

A Research on the Relationship between the Roman Army and the Romanization of the Western Provinces

【作者】 王鹤

【导师】 张广翔;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 世界史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 作为一个军事色彩浓厚的文明古国,罗马国家的领土扩张、政治变革、经济发展以及文化交流都和军队有着千丝万缕的联系。伴随着罗马共和国后期的大规模对外征服和帝国初期“罗马和平”的建立,罗马文明(包括拉丁语、罗马法、罗马建筑以及生活方式、价值观念等)逐渐传播到整个意大利、各个行省和周边的蛮族地区,并与当地文化相互融合,形成了一种新型的帝国时期的文明,这一长期而又复杂的现象或过程通常被称为“罗马化”。军队在帝国罗马化的过程中充当了重要角色。军队作为罗马文明的重要传播者,加速了罗马与相对落后的行省和帝国边境地区之间文化的交流与融合。军队是征服、平定西部行省和西部行省罗马化过程中一个重要的工具。军队所到之处拉丁语、罗马法、罗马的饮食习惯、命名方式、宗教信仰、丧葬习俗等得到传播和推广。而当地征兵的制度、罗马士兵与当地的外族妇女通婚以及老兵殖民地的建立也促进了罗马与当地文化的融合。罗马军队的出现对西部行省的经济产生了深刻的、巨大的影响。大量的军团和辅军长期驻扎在边境地区,有利于西部行省经济的罗马化,对当地的农业、牧业、手工业和商业的发展均带来了强大的冲击。军队需求对当地生产的发展,经济的市场化和货币化,边疆地区经济模式的演变,以及西北行省中新的社会集团——商人阶层的兴起和发展都产生了重要的影响。军队是行省和蛮族士兵接触罗马文明、逐步实现罗马化的一个重要媒介。长期的军事生活使辅军士兵在语言、名字、宗教信仰、生活方式、观念习俗和政治认同等方面都在一定程度上实现了罗马化。退役老兵构成了行省中的社会上层,他们成为罗马化的种子和酵母,促进了行省上层的罗马化。城市生活是罗马文明的重要特征,城市化也是行省罗马化的一个重要标志。军队是罗马帝国城市化运动中一支不可或缺的、直接或间接的推动力量。罗马军队在行省和边界地区的驻防,不但为当地的经济与文化的发展提供了和平、稳定的环境,而且军队修筑的桥梁、道路等设施也为罗马文明的扩张奠定了基础。军队为城市化的发展提供了人力和技术支持。另外,罗马军队与西部行省城镇的产生和发展也有着密切的关系。

【Abstract】 As an ancient civilization full of military color, the territorial expantion, political transformation, economic development and cultural exchange of Roman state were closely related with the Roman army. With the large scale conquest in later republic and early empire, the Roman civilization spread gradually through out Italy, the provinces and the barbarian areas, and integrated with native culture and formed a new civilization in empire period. The lasting and complex phenomenon or progress has ofen been called“Romanization”. Roman army played an improtant part in the Romanization of empire.As a main disseminator of Roman civilization, the army promoted the cultural exchange and integration of Rome and the provinces and frontier areas. The army was a vital instrument in the conquest and Romanization of western provinces. Everywhere the army went, the Latin languge, Roman law, Roman dietary habits, nomenclature, religious beliefs and funeral customs, etc.were spread widely. While the local recruiting, the intermarrige between the Roman soilders and native women, and the foundation of veteran settlements also promoted the integration of the Roman and native culture.The presence of Roman army had an enormous impact on the economy of the western provinces. The long-term presence of a large number of legions and auxilias in the frontiers contributed to the Romanization of the economy of western provinces, as well as bringing a strong impact on local agriculture, animal-breeding, handicraft industry and commerce. The demand of the army had great inflences on the development of local production, the marketization and monetization of local economy, the evolution of the economic patten in fontier areas, and the emergence and growth of a business class.The Roman army was a media through which the soilders from provinces and barbarian areas contacted the Roman civilization and became Romanized .The long- term military service made the soldiers in the auxilias Romanized to a certain degree in languge, name, religious beliefs, life style, concepts and customs , and political identity. The retired veterans which acted as the seeds and yeast promoted the Romanization of the elite in the provinces.The city life was an important feature of Roman civilization, and the urbanization was a a key sign of Romanization in the provinces. The army was an essential driving force in the movement of the unbanization of Roman empire. The garrison of the Roman army in the provinces and the frontiers provided a peaceful and stable environment for the development of local economy, and the infrastructures that the army constructed laid a foundation for the expansion of the Roman civilization. The Roman army provided the technical and personnel support for the development of the urbanization, and it was also closely related with the emergence and development of the cities and towns in the western provinces.

【关键词】 罗马军队西部行省罗马化辅军城市化
【Key words】 Roman armywestern provincesRomanizationauxiliasurbanization
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

