

【作者】 胡斌

【导师】 叶长海;

【作者基本信息】 上海戏剧学院 , 戏剧戏曲学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 作为世界性的非物质文化遗产,昆曲艺术的保护和传承有赖于优秀昆曲人才的涌现,取决于昆曲教育事业的兴衰成败。本文采用以点带面、个案研究的方式,回顾二十世纪以来几代昆曲演员的成长历程,概括各地不同时期关于昆曲教育模式的积极探索,通过对生源、师资、教学方式、教学内容和艺术实践等多方面的具体分析,总结近百年间昆曲人才培养的经验和教训,试图完成对“近现代昆曲教育”这一选题的系统性、理论性的深入研究。论文分五大部分。第一部分,概述昆曲教育,分为三节。第一节,对“昆曲教育”一词进行定义性的界说,即“关于专业昆曲人才的培养过程的研究”;第二节,按照教育单位进行分类,归纳了四种古代昆曲的教育模式,并对各种模式的特点进行分析和概括,总结其成功的历史经验;第三节,对昆曲教育的内容进行分类论述。第二部分到第四部分,根据教育单位的不同,分别对昆剧传习所、学校及培训班和专业剧团三种昆曲教育模式进行系统的研究,并选取代表性的个案进行深入分析。第二部分,昆剧传习所的昆曲教育。首先,对昆曲艺术的历史盛衰以及二十世纪初昆曲的生存环境和人才状况进行全面回顾,论述了昆剧传习所这一二十世纪最重要的昆曲科班的创办背景;其次,具体分析了昆剧传习所的创办过程、人才培养方式、实践演出以及“持续性”教育等问题。第三部分,学校及培训班的昆曲教育。首先,概述了各地不同时期昆曲班的整体教育情况;其次,分别以上海戏曲学校“昆大班”和“昆五班”为例,对戏曲学校的昆曲教育模式以及新世纪昆曲教育的探索进行了全面的个案研究;再次,对其它具有代表性的学校及培训班的昆曲人才培养实例进行分析。第四部分,专业剧团的昆曲教育。首先,对各地剧团昆曲教育情况进行了整体概述;其次,以江苏省苏昆剧团为例,结合单个演员的成长历程,对剧团学馆“以团带班”的昆曲教育模式进行了深入分析;再次,以青春版《牡丹亭》为例,论述“以戏育人”的昆曲教育模式的科学性和合理性,总结这种新型的昆曲人才培养方式的成功经验。第五部分,近现代昆曲教育的回顾与思考。首先,对近现代以来各种昆曲教育模式的成败得失予以总结,揭示优秀昆曲人才成材的内在规律;其次,论述曲家、曲友和曲社对近现代昆曲教育所作的贡献;最后,对目前昆曲教育中存在的问题进行逐个分析,并提出行之有效的解决建议,试图为未来的昆曲教育事业提供一定的参考。

【Abstract】 The protection and inheritance of Kunqu art,one of the world intangible cultural heritage,depend on the emerging of outstanding professionals of Kunqu and the success of Kunqu education. In this paper, I review the developmental process of several generations of Kunqu actors and actresses since the 20th century in the way of case study using the experience of one point to lead the whole area, to give a sweeping generalization about the exploration of effective modes of Kunqu education in various areas during different periods. Through the analysis of such aspects as source of students, qualities of teachers, teaching methods, teaching content and art practice and the summarization of the experience and lessons of Kunqu education in this century, this paper tries to accomplish a systematic and theoretical research on the topic of the Education of Kunqu in Modern Times.This paper consists of five parts, which begins with stating the Kunqu education in three sections. The first section gives the definition of Kunqu education, which is the research on the cultivating process of professional Kunqu actors. The second section gives classification according to the education units, summarizes the four education modes of ancient Kunqu, analyses and generalizes the characteristics of different modes, and sums up its successful historic experience. In the third section, the content of Kunqu opera education is discussed in categories. From the second part to the fourth part, on the basis of different education units, I do systematic study on the three Kunqu opera education modes of training institute, schools and training class and professional opera troupes, and select some representative cases for further analysis.Part two is devoted to the Kunqu opera education in the Kunqu Opera School It gives an overall review of the rise and fall of Kunqu in history, the living environment and talents situation in early 20th century, summarizes the establishment background of the Kunqu Opera School, the most important Kunqu school in 20th century. It also analyzes and discusses the establishing processes, cultivating modes, practicing performances and constant education of Kunqu training institutes.Part three discusses the Kunqu education in schools and training classes. First, it shows the general picture of Kunqu class in different areas during different period. Next, taking the example of“Kunqu class one”and“Kunqu class five”in Shanghai Traditional Opera School, it analyzes the Kunqu education modes in opera school and the Kunqu education in the new century. And then, it analyzes other representative examples of schools and training classes on the cultivation of Kunqu talents.Part four focuses on the Kunqu education in professional opera troupes. First, it gives an overall statement about the Kunqu education situation in different troupes. Next, taking the Theater Sukun in Jiangsu province as an example, combining with the personal development of certain actors, it offers a deep analysis on the education mode of“leading the class with groups”in opera troupe training. Then, it takes the youth version of Peony Pavilion to demonstrate the scientific rationality of the Kunqu education mode of“educating people through performing”, and summarizes the successful experiences of this new way of cultivating Kunqu talents.Part five is the review of contemplation on modern Kunqu education. First, it gives a summary on the successes and failures of varied Kunqu education modes in modern times, revealing the inherent law of how a Kunqu learner grows to be an excellent performer. Next, it states the contributions of the Kunqu experts, Kunqu fans and Kunqu societies to modern Kunqu education. Finally, it analyzes one by one the exiting problems of the current Kunqu education, and offers effective solutions, trying to provide some useful references for the future development of the Kunqu education.


