

David Hume: His Theory of Moral Sentiment

【作者】 关巍

【导师】 王天成;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 外国哲学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文详细探讨了休谟的伦理学思想,论述了休谟伦理学思想的内容、意义及其主要的理论困难与研究价值。休谟的整个思想体系是一以贯之的,从他的认识论到伦理学思想所构成的整个体系是完整而连贯的,在其中休谟将他在《人性论》中认识论部分所取得的研究成果完整地贯彻到了他对伦理学的研究当中。在《人性论》中,主要涉及伦理学问题的是第二和第三部分,休谟探讨了人类的情感对伦理学问题的意义,贬抑了理性在人们道德判断问题上的作用,从现实的人的情感出发,以同情原则和比较原则为基础,以想象力的多重作用为媒介,确立了自身的情感主义伦理学体系。休谟的伦理学思想具有非常重要的理论意义,开创了对伦理学问题的情感论研究,从分析人的心理现象出发,对后人具有非常重要的影响。在本文中我们以休谟对欧洲情感主义伦理学体系的继承与发展为起点,探讨了休谟伦理学思想的建立、发展和理论困难,讨论了著名的休谟的“是”与“应该”问题,分析了休谟对其直接继承者亚当·斯密伦理学思想的影响以及康德面对休谟带来的问题与挑战所展开的理论探讨,力求完整地展现休谟的理论体系和理论价值。

【Abstract】 Is it our moral judgments and moral behavior rational from the reason or not ? Our values do base on facts? In a moral issue, between the rational and emotional what is the relationship? , Etc. These issues have been thought-provoking and led us to continue thinking.Each of us have deep feelings that in the world people are living there, so this "Love" For us, that is spontaneous, and direct, which can be realized without argument. Each of us at all times realized, feel with, express the world. On this issue we are dealing with the problem about ourselves and others, self and society and the relations of world. We exist, and thus must pay attention to the existence of our own state, what was this state of existence? Thronging examination of human emotions, Hume giving us a unique picture of existence.Hume’s whole ethics ideas are aimed at to answer this question–what human nature are. He inherited the emotional content of Emotivism ethics, but showed his own criticism and amendments. Emotivism ethics begins from Shaftesbury, through Hutchison until Hume’s make their system improved. Established emotions as the root causes the moral judgments and moral distinction, so that emotion in the status of ethics which has been manifested.Emotivism ethics is the opposition of the popular ethics of Hobbes at the time, especially Hume, resolutely opposed to rationalist view of moral judgments from facts and reason "consistent" relationship theory.Hume inherited from the emotions theory of Shaftesbury and as a direct supporter of Hutchinson theory, further development of the doctrine of the Emotivism ethics. Hume inherits the basic viewpoints of Hutchinson, but for the moral sense theory of Hutcheson, Hume believes that with this in to explain the source of human morality is not complete, in Hume’s view, this sense of morality is still very abstract and ideal, Hume’s from the point of experience telling that it is better starting from the principle of people’s sympathy.In Hume’s view that morality stems from emotion, but the feelings of humanity should have the following characteristics, first of all it should have a universal right so that all human beings should follow, so that People are able to make similar moral judgments. He pointed out that the reason to make this a universal and let people to make the same moral judgments is the principle of people’s sympathy, he considered that compassion is a powerful principle, it allows us to solve the one hand, the original of morality sentiments, because it is the principle of sympathy generated love, on the one hand they make our moral judgments out of the narrow coterie of self that can be pushed to others. And Hume thought that people are social existence just that gives value to our moral judgments and behaviors.Hume’s thinks that the biggest differences between himself and Hutchinson are that he believed that behavior out of interest is also valued, such as justice which comes from people’s beneficial expectations. As man-made, justice also has value. Can be said that Hume’s part draw of the Hobbes view, Hume also emphasized that man-made also has moral values, justice as the representative, although from the hope of people’s benefit, or out of people’s concern about their own interests, but it is not just limited to this, just as a man-made design, the Therefore, access to people’s generally recognized, precisely because it is "seems" virtuous, but this "seems" is also valuable, especially for people’s social life and also has value for the interests of the community .Hume also pointed out that morality is not only for humanity, education and the impact of the external environment are all moral formations, from this perspective; Hume is a natural human point of view. The departure from this human nature, sympathy principle obtains the universality.Hume’s Ethics ideas from the point of view of human reality social life, careful description and analysis the ethical life of people. Hume priority placed on resolving the relationship between emotional and rational issues. He believes that the primary role of reason is to determine the authenticity, but can not be used to launch will generate behavior. The activities of our will is real activity, but only emotions can be launched will, it is emotion-driven our will to produce behavior. Therefore, our moral activity can only come from emotions, not originate in reason. Reason can only tell us what is and can not tell us how to act. In the analysis of this issue, David Hume put forward the well-known distinction between fact and value relative to the issue, that is, later well-known "is" and "ought" issue.In Hume’s entire ethics system is that the principle of sympathy living in the primacy place, with the principles of sympathy we can out of our own narrow-minded, out of a small circle of ourselves, while sympathy are basis of Hume’s Moral Sense, and the sympathy for Hume there is first and foremost, and it is not argument, because it is a natural, from this natural sympathy ,we, as the existence of social order to achieve our own survival and development and to correctly handle ourselves and others , and our relationship between societies. While that is as a principle of complementarily - comparison principle, for our lives also have an important role, especially in our own existence, for their own understanding of our survival is happy or no is very significance, at the same time there is a more meaning, that is, on the one hand can enhance the confidence, but this can be modest and calm, for the reality of human interaction of great significance. On the other hand, Hume pointed out the emotional changes in people’s imagination; it is the imagination as a "live" principle makes the conversion from our feelings and emotions to impression, so that we can sympathy and understanding others.However, we also see that Hume’s ethical thought are difficult to overcome the existence of the theory of his own shortcomings. Hume did not make a theoretical description of the principles of sympathy; and, in Hume’s view as a stable personality structure of the "self" is just a cluster of perception, then it is essentially removed from the physical self, making moral into the main body of nothingness; the same time, Hume use a very vague way discussion on motivations and effects, that the motives for good behavior and effects out of consideration of the acts are valuable, and therefore In theory it is not pure. Hume’s theories led to an infinite future generations of "reverie", especially the Kant’s ethical thought, he tried the system on Hume’s theory, put forward its own solution, we are mainly from several areas to demonstrate, above all, Kant From the point of view that human being as a rational attempt to rescue David Hume, where he was belittling the rational; the same time, Kant was also the motives and results from the acts of moral values in the discussions, etc., the system responded to Hume’s problems and "challenges."Hume thought the significance of far-reaching. In the 20th century, 60 years, in order to McIntyre in 1959, writing a paper - "Hume on" Is "and" Ought "" as a starting point, many ethicists have raised the question of Hume’s own point of view, in this paper We focus on the R ? F ? Atkinson, as well as N ? Capaldi of the main points. In this article we try to from Hume’s own text to start to his entire system, and detailed discussion of his ethical thinking, trying to reveal the emotions in our moral life and the important value in real life.

【关键词】 情感理性道德感同情道德判断
【Key words】 EmotionReasonMoral SentimentSympathyMoral Judgments
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

