

Study on the Development of Deng Xiaoping’s Moral Education Thoughts

【作者】 董蕾

【导师】 庞雅莉;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文把邓小平德育思想作为一个动态的整体过程进行研究,根据实践的发展变化及对理论形成的推进作用,将邓小平德育思想形成发展过程分为奠定基础、形成轮廓、深入发展、走向成熟、创新发展五个阶段。不仅对改革开放以来邓小平领导德育工作在各个阶段的思想和实践作了具体的阐述,而且突出其理论的连续性和一贯性;思考邓小平德育思想形成发展的社会历史背景,关注邓小平德育思想中所提出的具有直接现实指导意义的理论主张,探求对中国德育改革发展的深远影响;尝试将邓小平德育思想置于马克思主义德育理论的整体发展进程尤其是马克思主义德育理论中国化的整体发展进程中进行研究,并将江泽民、胡锦涛对邓小平德育思想的进一步创新有机联结起来,论证邓小平德育思想顺乎时代要求的强大生命力,揭示邓小平德育思想逻辑与历史的有机统一。

【Abstract】 Third Plenary Session of 11th Chinese Communist Party marked the cause of contemporary moral education in China opened a revolution. Which constitute the theoretical basis of this moral change is Deng Xiaoping’s moral education thoughts. Times Select Deng Xiaoping, China’s reform and opening up and modernization drive has nurtured the great practice of Deng Xiaoping and his theory. Therefore, only from the practice and history of the broad perspective in order to strategically advantageous position to grasp the moral ideas of Deng Xiaoping.This thesis studies Deng Xiaoping’s moral education thoughts regarded as the dynamic and whole course, combing development traces, thinking the background of formation development and a far-reaching impact on moral education’s reform process, revealing that Deng Xiao-ping’s moral education thoughts embodied the unity of logic and history of and the profound influence, also has a particular theoretical and practical necessity.Deng Xiaoping’s moral education thoughts has close relationship with the overall strategic situation of modernization, in particular, and the specific tasks at different stages closely linked. According to development changes of practice and its impelling action on formation of the theory, this thesis divided the course of development process of Deng Xiaoping’s moral education thoughts is divided into five stages. The doctor thesis can be divided into five chapters:Introduction of this thesis introduces the origin and significance of research topics; research status and problems; research ideas and innovation of this paper.Chapter I discusses Deng Xiaoping’s moral education thoughts lay a foundation During historical transition time. This chapter first analyzes the historical inevitability of the convening of sessions of the career development of moral education in China marks a new starting point, but also the formation and development of Deng Xiaoping’s thought the logic of moral beginning. The level of theory and practice from the development stage, it explains the emergence of Deng Xiaoping’s Moral Thought is Marxism, especially Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping’s moral turning point in history, the result of the interaction of moral practice. Second, this chapter seize the basic elements of the moral education structure, focusing on the stage of Deng Xiaoping’s moral education thoughts. In the guidance of a series of Deng Xiaoping’s moral educational policy, moral educational guiding ideology had been radical reformed, moral educational position had been introspect and reconstructed, and moral educational objective had been criticized and reconstruct. To the 12th Meeting of the Chinese Communist Party, the front of moral education had basically bring order out of chaos and starting reform, and the paradigm of moral education had converted. These are composed of development path of Chinese moral educational causes in new period, and lay a foundation for formation of Deng Xiaoping’s moral education thoughts.Chapter II discusses Deng Xiaoping’s moral education thoughts formed an outline under the background of comprehensive reform. This chapter focuses on the theme of Deng Xiaoping’s moral education thoughts, that is, "What kind of training people how to train people," is how to establish and reflected in the moral reform and development. First, Deng Xiaoping established the basic moral concepts and frameworks of theoretical system. He not only from the perspective of the overall socialist modernization expounded profoundly moral status and role, but also from the perspective of moral self-development discussed the moral guidelines for career development, training objectives, the working mechanism and so a series of important theoretical and practical issues, which formed a distinct theoretical themes and scientific system. Second, Deng Xiaoping’s moral education vision has undergone major expansion. Uphold the basic theory of Marxism and moral education, based on the theme of a new era of judgement (peace and development instead of war and revolution), Deng Xiaoping considered the issue of moral education in new level of thinking, promoting moral education theory of Marxism in China and giving these ideas to the meaning of modern civilization.Chapter III discusses Deng Xiaoping’s moral education thoughts developed deep in opposition to Western ideas. This chapter from the unity of logic and history is complex, reflecting the unity initiative perspective, analyzes after the 13 Congress, Deng Xiaoping’s moral education thoughts deepened in dealing with complex issues in the continuously. Compared with the previous period, the value of the moral education choice, even more emphasis to the social standard of Deng Xiaoping led unequivocally opposed from the mistakes of socialist reform and development trend; andl education content, Deng Xiaoping, pay more attention to the four cardinal principles of education and against the peaceful evolution education,etc.ideological and political education; and education objectives, to "four" new structure based on democracy and the rule of law more prominent Quality; the education way, both contradictions among the people or the contradictions between the enemy firmly reject the mass movement practice, adhere to regular persuasion and education. To sum up, Deng Xiaoping’s outstanding performance in the main moral education views expressed: to stress democracy and legal education in the maintaining social stability; to emphasis the four cardinal principles of education and hard work of education in moral reflection decade; To emphasis against "peaceful evolution" education in the complex and volatile international environment, Shows that the logic of science always guide our practice, constantly sum up experience and lessons become more clear, at the same time also in the logic of moral education cause of the repeated scrutiny in the continuing development.Chapter IV discusses Deng Xiaoping’s moral education thoughts matured under Socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics. Theory developed is fully developed product of practice development. First this chapter pointed out that the "Southern Talk" will be the basic idea of moral education reform in China advanced to "fully mature, exemplary form of" the extent, and demonstrated that the "Southern Talk" some of the scientific conclusions and strategic vision is centered on "what kind of training people how to train people" made the fundamental problem of multidimensional rational thinking and Marxist classical writers on scientific understanding of moral logic from the abstract to the concrete results of, and Deng Xiaoping’s moral education thoughts important symbol of maturity. Embodied in: the Nature of Socialism - adhere to moral education with Chinese characteristics; the socialist market economic theory - adhere to moral education to adapt to the market economy and beyond; "three benefits" theory - the value of upholding moral education standards. Clarify the rules of socialism is the intrinsic requirement of socialist moral education, Correct understanding of our moral socialism with Chinese characteristics provides the most powerful theoretical support. It marked the Marxist theory of the moral education thinking has moved from abstract to concrete, that Deng Xiaoping’s moral education theory has matured. Secondly, this chapter based on the CPC 14 congress, 15 Congress established the guiding position of Deng Xiaoping Theory in the entire establishment, proposed the establishment of Deng Xiaoping’s moral education thoughts in the moral field. Also proof Deng Xiaoping’s moral education thoughts’scientific orientation, which deepen understanding of Deng Xiaoping’s moral education thoughts in Marxist theories of moral development in the history of special status and further guidance in the real development of China’s moral victory in the cause of the most fundamental prerequisite and guarantee.Chapter V discusses Deng Xiaoping’s moral education thoughts innovatively developed under the banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics. This chapter banded Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao on moral education and further innovation together, To highlight the same strain. We specifically explained that CCP hold high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory, accurately grasp the characteristics of the times, and inherited moral thought and Deng Xiaoping era with new features to the development of science and creative use since 90’s of last century. Jiang Zemin as the core of the Chinese Communist Party at the third generation of central collective leadership, established "Three Represents", and formed Jiang Zemin’s moral education thoughts which developed Deng Xiaoping’s moral education thoughts to a new level; Hu Jintao as General Secretary the new central collective leadership, on the basis of Jiang Zemin’s moral education thought, proposed a "people-oriented" moral philosophy, established and practice the moral content of the socialist concept of honor, and building a socialist core value system of moral mission, which marks the moral education theoretical understanding of the problem and the corresponding practice of innovation has entered a new stage.Conclusion illustrates the development of Deng Xiaoping’s moral education thoughts reflects the inherent moral logic and history of the organic unity. First argument from Marx to Deng Xiaoping on the moral education awareness of the problem reflects the logical and historical unity. Then analyzes the moral education ideas of Deng Xiaoping also reflects its own internal logic and history of organic unity.

【关键词】 邓小平德育思想发展
【Key words】 Deng XiaopingMoral Education ThoughtsDevelopment
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期
  • 【分类号】B82;A849.1
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】915
  • 攻读期成果

