

The Research on Urban Community Participation Model and Mobilization Mechanism

【作者】 张晓霞

【导师】 田毅鹏;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 社会学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 本文是对目前城市居民社区参与模式所作的一项社会学研究。在系统地梳理国内外社区参与模式相关理论的基础上,结合对城市社区的实地调查,在经验分析的基础上,根据动员主体的不同,将居民社区参与模式划分为社区组织动员型参与模式和精英主导型参与模式,又根据精英的身份特征的不同,将精英主导型参与模式分为社区正式精英主导型参与模式和社区非正式精英主导型参与模式。本文深入剖析了居民社区参与的模式及其动员机制,探讨了城市居民社区参与模式的特点和发展趋势。本文认为,随着社区建设的居民自治导向的进一步增强,城市居民社区参与模式将呈现出动员主体协同互动,居民参与领域更加广泛,居民参与的平台和渠道进一步拓宽,居民参与的组织化程度进一步提高的发展趋势。论文还针对当前城市社区居民参与存在的问题,剖析了问题产生的原因,提出了促进城市居民社区参与的对策建议,以期对我国社区参与和社区建设的发展有所裨益。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the development and construction of urban community, community participation has been the new theme and the new power of urban community construction of our country. The field of urban community participation and community autonomy has been fast broadened out, the exploration of community autonomy has been further deepened,the construction of community participation has aroused public attention, and a social atmosphere of community autonomy is taking shape. When urban community construction and community participation has improved remarkably, basic community has formed some experience and models to promote community participation. At the same time, we have to know that community participation has some prominent problems because of imperfect institutionalized situation,input mechanism of community participation and inadequate community mobilization. To summarize the main experience and problems through the case study on urban community participation is important to solve the problems and promote community participation and community construction. For this reason, the thesis analyzes and studies urban community participation models taking communities in C city as examples.First of all, the thesis reviews the domestic and overseas research situation, illustrate the basic research results on Urban community participation, analysis the theoretical perspective in community participation research, and introduce social mobilization theory and elite theory to the research on community participation model. By doing so, the thesis enriches and develops the theoretical basis of community participation model, and provides theoretical support for this study .Second, on the basis of the results of others’research, the thesis divides urban community participation models into three models according to mobilization subject: community organizations mobilization participation model, formal community elites leading participation model and informal community elites leading participation model. Community organizations mobilization participation model is the model that the Communist Party organizations in communities,neighborhood committee and the informal community organization mobilize the community residents to participate in community affairs and community activity in collaborative. Formal community elites leading participation model is the model that community cadres (formal community elites) mobilize the local residents to participate in community activities and affairs through motivating social resources. Informal community elites leading participation model is the model that activists that pay close attention to community problems (informal community elites) spontaneously found an informal community organization to mobilize the local residents to participate in community activities and affairs.Third, the thesis analyses the reason for urban community participation model to form, especially first analyzes mobilization mechanism of various community participation model. In recent years, the study on community participation both at home and abroad is quite lively, and many scholars put forward many valuable viewpoints. However, the formerly study on community participation is less on community participation models. Up till now, there is no research on mobilization mechanism of community participation model, which has an important significance both to grasp the features and law of the current community participation models’formation and development and to put forward effective measures to promote community participation. Consequently the thesis analyzes in depth the problems such as the forming reason and mobilization mechanism and so on. The study on community organizations mobilization participation model advances that the model forms in the background when unit system changes to community system, community public services are insufficient and community organizations have stronger ability to mobilize;the mobilization mechanism of the model consists of the factors: mobilization on residents’participation by the Communist Party organizations in community, neighborhood committee and the informal community organization. The study on formal community elites leading participation model points out the background for the model to form is the crisis of community public services and the residents trusting in formal community elite; the mobilization mechanism of the model consists of the factors: the formation of formal community elite’s ability of mobilization and the tactics of mobilization of formal community elite. The study on informal community elites leading participation model points out the model forms in the background when public affairs are no under control, the state encourage innovating community construction,the third region is expanding beyond the government and market, and gentry tradition produce an effect. The mobilization mechanism of the model consists of the factors: the formation of informal community elite’s ability of mobilization and the tactics of mobilization of informal community elite.Fourth, on the basis of analyzing community participation’s problems and forming reasons, the thesis puts forward the countermeasures to promote community participation, that is, fostering and molding residents’community consciousness, building and perfecting community participation’s mechanism and channels, reforming community administrative system, strengthening neighborhood committee’s autonomy function and building of bright people, etc.Finally, on the basis of analyzing urban community construction’s essential features and development’s tendency, the thesis also studies factors and trend of development of urban community participation models and thinks that in the background that the community is‘state governed unit’and the main guiding of community construction is administrative, urban community participation model has these factors: the first is that the Communist Party organization in community, neighborhood committee and system elite have an advantage in mobilizing residents’participation in various forces to mobilize residents’participation; the second is that means and mechanism of mobilization ,and residents participation’s tactics are similar to traditional participation model of the masses; the third one is that residents’participation is primarily the mobilized and executive participation. The thesis thinks that urban community participation model’s trend of development is that mobilization’s subject interacts in coordination, the field which residents participate in is more extensive, platforms and channels of residents’participation are broadened out further, and organizational extent of residents’participation is further raised as the guiding of residential autonomy of community construction is strengthened further.In a word, the research in the thesis will be used for reference to develop community participation and community construction of our country on urban community participation model’s forming reasons, mobilization mechanism, factors and the trend of development and the countermeasures to promote urban community participation. As urban community construction and various reforms of our country is deepened and perfected further, more residents will participate actively in community construction and democratic administration, promote community’s development and the society’s overall progress, create and own happy lives of community together, and promote the foundation of socialist harmonious society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

