

The Study on Khitans in Jin Dynasty

【作者】 夏宇旭

【导师】 程妮娜;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 专门史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 契丹人是金代历史舞台上的特殊群体,其诸种活动对金朝社会既有积极作用又有消极影响。契丹人在金朝对外战争、内地镇防、戍守边疆等方面发挥着积极作用。金朝从中央到地方的各级政府都有契丹族官员的足迹,他们为金朝的政治稳定效力,契丹人在金代外交舞台上也发挥了一定的作用,为金朝争得了利益。同时契丹人因生活环境的变迁及汉化程度的日益加深,其在文学、艺术等方面表现出多元化的特点。一部分在金朝世代为官和长期居住在中原地区的契丹人逐渐认同了金朝是自己的祖国,在军事、政治、文化等方面都有所作为。但一部分契丹中下层,特别是居住在金朝北部的穷苦农牧民,当其利益或生存受到威胁时往往起兵反金,由于其亡国民族的特殊身份,契丹人的反金斗争往往由社会矛盾转化为民族矛盾。契丹人的反金斗争造成了金朝社会的动荡,而金末契丹人投效蒙古,加速了金朝的灭亡。

【Abstract】 Entering the era of Jin from Liao, they accomplished something in military, political and cultural field and they made contributions to the political stability, economic development and cultural prosperity in Jin Dynasty. Of course, when their interest is threathened, the Khitan people in Jin Dynasty constantly launched anti-Jin struggles, which brought trouble to Nuchen archons.This paper is divided into six chapters to discuss the Khitan people of Jin dynasty.Chapter 1 Military activities of Khitan people in Jin Dynasty. In the early years of Jin Dynasty, the subjugated Khitans served as pioneers and guides in allying Jin to attack and occupy Zhongjing , Xijing and so forth of Liao dynasty and to capture Yelv Dashi. The officials and soldiers of Khitan people charged forward, stormed and shattered the enemy’s positions and fulfilled exploits repeatedly in the wars to annihilate the North Song Dynasty and to attack the South Song Dynasty and in the series of anti-Mongolia wars. In the later stage of wars between Jin and Meng, a lot more Khitan officials and solders served actively in anti-mongolian wars, giving strong blow to the Mongolian. Besides the external wars, the Khitan generals held the post of anti-Military Town, defending the frontier and hinterland of Jin Dynasty. Of course, impelled by circumstances, the Khitan people in Jin Dynasty constantly launched anti-Jin struggles, which caused social unrests in Jin Dynasty.Chapter 2 The political activities and status of Khitan people in Jin Dynasty. The Khitan officials shared positions in the central and local governments in Jin Dynasty. The officials working for the central government participate in the political discussions and offering advice to addressing the national isssues, while the local officials make efforts to maintain political stability in Jin dynasty. They were often sent abroad to Song, Western Xia, and koryo and some other peripheral countries on behalf of Jin Dynasty to complete diplomatic missions.Chapter 3 The Social organization of Khitan people. After the fall of Liao, the Nuchen rulers set up Meng’ anmouke system, tribal and Jiu system among the Khitans, and under the group-tending organization lived a lot of Khitan herdsmen. Khitan people under Meng’anmouke system mainly engaged in agricultural production, paid taxes, military service and corvee and so on to the government.Jin rulers have a management system to organize the Khitan people under tribal and Jiu system and people in both systems served lord and military service.Khitans in the group-tending organization provided for the Jin court with large herd of horses of the army and farm cattle, and at the same time guarded the borders.Chapter 4 Surname, marriage and clan of the Khitans. In the early stage of Jin Dynasty,Khitans’ surnames were dominated by Yelv and Xiao. Starting from Shizong period, there appeared the family names as Yici and Shimo and they simultaneously started to use Han surnames. In addition, there were Khitan people who enjoyed being bestowed with family names. In the aspect of marriage, A small number of Khitan people married into Nuchen royal family and to their princes. Khitan officials and family members were frequently married to the Han people and there were also instances of intermarriage with the Mongols. In the process of merging into Han culture and the habitation with the other ethnic groups and the promotion and encouragement of Jin government, the inter-ethnic marriage was a common phenomenon.Chapter 5 The cultural activities and contributions of Khitan people in Jin Dynasty. The Khitan people had fulfilled accomplishments in literature, art, astronomy and legislation. The culture developed by Khitan people was inherited by the Nuchen people, such as worshipping the heaven, sheliu and so forth. Khitan characters, together with Chinese and Nuchen characters were implemented as statutory text in Jin Dynasty and severed as the media between Nuchen characters and the Chinese.Chapter 6 The peripheral power’s influence on Khitan people in Jin Dynasty. The peripheral regimes including Song, Xia, Koryo, the later Mongol and the Western Liao established on an exotic land had a certain appeal to Khitan people. The ruler of Song Dynasty took the policy of luring the Khitans under the rule of Jin against the Jin, and achieved some results. A lot of Khitan officiers and men attached to Song Dynasty rendered service in wars attacking Jin Dynasty. Western Xia was once an ally of the Liao and they were related by marriage, so when some Khitan people got frustrated or unhappy under the rule of Jin,they would often seek shelter at Western Xia. Western Liao is the home country of Khitans, and it was the dreamland of the Khitan people, therefore events of defecting to Western Xia occurred frequently.

【关键词】 金代契丹人女真耶律(移剌)萧(石抹)
【Key words】 Jin DynastykhitanNuchenYelv(Yala)Xiao(Shimo)
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期

