

Reality Condition Oriented Political Liberty

【作者】 王冠群

【导师】 杨海蛟;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 政治学理论, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 论文从历史与逻辑、理论和实践相结合的层面上系统而全面地总结了既往学术界关于自由涵义的理论成果,并对其进行了客观而公正的评价,在此基础通过博采众长、去粗取精,提出了自己对于自由涵义的理解。在界定了自由的涵义之后,论文接着探讨了政治自由的涵义。政治自由属性的探讨是理解和研究政治自由不可逾越的阶段,论文从阶级性、时代性、相对性以及社会性等四个方面着手分别给予了深入地分析和考察。对政治自由属性的研究不仅了解了政治自由区别于其他事物而独立存在的特性,更为重要的是为我们进一步深入研究政治自由提供了重要的理论基础。政治自由之所以成为人类社会的价值追求和理想目标,其原因在于政治自由的价值不仅体现在对于个人权利实现的满足,而且也是推进人类社会政治民主、经济发展、文化繁荣的内在动力和源泉。因而,论文对政治自由在政治、经济、文化等领域的重要价值进行了深入研究。毫无疑问,政治自由的实现问题是其理论研究的目的之所在,在现阶段,市场经济、民主法治以及公民社会的完善和发展成为促进和保障政治自由实现不可或缺的条件。论文以此为切入点,详尽论述了四者在不同层面和角度上对政治自由实现的重要作用。

【Abstract】 With the deepening of reformation and opening up and the market economy, the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics has scored brilliant achievements in the realization of this for free to create an unprecedented political, economic, cultural and social conditions. In the academic liberty of research is attract more and more attention from scholars and liberty-related research can be described as voluminous theory. Nevertheless, we can easily find although with the accelerated process of political democratization, human liberty has gradually been elevated to an unprecedented level, the ruling Communist Party congress is clearly stated in the report "Strengthening civic education, foster community democracy and the rule of law doctrine, liberty, equality, equity and justice. " However, liberty, especially liberty of political will undoubtedly become weak, it’s awareness and understanding there are still many shortcomings and deficiencies. Western countries is relatively basic issues of liberty of research in dominant position of Chinese philosophy and social sciences should and practices conform to the call of the needs of these areas in the systematic and in-depth study of the formation is significant. It is the need for theoretical research and practical responsibility dictates, the thesis of Liberty as the topic, try some research in the theory of deepening and expanding Liberty for the modest contribution to theoretical research.As we all know, "liberty" of the concept in both East and West has a long history, it is the long history of this long and created a free complex, the controversial side. Articles by West two different etymology of the study Context of liberty, revealing the word liberty in the West are two different development environments to the road because, clearly show the development of free etymology context. At the same time, the paper from the history and logic, the combination of theory and practice the level of past and present, drawing on others proposed for understanding the meaning of liberty, that liberty as a concept, principles and systems, is that people in certain historical conditions, within particular social fields in their respective knowledge and will succeed and the right to change the world. To explore the meaning of complete liberty, the liberty in the political field as manifestations - Liberty, the understanding of its meaning becomes a corollary, the Liberty of citizens in the Constitution and within the scope permitted by law, will be able to independently according to their own to participate, influence, management of state affairs and social affairs.Property is to determine a reason why things become things of the things which distinguishes it from other features. The inherent requirements of a thing and other things with the distinctive attributes of two characteristics of things. Everything has a property, Liberty is no exception. Liberty, Liberty is a property on the one hand the possibility of independent existence; the other hand, Liberty is an important distinction based on other things. Therefore, the properties of Liberty as the understanding and study further stage of insurmountable Liberty, but also for our comprehensive and systematic study of Liberty provides an important basis for further study. Papers on properties of Liberty, summed up the class nature of their property, time, relativity and the four main aspects of social, and were given the analysis and inspection.Value, is the principal object of some usefulness, that is, the properties of the object, the structure of the main requirements for the positive significance, is the main object of their property and the same need for a relationship. The value of Liberty not only in regard to the rights of individuals to achieve satisfaction, but also promote the human society, political democracy, economic development, cultural prosperity and power the internal source. Paper detailed analysis of the Liberty in the political, economic and cultural fields as well as value for many individuals. In the political values of Liberty, the thesis that Liberty in the promotion of democracy, safeguard the political and the stability and promote the healthy development of politics and political decision-making and advancing the scientific and democratic and so play an important role. On the economic value of Liberty, the paper will be summarized in two aspects: one normative role; second is protection. Norms on the role of Liberty, the main means of Liberty to overcome the drawbacks of economic liberty, to avoid the society become the same as the market situation of the jungle, the strong violation of the weak against the free market become a tool, so as to realize social justice justice. Effect on the protection of Liberty, means the right to liberty of the citizen are protected and fully realized, it is the stable development of the economy into a strong vitality and vigor. Usually people do not pay attention to Liberty, cultural values, in terms of its representation, Liberty and cultural development do not seem closely linked. But is not the case, the paper that although Liberty is the liberty of expression in the political field, but is difficult to imagine in the modern culture of Liberty and separated. As the political life of the central role in social life, the decision whether or not the realization of Liberty in a way to accelerate or impede cultural development.The realization of Liberty is a complex and long-term comprehensive project, its realization is by no means quick. Paper to a market economy, democracy, rule of law and civil society for the starting point of the four angles at different levels and on the realization of the importance of Liberty. Market economy is to achieve the material conditions of Liberty. As human civilization in the process of revolutionary products, Liberty is by no means come out of nowhere, and it is based on certain socio-economic foundation. The development of social productive forces to achieve Liberty will undoubtedly become the material security, people only have a minimal economic conditions, be possible to have more free time to care about public affairs and resort to action to achieve the end of Liberty. In the course of human history, the market economy is the development of productive forces has been proven to promote one of the most effective means, relative to other economic forms, the market economy with a high degree of liberty, the fierce competitiveness, equal opportunity and other characters, It not only achieved Liberty provided the material foundation, and the market economy itself, the liberty inherent in the spirit of Liberty made for the realization of the objective requirements. Democracy is a system of Liberty to achieve security. Democracy is conceived and the achievement of Liberty, the reality of soil, which is the value of democracy function and social function determined. Political system, Liberty requires the protection of civil and political rights of liberty ultimately depends on establishing and improving a set of democratic political system and its corresponding operating mechanisms. There is no guarantee of democracy, there is no concrete realization of Liberty, Liberty achieved would not have. Papers were from civil and Libertys of democracy to provide institutional safeguards implementation; democracy is conducive to the public power to protect the interests of achieving Liberty and democracy is conducive to fully mobilize the citizens initiative to achieve Liberty are systematically described the three democracy and Liberty for the realization of protection. Rule of law is the reality of Liberty to achieve the path. Libertys in the political field as a human right and ability to pursue a not come out of nowhere, and gradually achieve the ultimate reliance of social mechanisms and social conditions. In the process of achieving Liberty, rule of law undoubtedly play an important role. This is because the rule of law and practice as a form of human society, not only embodies the core values of Liberty, Liberty and the rule of law provided for the realization of the right to the protection provided for the realization of Liberty a stable social environment and good political environment, these are in a sense of Liberty can be realized as an indispensable condition. Civil society is the main dimension of Liberty to achieve. There is no doubt that the development of market economy and democratic rule of law and improve the realization of Liberty are as essential to create the external conditions. However, the realization of Liberty can not merely at the theoretical level, we can not passively rely on the law to be protected, but ultimately depends on the right of the main demands for Liberty. The pursuit of citizens for Liberty has obvious practical, is bound to implement the main body of the realm of real political life, through political practice to make the vision into reality, from the imperfections tend to gradually improve. Training of civil society participation in political life of citizens initiative, autonomy and subjectivity of liberty. Civil society can give full play to the supervision of public power to protect civil and political liberties are not violated; civil society in ensuring the correctness of the direction of Liberty to achieve and maintain social stability, Liberty for the realization of the provision of social protection and so play positive and practical significance.

【关键词】 政治自由属性价值实践
【Key words】 political libertynaturevaluepractice
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

