

A Study on the Realization Mechanism of Knowledge Sharing in Virtual Academic Community

【作者】 王东

【导师】 刘国亮;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 互联网络形成的虚拟社区为人们进行信息交流提供了开放、有效的平台,更多的学者倾向通过互联网络来弥补现实学术交流的不足,甚至是依靠互联网络形成虚拟学术社区进行学术交流,间接或直接地影响着学者们的学术交流行为。在互联网重开放、强交互、易共享等特点的影响下科技人员思维更加开放自由,使不同文化背景下的学术思想、丰富多彩的科技创新言论观点能够在同一空间各展风采。但在发展过程中,学者们的认可程度、学术权威性与质量控制体系、知识产权保护、交互活动积极态度等引发的一系列问题,困扰、阻碍虚拟学术社区地发展。因此,本文通过引入融知发酵模型,探讨虚拟学术社区知识共享过程的影响要素与作用机理,从内在推动、外部拉动、学术环境氛围三个方面入手,对应地围绕信任机制、激励机制、学术质量控制机制三个关键性问题,研究虚拟学术社区知识共享的实现机制,提出有利于虚拟学术社区健康发展的政策和对策。

【Abstract】 In the field of modern scientific research, academic exchanges have become a necessary component of research work. It is an important environmental element and necessary condition to promote academic prosperity and technological innovation. With the rising capacity and demand of researchers, the existing academic exchange model have limited breadth and width of the amount of information acquisitions and the interface of academic exchange gradually, which is the encountered bottlenecks of traditional forms of academic exchanges. Fortunately, with the advent of the Internet, especially under the prerequisite of the incensement of research funding support and the rapid development of information technology, more researchers tend to work through the network to cover the shortage of the traditional academic exchanges, or attempt to construct a network platform of academic exchange to replace the existing mode of communication. Therefore, under the joint promotion of information technology and exchange demand, a virtual environment model of academic exchanges which is built up relied on network technology came into being. Network has the unique nature of strong interaction, very open, easy share, thus, it can affect the behavior of academic exchange indirectly by influencing the thinking of participants. Under the network environment, the academic thinking from the cultural background, vastly different point of view, and the colorful innovative speech display in the same space. However, a integration process between new technology and human real life will have a variety of problems, thus, virtual academic community still exist in all kinds of problems which can not be avoided:1. The problem of intellectual property protection. Researchers publish information which include text, graphics, and papers via internet, they are virtual expression of intellectual outcome rather than real work, therefore, they are not belong to the scope of protection of "Copyright Law"(real text, music, art, photography, film, television works, etc). The results reflect the personal values through innovative is one of the characteristics of scientific research work, so, it will reduce the trust of researchers to virtual academic communities, and then affect their active participation in exchange platform.2. The contradictions between virtual and reality of academic exchange model. This problem is embodied in scientific papers which are published in traditional journals or in network platform. Under normal circumstances, the magazine of journal paper magazine pay greater attention to the right of first published, so there will be a number of magazine which request the paper has never been published in any other public occasions, but for the present situation, In recognition degrees of academic the paper published journal papers much better than the network platform, so the author will give priority to the traditional magazine for publishing paper, the results will lead to scientific and technological papers published network platform lost its original meaning, timeliness and rapid sharing of large discount.3. The recognition degree of academic is not high. In the traditional mode of academic exchange, the higher level of academic journals or conference means there will be more participants to join them. For the virtual academic communities, the recognition degree is its disadvantage. The root of the problem is very complex, and the key question is how to raise academic standards and status of the community, through the establishment of an effective incentive mechanism to attract more high-level researchers to join them, then forming a huge network externalities.4. The control mechanism of academic quality is inadequate. The type and quantity of interactive platform which is constructed based on internet is huge. A virtual academic community is based on the academic-oriented platform, so community managers can not take a general management approach. The general cross-platform may only meet the basic legal requirements and ethical guidelines, but the information quality of virtual academic community must be controlled, it is essential for self-construction and sustainable development of community. In other words, only to construct a reasonable academic quality control system can guarantee the high quality of community-academic information. The above problems mentioned make the development process of a virtual academic community encountered such a dilemma:A virtual academic community is built for the purpose of promoting academic exchanges among researchers, achieving a wider range of knowledge-sharing, and enhancing the efficiency of knowledge innovation has encountered the obstacles of academic exchanges and the poor channels of knowledge-sharing. To solve the problem need to find the root of the problem, the nature of academic exchanges is the process of knowledge-sharing related activities among scientific researchers. Therefore, this article is from the perspective of knowledge-sharing, explore the impact mechanism of community knowledge-sharing, and design a mechanism and methods to solve problems. After analyzing the development status of a virtual academic community and the present problems, this article focused on the essential features and the structure division of knowledge-sharing community participation, the different roles and functions of main knowledge-sharing participation, and the impaction of external environment etc. The ultimate goal is to construct a suitable mechanism system for improving the situation of knowledge-sharing in virtual academic community, includes the following four key issues:1. From the beginning of connotation, extension and basic function of virtual academic community, analyzes the different types of knowledge-sharing model of community, finds the basic types and common point of knowledge-sharing participation in different mode, and how the internal and external environment effect the knowledge-sharing of virtual academic community. The virtual academic community is fist proposed in research field by this article. Therefore, this article needs to define the basic issues related to descript the definition and extension, analyze the formation process and model, and identify the role of main participation and how they carry out knowledge-sharing.2. The achievement of knowledge sharing of virtual academic community stem from the personal preferences, and at the same time the confidence degree of main participation impact the preferences, so the design of trust mechanism of virtual academic community is another core issue. This article from the starting of connection of trust and knowledge-sharing, analyzes the impact factors of knowledge-sharing among participations, and then build a trust model based on reciprocal action theory, design a trust calculation for using expert recommendation and self-trust inference, and then use social network analysis as a tool to complete the above calculation.3. The managers need to design incentive mechanism for the main participation. The instability and identity is the nature of participation, so managers are usually in a state of asymmetric information. Therefore, they need to coordinate and motivate knowledge-sharing behavior of the participation in a dynamic environment. If the trust can promote knowledge-sharing behavior of the participants, then the incentive is to drive knowledge-sharing community participants. This article focus on solving the following three questions:the essential of incentives; the main body of incentives; the way and means of incentives. In this paper, we reveal the game process between providers and recipients for knowledge-sharing based on reciprocity theory, and then design the incentive mechanism which can be used to regulate the providers, recipients and evaluator.4. The construction of principles and systems of academic quality in virtual academic community. A virtual academic community is different from the general community, which focuses on the nature of academic, so the managers need to ensure a high level of academic quality, and affect the knowledge-sharing of inter-subjective indirectly. In other words, the control mechanism of academic quality can improve the knowledge level of participation, and the high level of participation means can also enhance the quality of community. At last, the more high level knowledge-holders are willing to participate in community activities.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期
  • 【分类号】TP393.094
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】1521
  • 攻读期成果

