

Network, Affordable Housing Policy Research on the Impact of Housing Price

【作者】 周卫嘉

【导师】 宋宝安;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 社会学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 改革开放30多年来,我国市场经济取得了巨大的成就。1998年住房市场化改革以后,住房产业已经发展成为国民经济支柱性产业。与此同时,较高的住房价格由于越来越背离城镇居民收入水平而备受学界和民众的关注。本文通过对C市和T市的个案分析,力图从经济社会学的视角基于网络理论和制度理论去探讨我国住房市场中的行动者用以创造和稳定他们居于其中的方式——住房市场中住房的生产和需求是如何生成又是如何实现市场交换的,住房价格如何受到网络关系和保障性住房政策的双重影响的。文章提出三个观点:一是网络关系控制了每一个时段内的住房供给量小于需求量从而使得无论市场中总供给与总需求的情况如何,以网络关系为基础的住房生产和销售模式使得住房的市场价格保持上升;二是保障性住房政策增加了住房的总供给量,分化了各个层次的住房需求,“二套房”政策的推出引导银行贷款抑制投资、投机性购房需求,从而有助于降低房价;三是指出影响住房价格的因素很多,其中以网络关系和保障性住房政策两个变量最为关键,对于住房市场的反思和重构以及平抑住房价格应该从以上两个变量对于住房价格的影响作用出发,提出有针对性的制度改革和宏观调控政策。

【Abstract】 30 years of reforming and opening up, China’s market economy has made great achievements.Since the reform of the housing market in 1998, the housing industry has become a national basis and pillar industry. Housing, industrial development, for improving the living conditions and stimulating economic growth, expanding employment and speedind up the pace of urban development has played an irreplaceable important role. Such a high correlation, giving strong impetus to the pillar industry in recent years, however, the development is due to the high price level far removed from people’s income has been much criticized, a phenomenon that increasingly lead to the academic community and the general public concern.In this C and T City case studies, seeking from the perspective of economic sociology-social net theory and institutional theory to explore China’s housing market actors to create and maintain their way of living in the housing market, housing the production and demand is how to generate, but also how to achieve market exchange, and housing prices are networking and how to protect the dual nature of the impact of housing policies.This paper argues that the housing market should be seen as a series of“participant”in a variety of political and institutional constraints under the centralized operation, from the perspective of economic sociology, I believe that China’s market is at the heart of the government to produce the location of the structure. For the housing market should be defined the first prominent person’s relationships and roles of the participants in those basic such as land owners, mortgage lenders, speculators, builders, developers, real estate agents, planners, politicians, consumers and so the housing supply and demand generation played a crucial role in the housing market should be regarded as the housing supply and demand structure of production and exchange. Housing production is a series of market participants in the housing market, the impact of actions, housing demand can be divided into three categories: First, fiscal policy is rooted in the formation of demand; second is rooted in the formation of monetary policy needs; Thirdly, it is emotional the formation of the relationship between the changes and restructuring needs. Article points out that China’s housing market in the exchange behavior is based on network relationships based on housing sales model.Relations and the safeguards for network housing policies affect housing prices, articles, put forward three ideas: First, control of network relationships in a period of time allowing the housing supply market, regardless of the total supply and total demand of the situation, to the network relationship-based model of housing production and sale of the housing market makes the price increase; the second is to protect the nature of housing policy in particular is a“suite”policy increases the total supply of housing, differentiation of the various levels of housing demand for bank loans to help guide the non - room operators and to improve the model needs to purchase a house and thus help reduce prices; third is that the many factors that affect housing prices, of which networking and security of housing policy two most critical variables, two variables either alone or jointly have a profound impact on housing prices.For the reflection and reconstruction of the housing market, as well as stabilize the housing prices should be from the above two variables influence the prices for housing, this paper proposes a targeted system reform and macro-control policies. Finally, the paper think that we should deepen the fiscal and tax reform to regulate the market supply and demand relationships; promoting land reform, optimize the market supply structure; promote urban resident household registration management system, optimize the structure of the housing market demand.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

