

Association Study on Urban Context and Lu Xun’s Creative Writing in Shanghai

【作者】 丁颖

【导师】 刘中树;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 与鲁迅研究其他领域的突破和发展相比,都市语境下的鲁迅研究一直没有得到学界足够的重视和认真的梳理。作为极具标本意义的研究对象,鲁迅在三十年代的上海迎来了他的“黄金时代”,也促使笔者将鲁迅与上海之间的共生关系作为本文着力讨论的对象,在更为切近的文化语境中,敞开或“照亮”不多加以言明但实质上存在的意义关联。其中最根本的理论预设是将鲁迅看作是多重文化语境下多元创生并加以审视的对象,在社会历史动态变迁的源流上,加强鲁迅与上海之间或遇合或牴牾微观细部的考察,寻找到一位职业作家融入都市所需面对的所有历史情境,深入探讨以都市空间、殖民境遇、文化环境为代表的上海都市语境对作家的都市写作、文化思考、精神选择的影响,深入挖掘鲁迅后期创作在思想内涵和形式艺术等方面的特出价值,在鲁迅所提供的非主流都市文学的分析和探讨中,凸显出鲁迅作为“边缘知识分子”永不停伫而又独立不依的精神质素。本论文以都市语境为背景,切入到鲁迅上海时期的身份转变、职业转型、生存境遇、文体意识、创作新变、文化姿态、文化选择等内部及外部关系的综合分析,意在说明,在鲁迅的创作和思想的扇面上,都市是一个不可或缺的精神存在,尽管它对鲁迅的影响是非决定性的,但它无疑在很多方面丰富了鲁迅,激发了鲁迅,也造就了鲁迅。为鲁迅提供着赖以生存的物质场域,发言为声的“思想市场”,精神搏击的“壕战之所”,同时也是鲁迅后期思想的灵感来源,都市写作和反抗的对象,为鲁迅的后期创作带来了新的质素和质的递推,是鲁迅反思和反抗的思想触角不断延续和深度抵达的角隅。

【Abstract】 Compared to Lu Xun’s developments and breakthroughs in other areas, the analysis under urban context has not been focused on for a long period. Lu Xun and urban Shanghai, these two“uniques”are clearly in their own ways of development and rarely meet each other. As study samples of great significance, Lu Xun met his "golden age" in thirties in Shanghai, which also urges his co-relationship with Shanghai to become a focus for the object of discussion. In a closer cultural context, he has opened or "lit" the significance of association. Among them, one of the most fundamental theory defaults of Lu Xun will be examining him in the next multicultural context, the creation of objects, and historical dynamic changes in the social origins. Strengthening Lu Xun and Shanghai will hazard or conflict the microscopic details of the topic. The focus is to find a professional writer, face the city into all the historical context, and study the urban space, the colonial situation, culture, and environment which are represented by Shanghai Urban Context of the writer’s city writing, cultural thinking, spiritual Choice in depth in order to deeply dig the value of writings of Lu Xun in the ideological content and artistic form, to provide non-mainstream urban literature analysis and discussion on Lu Xun, and to highlight Lu Xun as a "marginal intellectual" who has the spirit of never stopping.In the thirties, Shanghai showed existentially and spiritually the material the outstanding value, making it a never-ending "topic" of modern Chinese literature and intellectual history. At the same time, it constituted a multi-complex of a "Shanghai imagination" and "Shanghai narration.”As the background of this thesis, in the first chapter, the author attempts to trace the source in the way of surveying Shanghai during urbanization, modernization and colonization periods, focusing on urban characteristics of social life in Shanghai in the thirties. Furthermore, the author also focuses on the colonial Shanghai showing the characteristics of it during the semi-colonial process and the mixture of active and passive features in modernization, being intended to explain the modern transformation of Shanghai in the thirties, embodied in the "uniques." Thirdly, the author also explains the situation of the thirties, describing the role of Shanghai during the formation of modern China and focusing on how it stimulated the writers of modern imagination, stripping out the relationship between the writers who had gone south to Shanghai and the formation of Shanghai as a new cultural center.When the city and the space are in need, modern intellectuals become the major parts of social life and culture and even dominate the performance of key players in the value of their existence and power. As an outstanding representative of "marginal intellectuals," space selection and cultural selection show a kind of "twin" relationship of mutual dependence in Lu Xun. In the second chapter, the author studies Lu Xun’s practice of life and culture in Beijing, Xiamen, Guangzhou and Shanghai and the impact of urban mentality on Lu Xun’s cultural attribution in depth, particularly caring the significance of the experiences in the thirties for Lu Xun and the impacts of the ten years in Shanghai on the writer’s thought patterns, identity awareness, and cultural position. In Shanghai, Lu Xun completed the change from an academic writer to a professional writer. The city of Shanghai fully embodies the life of Lu Xun’s all-lifetime“destroying the dark”and rejection from any form of fall-back of lonely dedication. In Shanghai, Lu Xun’s showed the“marginal intellectuals’”rebellious spirit and independent character. Performing national conscience, the relationship between Lu Xun and Shanghai in the thirties is vividly shown.In the third chapter, focusing on "drifting at sea, life-long quest," "soldier’s grace, the power of cross points," the author discusses the cultural attitude of Lu Xun in the thirties. According to the author, Shanghai in the thirties is a huge magnetic field, Lu Xun, "drifting" on the sea, "cross stood" there in an attitude ready to meet with all sides of the hostility and separate ways of "encirclement and suppression." In an era with sand on face and tigers gathering, they are carrying the environmental pressure of resignation as well as suggesting the choice of him with a giant insight into current events. In the state of constraints, contradictions and imbalance, Lu Xun’s stance as a soldier was being built. Lu Xun was showing the character and nature of the modern intellectual content. In the broad sense, the "drift" and "cross stand" perspective showed the Shanghai city life and cultural life, highlighted the plight of Shanghai urban multiple culture and revealed the depth of Lu Xun’s standpoint during the thirties in Shanghai. It included Lu Xun’s frustration, pain and resilience of life, strength, and multi-cultural context, which makes clear thirties meaning and value generated by him.From the "Local China" to urban society, Lu Xun, completing the space shift and career orientation, under the urban context, created "mirror" description of Shanghai which was unique to himself. As a special space experience, "concession" was not only political asylum for Lu Xun, providing the security guarantees and freedom of speech, but also offered the political situation and cultural context which led Lu Xun considered "concessions" as the trench warfare in Shanghai during the thirties. Under the pressure and colonial humiliation in the life, Lu Xun demonstrated a survival strategy and political wisdom. And "colonial" writing in the "garret," as a special "mirror image", undoubtedly provided a description of "reverse" example of writing for the colonial writers in the thirties a possible alternative temperament for Lu Xun’s late creations. This is what is discussed in the fourth chapter.In the last chapter, this thesis continue to discuss the non-mainstream urban literature of "Shanghai narrative" and "Shanghai Imagination" provided by Lu Xun– the effects of the participation of writers of history on Literary Creation and style choices. The thirties is the era in which Lu Xun’s ideas and creation fully matured, and the "Shanghai experience" based on urban writing became fully "against" the spirit period. The creation of Lu Xun’s late essays described the daily life in Shanghai in depth to accommodate his insight into the underlying society and to promote the city of Shanghai to enter the mainstream narrative of "non-mainstream" of color. Meanwhile, the "alienation" themes of Shanghai makes Lu Xun’s writing convey the inherent color on the process of modernization. abnormal side of the ring Ti useful to "watch intently in the eyes" appear. By making“old stories”"new" series, Lu Xun "materialized" common sense, reflect life on the to "desire" of life, and writing the life in the form of novels. At the same time, Lu Xun "attacked" the history in a“slick”way, mixed the“slick”experience with the perception of history and established the original urban text, in order to complete the dialogue and reflection on history and reality in an alternative form.In summary, with urban context as the medium, this thesis analyses Lu Xun’s transition, career transition, survival situation, stylistic awareness, creating new change, culture, attitude, culture and other internal and external selection of syndicated in Shanghai during the thirties to note that in Lu Xun’s writing and thinking level, the urban context is an essential part of existence. In spite of its non-decisive influence on Lu Xun, it will undoubtedly enrich, inspire and create him in many ways. It provided him for the physical survival field, the "marketplace of ideas", and the spirit of fighting the "war of the trenches." Meanwhile, it is also a source for Lu Xun’s later thought, an object for urban writing and resistance. It promoted Lu Xun’s later thoughts in nature, and paved the way for him to spread his ideas of reflection and resistence.

【关键词】 鲁迅都市语境上海三十年代关联
【Key words】 Lu XunUrban ContextShanghaithirtiesAssociation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

