

The Study on Comparing of Chu Bamboo and Silk Documents in the Warring States with Classical Documents

【作者】 单育辰

【导师】 吴振武;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 历史文献学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文以出土文獻與傳世文獻的對照為中心,論述了楚地戰國簡帛出土、研究以及與之相關的先秦典籍研究的歷史和現狀。著重探討了出土文獻在古文字考释中的重要性,包含兩個方面:由楚地簡帛與傳世文獻對讀而識別楚地文字、由传世文献提供的線索而識別楚地文字。又探討了出土文獻在先秦典籍研究中的重要性,包含三個方面:對讀在探討早期典籍流傳方面的重要性、對讀在探討歷史故事在流傅中變異方面的重要性、對讀在疏解與校正先秦典籍方面的重要性。并在论文最後一章列舉了所有楚地戰國簡帛可與傳世文獻相對照的篇章、段落、文句和短语。

【Abstract】 This thesis is focusing on the central task of comparing of Chu bamboo documents and silk in the Warring States with classical documents, to study the related problems of Chu bamboo and silk documents and classical documents.There are five chapters in this thesis, and the main contents are as following. In first chapter, above all, we introduced Chu bamboo and silk documents in the Warring States unearthed since 1900. Secondly, we summarized the characteristics of Chu characters in the Warring States. Thirdly, we introduced the history and current situations of study on Chu characters. Finally, we cited three examples to show the development process of the interpretations of Chu characters.In the second chapter, we discussed the importance of Chu characters’ interpretations by comparing of Chu bamboo and silk documents in the Warring States with classical documents. We talked about some methods and the inspection standards of the interpretations of Chu characters. Finally, we cited 22 examples and 15 examples to elaborate the importance of the interpretations of Chu characters by directly and indirectly comparing of Chu bamboo and silk in the Warring States with classical documents.In the third chapter, we discussed the importance on studying classical documents by comparing Chu bamboo and silk documents in the Warring States with classical documents. Firstly, we introduced the history and current situations of study on distinguishing the false in classical documents. Secondly, focusing on the central task of study Chu bamboo and silk in the Warring States, we made confirmation or supplement to the Pre-Qin documents style summarized by Yu Jiaxi. Thirdly, we discussed the reliability of existing Wuzi and Shenzi according to the Shanghai Museum’s bamboo slips The desposition of troops of Cao Mo. Fourthly, we discussed the importance on the course of circulation of classical documents by comparative reading’s materials. Fifthly, we discussed the importance on the evolution of Pre-Qin historical story in their course of circulation by comparative reading’s materials. Finally, we discussed the importance on explanation and correction of Pre-Qin documents by comparative reading’s materials.In the forth chapter, we discussed other comparative reading’s materials, such as different views on comparative reading’s materials among scholars because they had different understandings on Chu bamboo and silk documents, and the importance in the Pre-Qin intellectual history, academic history, history by comparing of Chu bamboo and silk documents in the Warring States with classical documents. In this chapter, we discussed 10 related problems.In the last chapter, we enumerated all the examples of texts, paragraphs, sentences and phrases by comparing of Chu bamboo and silk documents in the Warring States with classical documents.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期

