

Orient Strategy of Communist International and Chinese National Revolution

【作者】 黄华

【导师】 赵英兰;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 共产国际东方战略是一个不成熟的革命战略,其积极性促进了中国国民革命的发展;其局限性是中国国民革命失败的重要的主观原因。本文分五个部分:第一部分主要阐述论文题目的选择以及论文研究的学术价值等。第二部分主要论述共产国际东方战略的基本内容并从东方战略的基本内容入手来剖析东方战略的积极性和局限性,从而使我们清晰地看到东方战略自身存在着两重性;第三部分主要论述了共产国际东方战略在华实施过程中,其积极性对于中国国民革命的推动:国民革命统一战线的建立、援建黄埔军校、巩固广东革命根据地、促进工农运动发展、支持北方国民军等;第四部分主要论述了共产国际东方战略的两重性引起了共产国际、联共(布)中央及在华工作人员对于中国革命问题的理解出现的分歧,主要围绕着国共两党合作方式、资产阶级和国民党认识、无产阶级独立性和共产党的作用三个方面展开了争论,由此形成了共产国际、联共(布)中央及在华工作人员关于中国革命问题认识的两种主张。“三二○事件”之前,这两种主张基本上处于并存的状态,而且在客观上是互相补充,都在积极地全面贯彻着东方战略,推动着中国国民革命的发展。“三二○事件”之后,由于中国革命形势的变化,两种主张之间的矛盾和斗争尖锐起来,最后,两种主张的代表人物维经斯基和鲍罗廷的争论公开化,莫斯科支持鲍罗廷,从而完成了东方战略在华实践的重点转移——全面贯彻东方战略到不惜一切代价拉住资产阶级、维护国民革命统一战线的转变。第五部分主要论述了脱离中国实际的共产国际第七次执委扩大会议对中国国民革命的复杂形势盲目乐观,而对资产阶级的叛变缺乏警惕,因此,通过了脱离中国国民革命实际的决议。这个决议一方面要求中共急剧推进工农群众的革命斗争,尤其是土地革命,另一方面要求中共拉住资产阶级,依靠以蒋介石为代表的国民党新军阀来实现中国革命的非资本主义前途,其结果是加速了中国国民革命的失败。结束语中主要总结了共产国际东方战略指导中国国民革命进程中积累的宝贵经验教训。

【Abstract】 Chinese Revolution is an important turning point in the history of modern China. Anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism national democratic revolution swept the whole country. This article tries to study the results of other person. In this base, through in-depth analysis I want to discuss from the revolutionary character and duality character of the Orient Strategy of Communist International, and to demonstrate in detail that the Orient Strategy of Communist International is an immature revolutionary strategy. So I want to reveal that Orient Strategy of Communist International and Chinese Revolution have close contacts in development and failure.Since the 20th century, late 90 a large number of new archives of Soviet Union Communist Party (Bolshevik) and Communist International and China revolution which is decrypted by Russia were translated and published in our country. It promotes academia on the study of the Communist International and the Chinese Revolution. These new archives make scholars have new understanding that Communist International and China revolution have close relationship. But, I also have some doubts that if Soviet Union Communist Party (Bolshevik) and Communist International only focused on the interests of the Soviet state in the process of guiding China, then we can not explain the great development of the struggle against imperialism or worker-peasant movement under the impetus of the Orient Strategy of Communist International in the period of Chinese Revolution. If Soviet Union Communist Party (Bolshevik) and Communist International had taken attention on the particularity of colonial and semi-colonial countries in the process of guiding China, then we can not explain the final outcome of the failure of the Chinese Revolution which also under the impetus of the Orient Strategy of Communist International. So I try to seek answers from the analysis of the Orient Strategy of Communist International.The Orient Strategy of Communist International is an immature revolutionary strategy. And it was not only revolutionary but also limited. The second part of this thesis focuses on the revolutionary strategy of the Orient Strategy of Communist International. It includes the questions on that colonial and semi-colonial countries of East which were oppressed fight for national independence and liberation movement’s basic goals and the future of socialism, struggle object and basically rely on the power, leading force and the internal contradictions with change, roads and means of the basic strategy, and the basic problem of relationship with the world proletarian revolution, etc.The Orient Strategy of Communist International ideas seem to be a more completed. In fact there are serious internal contradictions. Firstly, the Orient Strategy has contradictions in the prospect and target on colonial and semi-colonial countries national revolutionary. On the one hand it supports colony and underdeveloped country’s national revolutionary on the basic objective of the rule which overthrow foreign capitalism and strive to complete the task of bourgeois-democratic revolution, on the other hand it also points out that with the help of the proletariat from the advanced country , underdeveloped country can get to communism through certain steps in the development of the transition ,and not through the capitalist stage of development to the Soviet system. These two objectives are contradictory. In colonial and semi-colonial country’s revolutionary united front the bourgeoisie is still dominant political forces. So they can not applaud any of policies and initiatives which eliminate themselves. Non-asset doctrine of the future and the transition to socialism can turn true possibly while the proletarian political power achieves absolute dominance in the united front of colonial and semi-colonial countries. On this premise the Orient Strategy of Communist International did not describe. This planted potential risk of failure for Chinese revolution under the Orient Strategy of Communist International. If the preparation of non-capitalist future of colonial national revolution was too early it would scare the bourgeoisie and led to the breakdown of the revolutionary united front. If preparation for it was too late it would indulge the bourgeois political forces to develop and expanse. It would equal to set up baffle for the non-capitalist future of colonial revolutionary. Secondly, the Orient Strategy of Communist International also had contradiction on the power of colonial national revolutionary movement. On the one hand it emphasized the power of cooperation with the bourgeois national revolution even they could form a temporary alliance. While under in alliance with bourgeois democracy the power of workers and peasants led by proletariat could develop opportunely. On the other hand it emphasized that colonial and semi-colonial country’s Communist party should have own definite land program to eliminate feudalism thoroughly for promoting the greatest revolutionary of peasant movement. At the same time bourgeois parties should accept revolutionary land program as much as possible. Relying on the bourgeois or relying on the peasant class had sharp contradiction. In colonial and semi-colonial countries for example, in modern Chinese society the national bourgeoisie and its political representatives who could participate in anti-imperialist struggle often had relatively strong feudal .They had large number of lands in rural areas and advocated feudal land ownership landlords. And they had sharp opposition on interest with poor peasants who required land for themselves. If peasant movement had the greatest revolutionary it would inevitably affect the united front with the bourgeoisie. If not peasants would not willingly stand aside to proletarian parties. Thirdly, on the proletarian leadership of the united front the Orient Strategy of Communist International had contradiction. On the one hand it admitted that the bourgeoisie and its political organization led national revolution in colonial and underdeveloped particularly in the early time. Proletariat and its political party should support, assist or participate in this movement and alliance with them. They should admit bourgeois leadership in sport in reality society. On the other hand it required the proletariat in this movement gradually developed their own organization and the power of the working class and poor peasants so that accessed the center and replaced the bourgeoisie to grasp the leadership of this movement and promoted this campaign develop to non-capitalist. In three important issues the Orient Strategy of Communist International had contradiction. And core issue was leadership. The key is how to understanding the proletarian leadership in national revolutionary movement. We can not understand that the proletariat and the bourgeoisie distribute leadership equally not to mention the leadership of the bourgeoisie to accept the leadership of the proletariat. In united front under bourgeois dominant the proletariat achieved the leadership through the proletariat class stuck independence. Moreover we shall know the proletariat past a hard struggle process from no leadership to contain leadership in national revolutionary. Relying on force and decided leadership by the proletariat and transformation goals required a gradual process.The third part article analyzes the implementation of the platform of the Orient Strategy of Communist International that KMT-CPC cooperation and the found of revolutionary United Front. The Orient Strategy of Communist International promoted Chinese Revolution in the early and climax time. The former discusses representatives of the Soviet government and staffs who came from Communist International determine the cooperation with Sun Yat-sen after experiencing multiple exploration. Communist International told the Third Congress of the CPC to determine KMT-CPC cooperation which in party and ploy that found revolutionary united front. Borodin was sent to China by the Soviet government to assist reorganized the Kuomintang. In the First Congress of the KMT Sun Yat-sen’s Three Principles to be re-interpreted nationalism which opposes foreign aggression, democracy which opposes feudal warlord and establish the basis for democratic nation-building, livelihood that the average land ownership and control of capital as the main content. On organization Communist Party members joined the KMT by personal identity as principles of cooperation. The implementation of the platform of the Orient Strategy of Communist International that KMT-CPC cooperation and the found of revolutionary united front are formally established.The latter explans driven in Orient Strategy the KMT and the CPC embark on an anti-imperialist political stage together for an important impact on modern China. National revolutionary united front which set up based on cooperation with the two parties become an important platform for Oriental Strategy in China. In the joint efforts of the two parties through the establishment of the Whampoa Military Academy and Guangzhou Peasant Movement a large number of military personnel and the backbone of the peasant movement were trained. This consolidated and developed the revolutionary base in Guangdong. And it promoted Sun Yat-sen to go to the North and develop the National Assembly campaign. So slogans of anti-imperialist and anti-feudal were publicized and popularized. Worker-peasant movement under the leadership of the CPC rapidly developed and climaxed anti-imperialist struggle of the people of all walks of life during Chinese Revolution through the May 30th Movement (1925) and the Hong Kong general strike. At the same time Soviet Union Communist Party (Bolshevik) and Communist International increased supporting to the National Government of Guangdong. They not only sent the military advisory group for the National Government of Guangdong and strengthened the political work of National Revolutionary Army but also sent a large number of military assistance. In the North after Beijing Coup it carried out military assistance for National Army so the formation of the revolutionary forces in the North-south echoed and good posture that edge of military and political struggle on all point to imperialism and feudalism.The forth part article investigates the performance of internal contradictions of the Orient Strategy of Communist International in china and implementation of the strategy shift focus to the right from March 1926. The former shows that after the founding of the revolutionary united front within the KMT and the CPC Soviet Union Communist Party (Bolshevik) and Communist International and staffs in China had disagreements and disputes constantly around the implementation of cooperative approach, the development of worker-peasant movement and how to treat Chinese bourgeoisie and the KMT, independence of the proletariat and the role of the Communist Party. Controversy emerges two factions the one insisted that focus should be on the development of the Communist Party and the struggle of masses of workers and peasants, and should enhance vigilant for bourgeois revolt in temporary alliance with the bourgeois. This view represented by Voitinsky and Orient division of Communist International and its chairman Zinoviev. The other insisted that should emphasize national and democratic movement led by bourgeois was the most realistic force and proletarian parties should help them in the anti-imperialist in colonial and semi-colonial countries. Although they also supported the development of the revolutionary struggle of workers and peasants, they concerned about undermining the alliance with the bourgeoisie. This view represented by Marin and Borodin and supported by Stalin who was central president of Soviet Union Communist Party (Bolshevik) and Bukharin who replaced Zinoviev became board chairman of Communist International. The coexistence of two claims made the national revolutionary process result in two different results. The one hand was the CPC strengthened the leadership of workers and peasants struggle in this year. It included rapid development and improvement the quality of large number of party organizations and party members, the expansion and consolidation of trade union organizations, rapid development of workers until three armed uprising success of the Shanghai labors, the formation of rural revolutionary storm and carrying out the work of military of the CPC in Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi and Guangdong provinces. It also included the movement which welcomed Wang Jingwei supported by the CPC and Borodin, the success of the revolutionary government of Guangdong moving the capital of Wuhan and opposition to the climax of Chiang Kai-shek in Second Plenary Session of the KMT. On the other hand lack of preparation for the bourgeois traitor, they took attention to the KMT and despised the CPC. So new and old warlords associated and new warlords of the KMT expanded. Conflicts intensified between workers and peasants struggle and the new power of the warlords. It planted renegade hidden for the right wing of the KMT supported by new warlords.The latter shows that in the strategy implementation after Soviet ambassador Karakhan advanced the Lot comment from 1926 Bubnov who was delegation of politburo implemented a policy of compromise and concession struggle for leadership of the national revolution with bourgeois represented by the new right wing in March 20 coup. April 1926, center of Soviet Union Communist Party exaggerated tortuous situation because of failure of national army of northern China and March 20 coup. And they formally proposed that the struggle against imperialism and feudalism in China needed policy of scramble breathing space. Moscow’s decision supported Borodin after differences and disputes open between Voitinsky and Borodin and appointed Borodin as supreme leader in staffs who worked in China. Through series of events the key of Orient Strategy on Moscow which implemented in China to achieve change from fully implemented resolution of Second Congress and Forth Congress of Communist International to pull the bourgeoisie and maintain the united front of KMT-CPC cooperation at all costs.The fifth part article discusses situation in the national revolution which obtained decisive victory but hidden danger the error resolution and consequence which was passed by enlarged meeting of the Seventh Executive Committee of Communist International and compromise approach by Borodin delegate of Communist International in Wuhan got failure of revolution. In the case of Northern expeditionary army of Guangdong had arrived along the Yangtze River, occupied of the Southeastern provinces and national victory would be achieved on the complex situation of the Chinese national revolution enlarged meeting of the Seventh Executive Committee of Communist International blinded optimism and lacked vigilance for the risk of rebellion against the bourgeoisie. This meeting passed almost completely non-actual resolution of the Chinese national revolution. It on the one hand ignored the complicated situation in Chinese society and required the CPC rapid advance revolutionary struggle of workers and peasants in particular peasant agrarian revolution, on the other hand it took revolutionary victory hope in the KMT and required the CPC implement the policy of compromise for bourgeois within the KMT and pulled the bourgeoisie together to achieve a non-capitalist revolution in the future. Stalin also put forward the so-called the ploy of“twist the lemon to dry”for the defense principle of surrender to the bourgeoisie. After April 12th coup by Chiang Kai-shek the ploy Stalin unconditionally continued support the Wuhan Government with“twist the lemon to dry”.After the revolutionary period of emergency under the military encirclement and economic blockade by Chiang Kai-shek crisis of the KMT Group of Wuhan grew. Moscow’s open support consolidated the surrendered to the dominance of right-wing policy of Borodin for the KMT Group of Wuhan. Borodin’s wrong decision which placed the hope to save the revolution on "Northern Expedition" led by Feng Yuxiang’s National Army weakened CPC-led armed forces. After combined with Feng Yuxiang Tang Shengzhi surrounded and controlled of the Kuomintang regime of Wuhan. Under the pressure of reactionary incidents constantly creating by new warlord and Borodin enlarged meeting of the CPC Central Committee in Wuhan formulated surrender program against bourgeois and a series of concessions for the KMT Group of Wuhan. The KMT Group of Wuhan speeded up the pace of mutiny. The CPC issued pronouncement that quit Wuhan Government and condemned the action rebel revolutionary of the KMT Group of Wuhan. Wang Jingwei group revolted open and announced“separation of the Communist Party”. So Chinese Revolution failed.In conclusion, from implementing of the Orient Strategy of Communist International in China and impact on the Chinese Revolution this essay contacts and compares success of Marxism in China. From multiple angles it analyzed and discussed that the Orient Strategy of Communist International was a Marxist revolutionary strategy. The form of Kuomintang-Communist cooperation party co-operation substance was how to achieve the leadership of the proletariat in the United Front. If farmers played the role of the revolutionary allies the premise should attend strong organizational power of majority of poor farmers. Chinese revolution could only take the road of armed struggle and the Orient Strategy of Communist International had errors in the implementation in China. This article’s conclusions are objective and correct. Its purpose is to illustrate that the Orient Strategy in China has the basic role and significance in Chinese revolution and Marxism in China. At the same time it can also provide some inspiration and exploration on the research into the history of Chinese Revolution, the relationship between the Communist International and the Chinese Revolution, the history of Marxism in China study in academia.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

