

Research on Implementation Pattern of Service Value Co-creation of Knowledge-intensive Business Service System

【作者】 安静

【导师】 徐宝祥;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 情报学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本研究是在服务科学、管理学、经济学等学科相关理论基础之上进行展开的。首先介绍了服务科学的基本知识,并尝试性地探讨了服务科学与情报学的联系。在对知识密集型服务的了解基础之上,构建了知识密集型服务系统的结构框架,共确定了九个要素;通过建立服务系统四重循环学习模型和生命周期模型,揭示了服务系统动态演化规律;介绍了新型服务经济及其十大假设,并与传统经济在价值创造方面进行了对比分析;概述了当前价值共创的几种典型观点,并引入了马克思主义价值论;在对价值网络的研究基础之上,提出了服务价值网络概念模型,并对价值网络的复杂性及ICT(Information and Communication Technology)的作用进行了分析;通过对当前几种服务模式的介绍,在服务蓝图理论发展的基础上,结合知识密集型服务价值创造的特点,突破当前对服务系统中的价值从不同利益方的角度分别进行研究的局限,从“价值共创”的整体角度构建了服务价值共创实现新模式,更关注顾客的活动和行为;通过服务系统之间的ISPAR(Interact-Serve-Propose-Agree-Realize)模型勾画出任何两个服务系统之间的共十种可能交互结果;以此为基点并在前文研究基础上,构建了服务系统之间的服务价值共创体系,揭示了价值共创的本质,并总结了服务价值创造动力。最后通过构建服务价值共创能力的评价指标体系,综合运用层次分析和模糊评价方法对某电子商务类知识密集型服务系统进行了实证分析研究。

【Abstract】 With the high maturity of the manufacturing economy and the rapid development of IT technology, the global industry structure evidently shows the accelerating trend to shift to the post-industrial service economy, which is the typical characteristic of the global economy in the 21st century. Especially in the developed countries such as US, Japan, and Europe, service-dominant industry structure is forming. It mainly reflected in value-added level of service industry, employment structure, and the sale structure changes of IT service providers. Although service takes up so much scale in global economy, the proportion of its output increasingly dominates the economy structure, but at the back it’s relatively low productivity and poor customer satisfaction. However, it’s with the obvious comparison that until now the research on service is much less than that of agriculture and manufacturing, which only occupies less than 20% in all R&D(research and development) expenditures. Furthermore previous service management and service marketing targeted at service emphasize on human’s intuition and experience. So how to solve the increasing conflict between the service requirement and poor service efficiency and high service risk is very urgent, which requires“service”to upgrade to an unprecedented height, to promote the development of an emerging research field. The concept of service science therefore comes into being under such a background, aiming to provide innovation theory and practice of service, to improve service productivity.KIBS (knowledge-intensive business service) accounts for important proportion in global service economy. So research on value co-creation of service of KIBS system will be the core problem which services science intends to solve. It will provide important reference for dealing with the imperative issues current service economy facing: how to improve the predictability of service effect and risk, how to enhance the efficiency of service, and how to flexibly meet customers’differential needs. This kind of research will serve as the basis for further research of the research institutions and enterprises, to impel the rapid and healthy development of Chinese even the global service economy, therefore it not only has the value of theory but also has the practice effect. It exploits the innovative perspective of research of value, gradually enrich and perfect the research discipline of service science, and increasingly expand the theory research and application boundary of information science through the relation study between information science and services science.Firstly this paper introduces the basic knowledge of the emerging science in the 21st century service science through generalization and conclusion, and conceptualizes some basic terms. It also makes a compared analysis on relation between information science and services science, from the perspectives of similarity including multidiscipline and multi-methods, difference including study objects, focus of study, theory basis, discipline system and so on, and connections including research methods used for reference and overlapped research fields. It emphasizes on the last perspective connections, which at last points out that some mature research methods for information science can be used for reference to service science. In addition, to some extent, services science and relative research topics can be viewed as new study fields to information science, extending its application boundary, which therefore values much in practice.Based on the understanding of KIBS, this paper re-conceptualizes its meaning and classifications, and presents the creation and flow of knowledge in KIBS in details. It also constructs the framework of KIBS system, including nine elements. Service system is consisted of four of the nine elements, processes and activities, participants, information and technologies. The other five elements products and services, customers, environment, infrastructure, and strategies facilitate the understanding of context. Besides, this paper reveals the dynamic laws of service system evolution through fourfold cycle learning model and life cycle model of service system. .This paper describes the new service economy, service-dominant logic, provides its ten FPs(foundational premises), and compares with the traditional economy on value creation. It also summarizes a few currently typical viewpoints of value creation, and introduces Marxist theory of value, serving as strong basis for future study.With the research basis of networks and value networks, this paper brings forwards the conceptual model of service value networks. This kind of model includes five different types of participants, consumers, service providers, tier 1 enablers, tier 2 enablers, and auxiliary enablers. It furthermore points out that value in value networks is created throughout the complex array of B2B(business-to-business), B2C(business-to-consumer), C2C(consumer-to-consumer)relationship, influenced by the social, technology, economic, and political context. Each part is introduced accordingly, the complexity of value networks and the role of ICT (information and communication technology) in service value networks is also analyzed.Through the introduction of current service patterns, based on the development of service blueprinting, combing with the characteristics of value creation in KIBS, breaking through the current research limits of studying the value in service system from the aspect of different stakeholders, this paper frames the new implementation pattern of service value co-creation, which more focuses on the activities and behaviors of customers. This new pattern has six elements: onstage customer actions, backstage customer actions, onstage contact employee actions, backstage contact employee actions, support processes, and physical evidence. It then analyzes each element in details and introduces the construction process and its features, etc.Service interaction means the value co-creation interaction among service systems. However, many kinds of interactions among service systems are not service interactions. ISPAR ( Interact-Serve-Propose-Agree-Realize ) model describes totally ten possible interaction outcomes between any two service systems, and further discusses each kind of outcome. Based on forementioned analysis, this paper constructs the architecture of service value co-creation, uncovering the nature of value co-creation, i.e. interactive and networked, phenomenological and experiential. It also summarizes the sources of service value creation, i.e. efficiency, complementarities, lock-in, and novelty, based on understanding of electronic commerce KIBS system .Finally this paper constructs three-level evaluation index system of service value co-creation capability, and estimates and demonstrates that capability of the KIBS system of electronic commerce by integrating AHP (analytic hierarchy process) and FCE (fuzzy comprehensive evaluation) model, providing the strong evidence for specific enterprise clearly and correctly recognizing its service value co-creation capability and the position among the peers.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期

