

A Study on the History of Zheng in Zhou Dynasty

【作者】 苏勇

【导师】 吕文郁;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国古代史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 郑国是西周晚封的采邑,两周之际东迁河南,成为采邑转变为诸侯国的典型,国祚绵延四百余年。郑国始封与东迁的史料较少,本文将文献与金文材料结合,在前人研究基础上,集中探讨了郑国早期历史中几个备受争议的问题:认为始封君郑桓公为周厉王之子;证明郑国始封之地在今陕西凤翔雍水以北;阐明郑国的东迁之君为郑武公,他于东周初年将郑国从陕西畿内郑地迁往今河南腹地,开创郑国发展的新篇章。春秋初期,郑庄公一度成为春秋小霸,这主要得益于四点:郑国开国三公为王朝司徒的身份;内政稳定,虽有叔段之乱,却未对郑国造成很大影响;与齐国稳固的同盟关系;没有大国的侵扰。然而周王朝与郑国的矛盾逐步加深,最终决裂,郑国失去了政治优势。郑庄公去世后,国内五公子之争,使郑国在国际舞台上退隐多年,待局势稳定之时,齐、晋、楚相继兴起,在力量对比中郑国的势力急转直下,对外扩张完全被遏制。在大国争霸中,郑国不得不首鼠两端,国力渐弱,虽有子产中兴,也不足以力挽颓势。战国初年局势改变,郑国失去了作为大国间缓冲之地的作用,终被韩国所灭。郑国虽然国小,但经济发达,尤其是商业发展引人注目。另外,郑国是个文赋纷华的国家,《诗经·郑风》中优美的诗篇向人们展现了郑国的文化风俗;邓析、列子等文化名人也是郑国文化的重要组成部分。本文将文献材料与考古材料相结合,对郑国史中若干重要问题进行研究,希望能对先秦史研究有所裨益。

【Abstract】 The history of the state of Zheng is an important part of the history of Zhou Dynasty. Comprehensive study of the history of the Zheng state is rare in academia. This article focuses on the political, economic, cultural and other issues of the state of Zheng. There are seven chapters in this article.Chapter one focuses on the establishment of Zheng state. Conferring states had been finished until Cheng king Kang king period in western Zhou. Zheng state received the dukedom which just a piece of land in King City in the late Western Zhou period. The state of Zheng in the Records of the Grand History contains, Huangong You was conferred in Zheng in the twenty-second year of Xuan King. Although the establishment of Zheng state later, the state played a pivotal role in the plitical arena of the late Western Zhou period. There are few literatures about the establishment of Zheng state. The study probes into the identity Duke Huan of Zheng and the first dukedom of Zheng to complement the study of early history of Zheng state.Chapter two mainly discusses the Moving Eastward of Zheng state. The Moving Easterward of Zheng was an important event in Zhou Dynasty. Eastwood movement was tendancy to most states at that time. Zheng state was a success in the tendacy. It had a full impact on the Moving Eastward of King Ping and even Easterward Zhou. For Zheng state, the Moving Easterward would have been called the second nation-building. Zheng state gained a favorable opportunity for development. Duke Huan’s successor Duke Wu completed his father’s unfinish business. He protected the fleeing of King Ping from barbarians and rebellions lords. And to this matter for a reason to swallowed Guo state, Kuai state and eight other states. As a result, Zheng state were in a piece of land surrounded by the Huaihe river, the Luo river, the Ji river, the Ying river . All of this laid the foundation of the accomplishment of Duke Zhuang of Zheng.Chapter three recounts Duke Zhuang of Zheng a foreruner of the Five Hegemons. Duke Zhuang of Zheng was the first one to establish the hegemonical system in the Spring and Autumn Period. The heyday of Zheng state was the seventy years during Duke Wu to Duke Zhuang. Duke Wu and Duke Zhuang held the hereditary titile to serve as Minister over the Massess in the court of Zhou King. Using the advantages of privilege position, the state location, Zheng state became a prominent force in the early Spring and Autumn Period. The power of Zheng state reached an apex in the reign of Duke Zhuang. He defeated his brother Gongshu Duan, who had led a rebellion against him. His wise and strong measures to prevent the civil strife for the rank of nobility.Duke Zhuang of Zheng was a masterstroke of diplomacy. As Minister over the Massess of Zhou King, he had the political authority and military power. Thus, he did a series of expansion action in the name of Zhou King and had the aid of King troops. He associated with distant states, Qi and Lu, while attacking two neighbour states, Song and Wei, even other weak states. Eventually, he lost the hereditary position of the court for his arrogant.Chapter four explain the reason for the Zheng state decline. Zheng state got into civil war when Duke of Zhuang was died. The powerful Qi state broke the alliance with Zheng state meanwhile. When the peace came to Zheng state, the newly powerful states rised in succession. Qi state, Chu state, Jin state were overlords. All of them had more people, army and land than Zheng state. They declare and wage wars for hegemony constantly. Any of them considerd controlling Zheng state was a vital part in its own hegemoncial system. Therefore Zheng state suffered the invasion of the powerful states and the internal conflicts. There were no room for Zheng state’s expansion. Only in the brief interval of hegemons’wars, Zheng state took a breathe, but could not revive. Finally, Zheng state was eliminated by Han state in the Warring States Period.Chapter five discusses the territory and the captial city of Zheng state. After the Moving Esterward during Duke Wu period, the territory of Zheng state was based on the Central Plains. Annexing the states of Guo and Kuai determined the boundaries of Zheng state. The territory was largest during Duke Zhuang period. By and large, the territory of Zheng state, east to the NiuShou, southeast to the YanLing and FuGou, south to XuChang and LinXing, southwest to YuZhou, west to upper reaches YingShui river, north to the HuLao and Yellow River.Zheng state moved its capital city eastward to a new city also named Zheng. The name was from their old capital city. Later generations called the new city Xinzheng (new Zheng). From 1964, there were so many archaeological excavations in Xinzheng, achieved significant results.Chapter six discusses the economy of Zheng state. Biographies of Usurers in the Records of the Grand History quotes book of Zhou:“Agriculture is the base that provides food,handicraft industry provides tools,business takes charge of circulate.”Zheng state was one of the richest states during the Spring and Autumn Period. It mainly relied on the ariculture and had developed handicraft industry and commerce for its central location.Chapter seven discusses the culture of Zheng state. The culture of Zheng state was flouring. It was the elegant part of the East Zhou culture. The culture respected the orthodox, thought it had some distinctive features, inclusive and absorptive. The Odes of Zheng in the Book of Songs are the best source for the people daily lives. The poems are representatives of Zheng’s culture. In such an atomosphere, there were some cultural celebrities in Zheng state, such as DengXi,LieZi.

【关键词】 郑国郑桓公东迁郑庄公子产商业《郑风》
【Key words】 State of ZhengDuke HuanMoving EastwardDuke ZhuangZiChanbusinessPoets of Zheng
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

