

Institution Change and Its Values Foundation

【作者】 张晓虎

【导师】 刘少杰;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 社会学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 作为一个社会问题,艾滋病的概念体系中不仅包含着医学科学的界定,还具有浓重的社会文化属性。在建构论看来,不论是它的医学科学界定还是社会文化内涵都是在特定的社会背景中被各种社会因素共同建构起来的。对公共健康的威胁并引发了社会价值观念的冲突是艾滋病成为社会问题不可或缺的两个构成要件,也是既有制度安排在已经变化了的社会生活面前效能缺失的表现。中国的艾滋病问题反映了中国社会变迁过程中价值取向和生活方式日益多元化的趋势与相对滞后的制度文化之间的矛盾,出于对健康与和谐的追求,必然产生新的制度需求,要求变迁旧有的制度体系,通过制度创新来实现新的社会秩序。中国解决艾滋病问题的实践进程折射着中国社会进一步制度变迁和社会重组的进程,这个过程是国内外各种利益团体之间的博弈过程,也是各方主体持有的不同价值观念和需求之间的博弈。本文通过对中国艾滋病问题的建构主义分析,从艾滋病的概念体系、引发的社会影响、社会应对艾滋病的策略以及对中国社会制度和社会结构的影响等方面探讨了相关制度变迁的价值观念基础。

【Abstract】 As a social problem, AIDS has the profound social reasons. Its concept system has far exceeded the definition of medical science, and involved massive ethics value judgment. Looks in the constructivism, AIDS’s concept system is a result of construction by society. No matter the definition from the medical science, or the mark significance given by social culture, it is a production constructed by specific social mechanic, social structure, life style, authority relations, institutional arrangements, and so on. But the medical definition of AIDS is often diluted by AIDS’s culture connotation in the life (world). The prevention measures that were formulated based on the scientific rationality to deal with AIDS has encounter the barriers coming from the traditional culture ideas and the institutional arrangements. It is the potency flaw in institutional framework that cause sorts of social problems in the view of constructivism. Resolving social problems means changing existed institution and the demanding new institution. The basic reason that AIDS turns to be social problem lay in it caused the conflict among different values in the society. To resolve the problem requests to innovate institutional arrangements to adapt the social reality that has changed. This will cause the institution change whose foundation is the change of value ideas. The institution change requests breaking in the centralized value ideas pattern and establishing a new pattern of value which means“tolerant”,“respect”,“multi-dimensional”,“equal coexistent”, and so on. Therefore, AIDS problem is not only the production of social change, moreover is the turning point which the institution changes and the society further reorganize. Analyzing China’s AIDS problem from the angle of constructivism is to reveal the change in life style that caused by institution changed, as well as how the life style, particularly value ideas, that has changed develop to a potential to impetus social system change further in the existing environment. In short, I want to explore the value foundation of institution change by analyzing China’s AIDS problem. This paper will explain the problem from five aspects.The first part analyses AIDS’s concept system, especially its science definition, from constructivism. In the early study and argument, people piecemealed have the same viewpoint of AIDS. Through this process we can see the basic role of statistics playing in modern science, and the effect of value concept in finding and dividing science. Social interaction mechanism makes great sense in coordinating the differences of each aspect. Through these analysis, we can identify the basic point of this paper, that is the concept system of AIDS is the result of combined construction by sorts of social factors, including system arrangement, power relation, the academic discourse system, political and economic interests, and so on. This point is the basement of this paper to explain.The second part explains the substance of AIDS to be an social problem from the theory of social problems. The meaning of AIDS has far exceeded the definition of medical science; it includes a lot of social culture beyond science category. The effect of AIDS’s social culture is far more than the science concept of AIDS in society. This is why the AIDS problem goes out of medical science and epidemiology to turn into a social problem. All social problems has two aspect that is objective“publicus”and subjective“conflict of value”, the subjective one is especially emphasized by constructivism, only when the social phenomena make conflict in concept of value, it can become a social problem, value concept is the basement of“institutional arrangement”, the conflict of value concept means the relative inefficacy of institutional arrangement . The occurrence of social problem reflects efficacy of the extent“institutional arrangement”or absence, the solving of social problem means bringing new ideas to old system or needing new system. The substance of AISD to be a social problem is that it reflects the“public”conflict of value concept. To solve social problem means to change the old system, that is to say the substance of AIDS located in changing institutional arrangement. The third part discusses the AIDS problem in China and its institutional background. The epidemic and spreading of AIDS in China has penetrating social institutional background.“Blood plasma economy”reflects the over pursuit of economic profit and non-strict management.“The open sex concept”reflects the multielement of value concept after Reforming and Opening. The rising and flourishing of“sex industry”reflects the driven of economic profit. Reforming and opening brings great changes in social life, the market and liberalism economy leads changes in culture life, new value orientation and life style. The change in concept needs respond of system. The hysteresis of system reforming leads the occurrence of kinds of problems, also create condition for virus transforming. Through analyzing AIDS problem in China, we can see that every“high risk behavior”is limited to the society institutional background. Facing the multiple value concept and complex social reality, if we don’t change the concept and institution, we can’t solve the AIDS problem. The two different political definitions of AIDS in China is an emphatic evidence of this conclusion.The fourth part, through analyzing the“behavior prevention”, discusses the system need and system innovation in AIDS problem. As an international experience,“behavior prevention”has its own theory basement and mode. To confirm and generalize“behavior prevention”reflects the reformation of value concept and system innovation to some degree. However, this mode still faces great barriers of traditional value concept in China. These barriers is not only displayed at the theory, but also reflected in the practice. Driven by the economic profit and lead by utilitarianism, which is to get benefit for“the most people”, the prevention in China hasn’t gone out of the monophyletism. Although these thought can promote“behavior prevention”in political aspect, it has exposured more and more discrimination to people accepting the prevention. The host of prevention directed by traditional concept has great difficulties in getting well with the people at high risk, the hiding and noncompliance of the people at high risk is the bottleneck of the prevention. Building a believing relationship and carrying out prevention smoothly need adjustment in concept aspect, it asks for the host to throw off the traditional concept and respect people who accept prevention, and make a benign society for the related ones who participate the prevention through right propaganda and avocations.The fifth part intensively explores the role of NGOs, especially the NGOs for the subculture people played in the prevention of AIDS. The idea that NGOs participate is an important idea that international organizations spread greatly to prevent AIDS, it is also the modern idea based on western“civil society”theory and society background. International fund does not only provide expense and technology support for AIDS prevention, but also bring the theory of“civil society”. In some programs, the NGOs’participation, especially the homosexuality is one of the most important conditions to provide support for China. Under this background, the homosexuality people get greater chance than ever before. They make great contributions in AIDS prevention, during this progress; they also express their request of culture. As a weak-force group in a long time, their acceptation and request of multi-democracy and“civil society”theory is most obvious. To this opportunity, they try to found corporations, mobilize society strength, have democracy election, and communicate with main stream media and some other kinds of movement style. It is hoped to get equality between heterosexuality and homosexuality and push the development of“civil society”during this process.As a social problem, AIDS reflects the conflict of view concept and the need of institution transformation. All these can not be break away from the concrete society background. During the process of institution transformation in China, the role of the decision maker played is usually crucial; their reorganizations and view choice to this problem decides the directions of institution transformation. The laws and policy usually affect people’s reorganizations a lot, although there is great difference between people at main steam and people at high risk in the reorganizations of AIDS problem, they both have the desire to protect health of human. To seek common ground while to preserve differences is an effective way to solve the problem. Whether we can come from the multiple society reality and build equal and tolerance concept is the key of solving the AIDS problem, also is the key of effective institution transformation. This paper analyzes the AIDS problem from constructivism. It does not only demonstrate the sense of AIDS problem in institution transformation and society recombination, but also try to discuss the society and theory of institution transformation. Through putting the problem under concrete background, discuss basic role played by view concept in institution transformation.

【关键词】 制度变迁社会问题价值观念建构论艾滋病
【Key words】 Institution ChangeSocial ProblemValueConstructivismAIDS
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

