

【作者】 宋旸

【导师】 刘元声;

【作者基本信息】 上海戏剧学院 , 戏剧戏曲学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 中国戏曲形成于宋元时期。王国维先生在《宋元戏曲考》中已有论述:“今日流传之古剧,其最古者出于金、元之间。……又宋、元之际,始有南曲、北曲之分,此二者,亦皆综合宋代各种乐曲而为之者也。今欲溯其发达之迹,当分为三章论之:一、宋之滑稽戏;二、宋之杂戏小说;三、宋之乐曲是也。”中国最早的商业剧场——勾栏(又作构栏、勾阑、钩栏、构肆)产生于宋代。在古剧场的发展史中,它的出现具有跨时代的意义,标志着中国戏剧已经发展到成熟阶段,进入商业市场。遗憾的是,在中国古剧场的浩瀚历史长河中,我们没有发现其形象资料遗传至今。中国古建筑以木结构为主,不易保存,因此找到宋代勾栏剧场实物几乎不可能。中国古代剧场研究第一人周贻白先生,他的著作《中国剧场史》第一次提出了勾栏在中国剧场史中的重要位置。古剧场研究学者廖奔先生在《中国古代剧场史》中抒发了这样的感慨,“我深深感到不能等待,一方面随着时代进步我们已经不能容忍这一研究领域的缺憾继续存在,另一方面由于古代建筑有一个保存问题,开展研究的时间越晚,所能见到的实物资料就越少,越给研究带来困难。”廖奔先生在《中国古代剧场史》的开篇序言中写道:“中国戏曲,作为世界上特有的戏剧样式之一,它的现代研究的开展却落后于欧洲和日本戏剧。本世纪以来,尽管对其历史和美学意义的开掘已经达到了一定的程度但在某个研究方面仍存在着死角,例如:中国剧场样式的演化和变迁,仍然是一个触及未深的题目。”本文的着眼点是在了解、考察现有资源的基础上又向前迈进一步,探索已经消失的剧场建筑,通过学习、研究、考察现有资源,复原宋代的戏曲演出场所——勾栏。结合《营造法式》、《清明上河图》等历史文字、图像资料与金、元时期的戏台文物资料,对勾栏中的戏台各局部构件、及院落规模及尺寸进行全方位的复原。并且对勾栏的演变进行探讨,通过现存的宗祠戏台、私家戏台、会馆戏台、旅社戏台及明清戏园的建筑形制特征及转化来探讨它们对勾栏形制的传承,以及它们各自的发展演变。得出结论,勾栏并未消失。复原勾栏、对中国传统文化的遗漏环节进行填补是一项艰苦的工作,但对后人具有极其重要、积极、深远的意义。

【Abstract】 Chinese Opera was formed in the Song and Yuan Dynasties. Mr. Wang Guowei in the "Opera from Song and Yuan Dynasty," have been addressed: "spread the ancient theater today, who for the most ancient gold time of yuan. ... ... "China’s first commercial theater– Gou Lan was found in the Song Dynasty. In the ancient history of the theater, it has the appearance of the significance of cross-time, marking the Chinese drama has developed to a mature stage, into the commercial market.Unfortunately, we did not find the image of the genetic data of the vast theater in ancient Chinese history so far. Chinese ancient buildings was made by wood, easily rot away, it is almost impossible to find a theatre kept from Song dynasty.The research of the history of Ancient Chinese Theatre has been in an awkward position. Opera scholars focus on performance and aesthetics of opera, while the construction industry and scholars seem to have found no ancient Chinese Theatre - a unique architectural form in the entire history of Chinese ancient building which occupies an important position.The first people who focas on ancient theater, Mr. Zhou Yibai wrote a book "History of the Chinese theater," although we recognized it as the history of ancient Chinese Theater Foundation work, but the book on the evolution of the structure and form of theater that only a small amount of discussion. The study of ancient theater scholar Mr. Liao Ben in "History of Ancient Chinese Theater" expressing such a feeling, "I deeply feel that can not wait, on one hand with the progress of the times we have tolerated this research in the field of defects continue to exist, on the other hand as a preservation of ancient architecture, the later research of the time, can see the less physical information, the more it difficult to study. "The past 20 years, the research on the works of ancient Chinese theater was actived, but most still remain in the study from text to text. Out of the door, into the field, fieldwork, close proximity to those who stage, they have not gone in before finishing it, describe, protect down, this is still very difficult.In the opening preamble of Mr. Liao Ben’s book "History of Ancient Chinese Theater",he wrote: "Chinese opera, as the world’s unique style of theater, one of the launch of its modern research has lagged behind Europin and Japanese play. In this century, although its historical and aesthetic significance of the research has reached a certain degree, but in some studies, there are still weak, for example: the evolution of the Chinese theater styles and changes, is still not have a deep subject of a hit. " The focus of this paper is to understand, examine the basis of existing resources, another step, to explore the theater building had disappeared, through study, research, study of existing resources, restoration the performance venues of Song Dynasty- Gou Lan.In Song and Yuan Dynasties did the Gou Lan appears in the history of Chinese opera landmark, it marks the true shape of Chinese opera. Sub-studio performances per opera, Opera has become the most popular art form, which is further matured after the Chinese opera has laid a solid foundation.Recovery Gou Lan to fill the missing link on the Chinese traditional culture is a hard work, but is extremely important, positive, far-reaching significance for the future generations.

【关键词】 勾栏复原瓦舍戏曲杂剧百戏伎艺剧场宋代戏台
【Key words】 Gou LanWa SheChinese operaartistic skilltheatreshedstage of Song Dynasty

