

The Research of the Government’s Credibility

【作者】 郝玲玲

【导师】 彭向刚;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 行政管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 政府公信力属于政治伦理范畴,是政治学和行政学领域研究的重要议题之一。政府公信力的产生源于人们对“信”的理解和政府价值的追求。政府公信力的理论探讨和实证分析是辩证统一的,对政府公信力的理论研究是政府公信力的本质和价值的应然性论述,对其进行理论探讨最终是要为我们在现实情境中提升政府公信力提供依据和思路。当理论界对政府公信力的理论界说尚存很多模糊地带之时,政府公信力日渐衰落的现实问题及其对策研究,又逐渐成为人们关注和研究的热点。因此,本文的任务就是通过对政府公信力问题的理论探源和政府公信力运行的机理阐示,在努力厘清和全面理解政府公信力的基础上,对政府公信力的变迁过程进行梳理,指出政府公信力弱化的现实情境,并在理论上从建设政府公信力基本要素的层面,分析了提升政府公信力的根本途径,并在此基础上,着力从现实的角度出发论述了当代中国政府公信力的挑战与选择。希望通过本文的研究,为政府公信力理论体系的完善和现实对策的探讨提供一些新的思路。

【Abstract】 The ending of the last century to the beginning of this century, the relevant studies of the social trust relationship has gradually occupied a prominent position in sociology, psychology and other social science theories again, and the studies use some relevant methods of economics, statistics and computer science research to some extent. In recent years, political science, and public administration have also paid sustained attention to this research field. Among all the studies, the trust relationship and credibility with the government as the study core has become a hot topic in theoretical positions. Studies on government credibility generally starts with the reflection on the declining of government credibility during the process of social development, probing into the special connotation of government credibility and ways to enhance it. As government credibility itself is different from other credibility, but a sort of government capability and resource based on political trust, group trust and other complicated relationships of trust, studies on government credibility has thus become extremely complex. In the face of worldwide decline of the credibility of the government, overseas scholars, proceeding from the reality of their own countries, have researched profoundly into the theories of government credibility. Because of the particularity of our political development and the certain conditions of our administrative reform, domestic scholars have done little systematic research on the problems of government credibility and the research we have obtained lacks theory and authority. However, in the process of building a socialist harmonious society, government credibility has become the indispensable ability and guarantee when government leads this process. At the same time, increasing government credibility and improving public trust to trust to the government is also one of the effective ways to solve the practical social problems of our country.The paper is divided into eight parts. Except for the preface and the epilogue, the other six parts separately probe into the theoretical sense, operating mechanism, movement, current situation and elevation path of government credibility. What’s more, it carries out constructive theoretical exploration to the path to our government credibility’s construction in the light of the current challenge of our government credibility.The first part of the thesis is the preface. This part, dealing with the research background as well as the reason we bring out the problem, comprises the facts that the lack of government credibility in practice, the important research value of government credibility and the need of innovation through government theory. Then this thesis sets out to give a brief introduction of the relevant researches and explain the current status of research as well as differences and wrong ideas in the research. At last, this part presents the possible innovation and the difficulties we may run into and introduces the content and structure of this thesis.The second part is“credibility and government credibility: an investigation into the origin of the study”. Through analyzing the connotation of credibility, I try to further investigate the definition of credibility on the basis of a full understanding of its semantic meaning. I also explain the relationship between government and credibility and compare several similar definitions with government credibility. After that this part discusses the features of government credibility, including subject features, the asymmetry between subject and object and impact features.The third part of the thesis is“the operating mechanism of government credibility: logic, premise and element”. Firstly this part introduces the logic theory of government credibility including theoretical source, the deficiency of the theory and its complement. Then it gives a further analysis on the fundamental premises of the production and existence of government credibility, namely the acquisition of political legitimacy, the approval to government capacity, the balance of public rights and the establishment of trust relationship. Finally, it analyzes the operation mechanism of government credibility, in terms of structural elements known as government, public, export and feedback system in its running process.The fourth part is“the changes of government credibility: the evolution from a regulation-government to a service-oriented government”. Firstly according to the different roles government plays, this part analyzes government credibility. On this basis, it points out that the value of the modern service-oriented government correspondents to government credibility on functions and ideas. It provides a new way to realize the credibility of a service-oriented government—the democratization of politics, the legalization of administration, the publicity of information, the justification of personnel and the satisfaction of public.The fifth part of the paper is“The declination of government credibility: prevalent dilemma of contemporary governments”. This part starts from the fact of the widespread declination of government credibility, analyzes the universal decline of government credibility in western developed countries and gradual reduction of it in developing countries, and summarizes the normal form of the declination of government credibility, which includes: the questioned legitimacy of public rights; the reduction of government-supplied public product; the impeded implementation of government’s policy; and the decreased public satisfaction.The sixth part is "the enhancement of modern government credibility: institutional constraints and moral education". It gives a further analysis of the two ends of government credibility, namely the realistic active features of the government and the public. On the basis of the features of both sides, this part holds that the key to addressing the problem of increasing government credibility is the improvement of system and effective supervision, which includes the reform of system, the promotion of institutions, the supervision from the public, public opinion and industrial institutions in particular. In the mean time, this part puts forward the view that the trust among all people in the society plays an indispensable role in building a favorable environment for the enhancement of government credibility. In order to achieve this target, we must adopt the effective method of fostering people to improve their credibility and encouraging the formulation of trust which benefits the whole society. So this section serves as a general theoretical discussion on the construction of government credibility.The seventh part is "the modern way of constructing the government credibility: challenge and choice”. It first summarizes the critical challenges of the Chinese government credibility construction in transitional period, which include the influence of the changing social and economic environment on government credibility, the restraint from a slow systematic reform on the credibility development, the test from the increasing enthusiasm of public participation on the quality of government credibility, and the unregulated administration leading to a loss in government credibility. On this basis, the thesis brings out a sensible choice as to how to construct the government credibility, namely, optimization of the credibility environment, systemization of government credibility and a change in the actual way of the construction of government credibility.The eighth part is the conclusion part. This part first gives a brief summary of the thesis’s ideas and then it specially illustrates the value of government credibility construction, pointing out that the ultimate goal of contemporary Chinese government administration and ideal destination of government credibility construction is harmonious and benevolent governance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

