

Research on the Key Parameters of Asphalt Pavement Performance Based on Physiological and Psychological Factor

【作者】 王书云

【导师】 张金喜;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 驾驶安全性与乘坐舒适性是路表服务质量的主要体现。路面抗滑性能与路面平整度是影响驾驶安全和乘坐舒适性的最主要的路面参数。世界各国为了控制道路路面的服务质量,分别对两个参数建立了相应的评定验收标准。通过对沥青路面平整度评定验收标准制定之初及后续修订及使用过程中的文献资料进行分析研究,发现沥青路面平整度评价标准均基于专家打分法制定。专家打分法来源于测试人员的主观打分,分值受打分人员性别、年龄、身体状况、情绪状态等诸多因素影响,结果差异较大,难以客观定量地界定沥青路面的服务质量。乘坐舒适性的本质是乘员对路面不平度引起的乘坐振动的生心理反应,本文在人文理念全球化普遍提高的大前提下,在对大量相关领域研究成果分析梳理的基础上,对乘员的生心理指标与沥青路面平整度间的关系展开了大量试验研究。沥青路面抗滑标准制定之初和后续修订均直接或间接来源于雨天交通事故与路面抗滑摩擦力之间的统计分析。不可否认,雨天交通事故与路面抗滑力间存在密切联系,但是雨天交通事故数据采集困难且数据分析更加困难,很难界定事故的诱因是否因路面抗滑力不足所致。驾驶员作为人——车——路系统中的主观能动因素,对交通事故的产生负有较大责任。路面抗滑力不足将导致驾驶员紧张感增加,影响驾驶员的判断和操纵能力,从而产生交通事故。为了从驾驶员的感知角度定量描述路面的抗滑性能,本文对驾驶员的生心理指标与路面抗滑指标间的关系展开了大量研究。论文研究依托2006年国家自然科学基项目(GM: 50522201)“道路路面性能与交通安全的互动关系研究”。研究工作以大量的室内模拟试验和现场试验为基础,以采集到的高速公路沥青路面平整度数据相辅助,运用符合道路、生心理信号及振动信号等物理量特点与规律的统计分析关键技术展开。研究得出的主要结论有:1)提出了基于IRI(International Roughness Index)平均值、偏度值和峰度值三个指标的RQI(Riding Quality Index)评价体系,即当路面平整度的3个指标同时位于同一个RQI等级时,才能判定RQI为该质量等级的服务水平。当3个指标处于不同RQI等级时,按最不利情况进行评定。2)在对气候、结构构造、材料及施工工艺等影响因素进行专业分析的基础上,提出了单一因素的区域性沥青路面抗滑性能的衰变趋势模型。3)提出了人体心电是可以用来定量评价沥青路面平整度对乘员乘坐舒适性的影响的指标,在此基础上提出了基于心电指标的沥青路面平整度舒适性阈值。4)提出了人体皮电是可以用来定量评价沥青路面抗滑性能对驾驶员紧张情绪的影响的指标,在此基础上提出了基于皮电指标的沥青路面抗滑性能安全性阈值。5)提出了以时间序列和傅利叶转换理论为基础的人体生心理数据的处理方法。目前国内外还没有建立在驾乘人员生心理因素上的沥青路面性能评价与养护标准,以人因作为路面性能评定养护阈值的决定因素,不仅开创了路面性能研究的新领域,而且体现了道路路面性能评价中的人文理念,为保障并促进路面建设的持续协调发展提供了有利的技术支持和理论依据。

【Abstract】 Traffic safety and driving comfort are the key performances to reflect pavements service quality, and they are respectively determined by skid-resistance performance and roughness of asphalt pavements. In the world, in order to control road service quality, standards for acceptance and evaluation of the two parameters are accordingly established.Through analyzing literature associated with evaluation standards of asphalt pavement roughness from the original to the present revision as well as the utilize process of standards, it is found that asphalt pavement roughness evaluation criteria are developed based on expert scoring. Although expert scoring originates from testers’ subject feelings, the scoring is strongly affected by personal factors, such as sex, age, physical condition, emotional state and many other factors, and then the findings are quite different between different testers. So it is difficult to describe asphalt pavements’ service quality objectively and quantitatively. In fact, the essence of riding comfort is the crew’s physiological and psychological reactions to the riding vibration caused by road surface roughness. With the globalization increase of the humanities philosophy and the acquired research results and findings at related areas, an experimental study on the relationship between physiological and psychological indicators of the crew and asphalt pavement roughness is intensively carried on in this dissertation.Anti-sliding standards of asphalt pavement from the beginning to the follow-up amendments are all directly or indirectly derived from the statistical analysis results between rainy traffic accidents’ number and skid-resistance friction capacity. It is undeniable that rainy road traffic accidents are close related with skid-resistance capacity, but the rainy traffic accidents data is difficult to be collected and it is more difficult to define whether the incentive for the accident is due to insufficient pavement skid-resistance capacity. As the subjective factors, drivers have greater responsibilities in traffic accidents in the man-vehicle-road system, and driver’s perceptions to pavement anti-slide performance affect driver’s judgments and manipulation capabilities. In order to quantitatively describe pavement anti-slide performance by driver’s perception, it is necessary to study the relationship between driver’s physiological and psychological indicators and pavement skid-resistance capacity.This dissertation is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China project (GM: 50522201):“Research on interaction between road surface performance and traffic safety”. Based on a large number of indoor simulation experiments and field trials and with the assistance of the collected expressway asphalt pavements roughness data, research work has been carried on by the aid of the statistical analysis methods which are fit in the characteristics and rules of road data, physiological and psychological signal and vibration signal.The main conclusions are: 1) A new RQI (Riding quality index) evaluation system comprised of three indicators, such as IRImean(Mean of International Roughness Index), skewness value and kurtosis value, is put forward, that is, when the three indicators of road surface roughness lie in the same RQI rating range, the RQI score of the road can be determined by this rating level. When the three indicators lie at various RQI rating ranges, the RQI score is determined according to the most adverse condition. 2) An univariate anti-sliding performance decay trend curve of asphalt pavement is acquired based on such similar factors as climate, construction, materials and construction technique etc. 3) It is proposed that asphalt pavement roughness has an effect on human ECG(Electrocardiogram), and then a comfort threshold of asphalt pavement roughness is acquired based on human ECG indicators. 4) It is proposed that asphalt pavement anti-slide performance has an effect on human transcutaneous electricity, and then a driving safety threshold of asphalt pavement skid-resistance performance is acquired based on human EDA(Electrodermal Activity)indicators. 5) An analysis method of human physiology and psychology data is put forward based on the theory of time-series and Fourier transform.At present, no evaluation and maintenance standards of asphalt pavement performance have been built based on occupants’ physiological and psychological indicators. In the process of establishing pavement evaluation and maintenance threshold, taking human factor as a determinant factor not only opens up a new research area of pavement performance, but also reflects human philosophy hid in pavement performance evaluation. So this research will promote sustainable development of road-building and provide it a favorable technical support and a theoretical basis.


