人的全面发展进行评价;三是通过基尼系数赋权模型对中国10个典型的副省级城市的人的全面发展进行评价;四是针对三个层面的人的全面发展评价结果分析了影响中国、中国省级行政区和副省级城市的主要因素,并针对发展中存在的优势与不足提出政策建议,为国家、省和副省级城市各级政府制定人的全面发展政策提供参考依据。

【Abstract】 The important aspect of the implementing scientific outlook on development is to establish the Human All-Round Development evaluation index system that reflects the core of scientific outlook on development meaning putting people first and the human-oriented. The Human All-Round Development is the highest standard of evaluating socialist market economy. The realization of Human All-Round Development is the ultimate goal of scientific development. Establishing the Human All-Round Development evaluation index system based on putting people first and the human-oriented of scientific development and evaluating China and the administrative districts at all levels have a great significance on the guidance of scientific development of China.The paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction. The second chapter expounds the construction of the index system of Human All-Round Development evaluation based on the scientific outlook on development. The third chapter introduces the construction of Human All-Round Development evaluation methodology. The forth chapter discusses empirical research on Human All-Round Development of China, provinces and sub-provincial cities of China. In the fifth chapter come the conclusion and the prospects.The major work of this paper is as follows:This paper constructs the Human All-Round Development evaluation index system that reflects the requirements of scientific development. Based on the high frequency which have occurred in the typical documents from the international authorities, Gross National Happiness Index, Gini Coefficient reflects the core of the human-oriented scientific outlook on development, the per capita GDP, Gini Coefficient, Social security coverage reflect the principle of the harmony between the human and the society, the security of water resources per capita possession, the compliance rate of waste, per capita green area reflect the of the principle of harmony between the human and the nature. The Gross National Happiness Index, Engel’s Coefficient, the average years of education reflect the principle of the harmony between the human and the human. This paper screens indicators based on the multiple portfolio analysis that includes qualitative analysis, clustering analysis, coefficient of variation analysis and rational analysis. And the Human All-Round Development evaluation index system that reflects the requirements of scientific development is constructed. Based on the Scientific Development, Human All-Round Development Evaluation is established. Firstly, Human All-Round Development Evaluation Model of China is established based on the G1-Group by optimal-order. Secondly, Human All-Round Development Evaluation Model of China of Provinces is established according to Level Difference Maximization. Thirdly, Human All-Round Development Evaluation Model of Sub-provinces is established using Gini coefficient weight.Human All-Round Development of Provinces and Sub-provinces are evaluated. Firstly, Human All-Round Development of China from 2001 to 2007 is evaluated based on the G1-Group by optimal-order, and to make policy recommendations based on the evaluation results. Secondly, Human All-Round Development of 14 Provinces is evaluated according to Level Difference Maximization, and to make policy recommendations based on the evaluation results. Thirdly, Human All-Round Development of 10 sub-Provinces is evaluated using Gini coefficient weight, and to make policy recommendations based on the evaluation results.


