

Reconstruction of the Root of Philosophy of Life

【作者】 于桂凤

【导师】 王振林;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 马克思对费尔巴哈感性直观的批判是马克思哲学革命的重要内容之一。本文以西方传统哲学史为理论背景,立足于现代哲学的理论立场,先后从哲学思维方式的转换、哲学理论基础的革命、人的重新理解、形而上学批判范式的变革等四个方面,分析了马克思感性直观批判的革命意义。本文认为,马克思对费尔巴哈感性直观的批判,实质上是对传统哲学的理论优于实践、静观高于行动的“理论”态度与“知识论”立场的批判。批判的理论目的是瓦解传统哲学所精心构筑的形而上学世界,重建哲学的生活之根,以期为哲学自身存在的合法性提供有说服力的论证,为人类合理生存方式的选择奠定坚实的理论基础,最终为实现人类的真实自由与解放开辟一条现实道路。

【Abstract】 Marx’s critique of Feuerbach’s perceptual intuition is an important content of Marxist philosophy of revolution.In this paper,the history of the Western tradition of philosophy as the theoretical background,based on the theory of modern philosophical position,has the conversion of philosophical way of thinking, revolution of theoretical foundation of philosophy, re-understanding of human beings and change of critical paradigm of metaphysics in four areas,demonstrate the essence and revolutionary significance of Marx’s critique of perceptual intuition.Philosophy is essentially a way of thinking,the development of philosophy concentrated expression of the internal logic of philosophical way of thinking of historical transformation.Marx’s critique of Feuerbach perceptual intuition,above all,shows the deconstruction of intuitive thinking of traditional philosophy.In a rationalism as the main feature of the traditional philosophy, the abstract thinking has always occupy a dominant position,and in Hegel’s philosophy to achieve the ultimate.Feuerbach believed that abstract thinking is not life itself,only through the perceptual intuition to define their own way of thinking can have the objectivity,and only in the place where is a combination of abstract thinking and perceptual intuition have life and truth. Therefore,he resorts to perceptual intuition.However,the nature of the non-intermediary of perceptual intuition obscured the nature of personal nature,the object of perceptual intuition of pure principle of human subjectivity brought lost,non-historical point of view of perceptual intuition has led to historical idealism.These theoretical shortcomings rooted in the practice of Feuerbach’s philosophy of "empty field."Feuerbach look the practice as "egoism" in nature,"the practice of eating."For this kind of "injustice" understanding of practice of traditional philosophy,Marx from the perspective of perceptual activity of the practice of scientific explanation and their right to live in a world in which the basis of such status, and as a basis to practice as its new view of the world.The starting point, which will set a practical and intuitive thinking, thinking heterogeneous. In essence, intuitive thinking is both a ready-made theory of thinking, but also a kind of intellectual thinking, dualistic,and stick to observing than action "theory" attitude, while the practice of thinking of Marx’s theory of thinking is a kind of generation,dialectical thinking, reflects a "change the world" and "practice" attitude.From the intuitive thinking to practice thinking,Marx realized the revolutionary transformation of philosophical way of thinking, which goes beyond the whole "horizon of modern philosophy",opened a "new horizon of modern philosophy."Revolutionary change in philosophical way of thinking will inevitably lead to a fundamental change in philosophy.The history of philosophy,every time a major change in philosophy, but also will be accompanied by the revolution of theoretical foundation of philosophy.Theoretical foundation of philosophy is talking about here, more a philosophical and theoretical system is to be established "Archimedes point."Theoretical foundation of philosophy is necessary to ensure the philosophy of the legitimacy of philosophy. Traditional speculative philosophers make philosophy founded on the abstract world of thought, and in the process of building world of thought, forgotten the realities of human life world, which led to the philosophy of its own crisis of legitimacy.In the re-understanding and reflection of philosophy, people have deeply felt that philosophy must be made to return people’s living world and establish the link between philosophy and life in order to rid itself of the crisis.Feuerbach to resort to perceptual intuition clearly show his intentions that he wants to disintegrate the the world’s independent phantom phase and opens living world.However, Feuerbach was unable to bring up a actual path , which can leads him from the abstract of the Kingdom to real-world, because he has always been unable to own "sentimental philosophy" to provide a real " sentimental basis",he wanted to study "sensitive objects "is still a" thought object."Feuerbach not only failed to collapse as a speculative philosophy and theoretical foundation for the idea in the world, insteadly,disguised in the form of building the world of thought, so that the real world,once again lost, the theoretical basis for philosophical re-abstraction.However, non-disintegration of the traditional philosophical abstract world of thought can not completely overcome the traditional philosophy.Marx profoundly aware of this, his departure from the human perceptual activity to expose the ideological reality of the world to produce roots, thus the historic end to the absolute validity of ideas in the world, opening the world’s new philosophy of life throughout the domain. Existential philosophy in Marx, as the domain, the most basic and no doubt the material is neither abstract, nor is it the spirit of abstraction, but everyone’s real life.Thus, the true starting point of philosophy is neither the existence of the abstract, nor is it an empty concept, but the moment everyone real life.The mystery of philosophy lies in human beings.The revolution in philosophical way of thinking and the change in theoretical foundation of philosophy are always associated with a new understanding of human beings. In the traditional philosophy from ancient Greece to Hegel, reason in the understanding of the issue of people have absolute priority. From a rational perspective to understand people are a step forward, but it is a loss, because the original integrity of the existence of people have been fragmented. When the traditional philosophers summed up the essence of man as a rational, and to a rational person’s level placed on top of the sequence, the human emotional side was obscured and degraded. In traditional philosophy, people’s issues, although of paramount importance, but the supremacy of the traditional rational "person theory" makes it into the abstract.Against the abstract understanding on the people of speculative philosophy,Feuerbach resort to perceptual intuition to understood people as "perceptual objects" to try to open a "real person" philosophy of the new territory of the domain. This is not only an aspect far beyond the "pure" materialism, dealing a blow to a certain extent, speculative idealism.However,Feuerbach understood people only as a "perceptual objects" rather than "perceptual activity", the results of people into another form of abstraction. Marx was based on the person’s practice, not only understood as "perceptual objects",but also understood as "perceptual activity", finally found the way to "real people".From the people are "perceptual object" that human beings are "perceptual activity" Marx in a more consistent nature of the activities of human life the way a realistic interpretation of people and their historical development, which goes beyond the traditional philosophy of Feuerbach and the whole right abstract understanding of people to realize the history of philosophy of "people" understand the way revolutionary change. This revolutionary change is mainly manifested in the following three aspects: first, in understanding people’s starting point, Marx’s critique of traditional philosophy from the sense of starting to understand people’s thinking, established from the reality, there are starting to understand the personal lives of people point of view. Second, grasp the person’s way of thinking, the philosophy of Marx and ready to overcome the traditional way of thinking on establishing the theory of dialectical way of thinking is generated. Finally, examine the attitudes of people’s theories, Marx abandoned the traditional philosophy, the intuitive approach to establish a clear-cut attitude towards the practice.When Marx abandoned Feuerbach’s " perceptual intuition," to resort to a "perceptual activity", the people’s production activities, social relations and the natural world which both form in the production activities, etc, have become a mirror of people to understand their own. In this multi-dimensional understanding, Marx depicts a different from the traditional philosophy on the people’s "self-portrait."Ontological revolution of Marx’s philosophy disintegrat metaphysical world which is a carefully constructed by traditional philosophy.Critique of metaphysics is a common issue for Marx’s philosophy and Feuerbach’s philosophy.While Marx and Feuerbach faced the same philosophical heritage, criticized the same object, but the critical perspective or paradigm was very different:Feuerbach embodies a kind of humanistic criticism, Marx mainly shows a kind of social and historical critique. To resort to perceptual intuition humanistic criticism,Feuerbach revealed the source of the metaphysical human nature,the metaphysical absolute spirit comes down to the "nature-based real person" and that the main principles of metaphysics is rooted in people’s mental and physical conflict.However, Feuerbach study of human nature aside socio-historical process, out of people to survive in which the real world, his understanding of human nature is nothing but an abstract humanity.Thus, Feuerbach’s criticism of people in this study,although a certain extent,against the traditional metaphysics,it becomes clear that the "crack", but this critique of traditional metaphysics belongs intrinsically to the "internal rebellion."The negative consequences of this "internal rebellion" is to non-critically defend the secular basis for the survival of metaphysics. It is precisely because of this historical limitations, Marx who was holding a critical attitude towards traditional metaphysics from the outset did not stay in the pure theory of criticism, but from the general criticism of theory furtherly transition to the specific social and historical critique.Through deconstructing the traditional metaphysical ontology concepts ,ways of thinking, "liberation myth",Marx not only ripped through the ideological nature of traditional metaphysics,but also exposed the real root causes of the traditional metaphysics,so as to provide a practical way to deconstruct of traditional metaphysics,that is to criticize ruthlessly the reality of social life and revolutionize the world through the practice of making the existing.Criticism from human studies into the social history of this criticism, critical to achieve the metaphysical paradigm revolution.Marx’s critique of metaphysics in social history, the revolutionary significance lies in the following two points:firstly, Marx’s critique of metaphysics is not limited to reveal the ideological roots of metaphysics or human causes,but further indicates that:Only the digestion metaphysical reality of survival of soil, it may be really metaphysical form of digestion of knowledge;Secondly,Marx’s critique of traditional metaphysics does not mean the negation of human being’s metaphysical pursuit, but reveals that human being’s metaphysical pursuit is deeply rooted in people’s real life,so it is only by means of real power is possible to achieve the pursuit of human being’s metaphysics.Through the above four aspects of analysis,this paper believes that Marx’s critique of Feuerbach perceptual intuition is essentially to upset the traditional "theory" attitude that the theory is superior to practice,intuition observing above the action and "Epistemology" position criticism.Its critical theory aimed at disintegrating the traditional philosophy of the super-sensual world, rebuilding the root of the philosophy of life,so as to provide convincing arguments for legitimacy of philosophy of their own existence,lay a solid theoretical foundation for the choice rational survival way of human beings, the ultimate to achieve the true freedom of human beings to open up a real path.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

