

Mutual Construction and Game between State Power and Autonomous Power

【作者】 段绪柱

【导师】 王彩波;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 政治学理论, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 国以农为本,民以食为天。乡村社会的和谐有序关系到中国社会的走向和所有中国人的命运,是中国社会的核心性问题之一。实现乡村社会良好秩序的基本路径有国家控制与乡村秩序内生,两种路径不是非此即彼的,国家权力与乡村社会自治权力共同型塑着乡村社会。本文在规范性分析国家权力与自治权力关系的基础上,梳理了自传统社会以来的中国国家权力与乡村社会自治权力关系演变史并简要评述,希望从中获取两者协同的本土性资源,着重探讨了现阶段国家权力与乡村社会自治权力的关系状态及形成原因,认为现阶段乡村社会种种问题的存在是两者缺乏有机联系与应有衔接的结果。国家权力与自治权力的博弈是多层次的动态博弈,本文尝试从四个层次分析:一是国家权力与乡村社会自治权力,二是中央政府权力、乡村社会自治权力与地方政府权力,三是县以上国家权力、乡村社会自治权力与乡镇政府权力,四是县以上国家权力、普通村民与乡镇政府权力、村干部的博弈。这四种模型在实际生活中都存在,并且交织在一起。建构国家权力与乡村社会自治权力合理的博弈互动机制,实现两者的平衡与互动、分工与协同是乡村社会理想秩序实现的根本保障。

【Abstract】 This paper rationalizes the history of the relationship between China state power and autonomous power since traditional society on the base of analyzing the relationships between them .Then it focuses on the contemporary states of the relationships between the state power and autonomous power and the reasons for them .It argues that achieving an ideal order in the rural areas is the result of dynamic equilibrium between state power and autonomous power.The absence of any sides or weakened forces would lead to due mutual constraints to the other; as a result, the rural communities would either fall into anarchy or into the comprehensive national interventions, which would lead to a lack of continuing vitality and internal momentum. In order to achieve a symbiotic, double-win and strong cooperation states between the state power and autonomous power in rural society, we should construct organic rural communities, and then achieve a harmonious development of rural China.The main parts of the paper are divided into five chapters.The first chapter is about theoretical analysis on the game and mutual structure between the state power and autonomous power.This chapter has analyzed the characteristics, the source and its basic structure, the premise, the foundation, the processes and the environments of the state power and autonomous power, and then it argues that game and mutual structure are the relations between the state power and autonomous power.State power and autonomous power have different power base, scope, value standards, and operating rules, however, it is just these differences that decide the complementarities between the two sides. There are advantages and shortcomings for each .On the one hand, in order to avoid the autonomy seeking local self-interests above everything else potentially, and pursuing short-term benefits, the autonomous power requires the guidance and constraints from the state power, on the other hand, as to limit and standardize the intervention of state power, relatively independent space for the autonomy are needed. Building a modern state with political integration is the politically modernized point for a late-starting country, which is also one of the political goals for late- developmental exogenous country. Mutual structure and game between our state power and autonomous power in rural society is launched during the process of social transformation in political modernization and democratization. With political modernization and democratization, the relationship between them is moving toward ruling of law and institution.The second chapter is“the Evolution of Relationship between State power and Autonomous Power in China Rural Society”. This chapter has combed the evolutionary process between state power and autonomous power in rural society from the traditional community to nowadays. It argues that in traditional China, there are complex interactions between the state and rural society .It is neither a simple relation of the imperial power stopping at county government with totally county self-governed, nor entirely autocratic countries, it is a mandatory state power. Self-governance is implemented in rural society with less intervention, and the daily order within it is mainly dominated by endogenous. During 100 years of the revolutionary period, the state power continued to sink and gradually into the rural society, however, the authority of the state failed to deep into rural society entirely. The autonomy declined by the destruction of innate-order which also became a power decaying the interests of farmers. Though the villagers’self-governance was not really taken into implementation in late Qing Dynasty, it still affected, or even restricted people’s choices from then on. After the foundation of the Republic of China, large number of autonomous laws and regulations had been made. Repeated innovations of self- governance had been created in local districts, of which the Shanxi-system was the most typical village.On the whole, the Nationalist Party was a party of elites, for which the state power could not truly go deep into rural society. Governing the rural society depended on the grass-roots level bureaucrats and gentry, but they transformed into a“for-profit brokers, which impeded the effective governance and integration from the state to rural society, leading the state power to“involution”.Chapter III is“The Relations between State Power and Autonomous Power in Rural Society at a Point with Ideal and Reality”. This chapter describes the horizontal and vertical composition of our current state power, then it analyses the internal relations of our state power and its impacts on grass-roots society. After analyzing the composition of autonomy in rural society, it concludes that villagers’self-governance in China is basically a form of community-self-governance with low levels of organization-self- governance which affect the maintenance of rights and interests for the villagers. The extent of ruling by law and standardized relations between state power and rural power still remains at a low level. On the one hand, the state power innerves the autonomy wantonly; on the other hand, it takes for granted when the autonomous powers intervenes against the rights and interests of villagers, which lead to non-enough responds to farmers` demands.Chapter IV is“A Multi-level and Dynamic Game between State Power and Autonomous Power in Rural Communities”. At first this chapter analyzes the problems of the state power and autonomy rural community for each, then it discusses that the organic links and due interface are absent between our state power and autonomy in the rural areas. Establishing a game model between state power and autonomy of rural society is attempted. We believe that there are four kinds of models for the games between the state power and autonomy of rural society: first, game between state power and autonomy, second, games of local government power between both central government power and autonomy, thirdly, games of township government power to the state power above county level as well as rural autonomy ,and fourthly, games of the state power above county level and the power of ordinary villagers to township government and the power of autonomous elites within systems. The games between the State power and autonomous power are repeatedly dynamic games, in which every sides choose their favorable game strategies to their own advantage according to their own resources These four models exist in real life, and are intertwined. There are internal inconsistencies between state powers and self-government powers. When we get knowledge from the relations between state power and autonomy of rural society, we can not simply apply the state and social framework.Chapter V is“Building a Democratized and Institutionalized Relationship between State Power and Autonomous Power”. In this chapter, we propose the suggestions according to the problems of our state power and autonomy.We believe that: First, we should strengthen the foundation of state power on the basis of public opinion continuously so that the state power is rooted in rural society, safeguarding farmers` interests, providing public services .The state power should be down into village society, and help to strengthen the government capacity so that the state power can be operated efficiently and scientifically. Secondly, we should construct organic communities in rural society to achieve truly comprehensive self-government according to law, safeguard the rights of self-government farmers and guarantee the legitimate rights and interests for the farmers. Third, In order to achieve good governance in rural society, communicating the state power and autonomous power by implementing modern democratic system in rural society, determining the basic boundary of them by law, taking civil law into account, respecting tradition, respecting people’s practical experiences, coordination and collaboration between the state power and autonomous power are needed. As a way to make a modernized state and harmonious society come true, the coordination and distribution responsibilities between the state power and autonomous power, coexistence and common strong of each, fitting each other, mutual constraining and exceeding ,promoting the building of organic political community are the basic ways to implement.In sum, this paper argues that the relationship between state power and autonomy of rural society is not zero-sum game as to one or the other or a stronger one leading to weakened others. In fact, both have their own strengths and each has disadvantages. A good mechanism with interaction and coordination can help the two sides to achieve a harmonious and developmental rural society.

【关键词】 国家权力自治权力博弈互构
【Key words】 state powerautonomous powergamemutual construction
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

