

On the Leading Function of the Government in Building Certification and Accreditation System with Chinese Characteristics

【作者】 郭金发

【导师】 周光辉;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 政治学理论, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 本文是从政府信用的角度出发来论述中国政府如何发挥在认证认可中的主导作用。论文的主要观点是,目前我们应该提升政府认证认可监督管理部门的信用,提高认证有效性。认证认可活动,与人们日常生活密切相关。譬如食品安全、职业健康安全和电器安全等领域,都涉及到认证认可工作。现代社会要求认证认可工作一定要有公信力和有效性,否则,社会组织和民众就不会相信认证认可的结果。国外的经验和中国的发展,都印证了这一点。认证认可的有效性依赖于认证认可机构的公信力。这些部门的公信力,与政府信用密切相关。政府信用是社会信用体系的核心,对于社会的经济、政治和文化的发展有着十分重要的作用,是社会发展的加速器。中国的认证认可制度是政府主导型。政府的不作为,乱作为,都会导致政府失信。这也是政府失责和失效的表现。认证认可制度,在中国就面临者政府信用缺失的挑战。所以,我们的解决思路是:要针对各级政府的体制性问题,把公正作为认证认可制度建构的价值追求;改革和完善现有的认证认可制度,弥补法律和标准两方面的漏洞,建立有力的失信惩戒机制;全方位加强对政府的监督,落实认监委和地方两局对认证认可的责任;政府部门要按照有效政府的要求,有选择地退出认证市场。

【Abstract】 The article discusses how the Chinese government ought to play a role in the construction of certification and accreditation system with Chinese characteristics . There previously was few specialized research on certification and accreditation system from political science in China, and there was no scholars use theories of the political institutions and public administrative to analyze the certification and accreditation system. This article tries to think theoretically how China should establish its own system of certification and accreditation. From governmental theory , basing on clarifying the relationship between government and the market ,we suggest that the view of government credit should be made to understand an important role of the certification and accreditation in the social and economic development.This article first clarifys the certification and accreditation system for its own characteristics and the role of credit; The next section is the discussion of foreign relatively mature certification and accreditation system which mainly focuses on how to establish a good reputation, won high trust of the society; After that the article sorts out the development process of Chinese certification and accreditation system, from which we can learn the experiences and lessons; In front of the basis, we explore an effective way to establish Chinese certification and accreditation system with own characteristics.Certification and accreditation involves all areas of social . It is the good functioning of the market economy of protection, but also related to the safe of people’s production and life Although the certification and accreditation are the two parallel systems of conformity assessment , but accreditation is higher than the certification in status. The departments of accreditation generally have close ties with the government at home and abroad. The relations between credibility of certification and accreditation credit is inseparable, and accreditation credit is linked directly with the government credit. Therefore we analyze the certification and accreditation system from government credit. The basic function of certification and accreditation is through publicity credible proof, passing relevant information to make the demand side trust certification and accreditation . An effective certification and accreditation system can build understanding and trust between the demand side and the general public and products and services, management, institutional and human capacity , which will also help enterprises to expand their markets, expand sales to safeguard the public interest and safety, protecting the ecological environment and promoting social harmony and stability and sustainable development.Foreign certification and accreditation systems can be divided into three modes. The first one is market-driven. The main features of this model is based on market demand, that guiding the development of certification, while supporting the work of the government’s accreditation. This model is represented by the United States. The second is government-driven, that the government follow the rules of market economy , focusing on building an unified development platform of certification and accreditation which has ability to attract a variety of subjects. Such as certification and accreditation system of Japan. The third is a hybrid development model,which is mixed by market-driven mode and government-driven mode . Its representative sample of the United Kingdom. There is an important message for us: the government as a regulator, we must strictly their perform duties, and safeguard the credibility of certification and accreditation.In drawing on the basis of international experience, China has established a government-led certification and accreditation system. This is consistent with China’s actual conditions. Chinese governments at all levels, as the dominant socio-economic, involve in the supervision and operation of certification and accreditation.From the perspective of political science, Paying attention to certification and accreditation, we can find that: certification and accreditation system itself in order to provide the relevant standards and information in market, lower transaction costs to make up for market failure; and government regulatory certification and accreditation is the government’s interference in the market ,also faces the risk of government failure. It at least contains such theoretical issues that the limits of government interference in market, the role of government, and political legitimacy . The government’s inaction and chaos will lead government lose it’s credibility , meaning the performance of government’s default and failure. Certification and accreditation system, presently in China, faces the enormous challenge of lack of government credit. It can be said that the Chinese government-led certification and accreditation system, which aims to solve the problem of market failure, but because of the improper interference of government, government failure occurres, leading to a serious problem that the validity of certification and accreditation in market is less than before. Lack of certification means that the effectiveness of certification and accreditation is not credible, does not have credibility. This is closely related with citizen trust in government, or government credit. The government credit is the foundation of certification and accreditation, and certification and accreditation is a concrete manifestation of government credit. Government loses its credibility mainly for misuse of public power, and because government does not provide sufficient public goods, or not protecting the people’s welfare, or severe society injustice. So we should do the following work :we should regulate the operation of public power specifically for the Chinese the institutional issues at all levels of government, regarding the value of fair as the pursuit of certification and accreditation, improve the existing certification and accreditation system , strengthening the overseeing the government fully, At the same time government departments must follow the requirements of effective government, withdrawing from the certification market optionally.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

