

Research on Supply Chain Schedule under Mass Customization

【作者】 吴梦娜

【导师】 马飞;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 论文主要研究了大规模定制下的供应链调度问题。首先应用生产运作理论、范围经济及规模经济理论、运筹学的相关理论和博弈论的相关理论论述了大规模定制下的供应链调度问题的理论基础。然后,进行了大规模定制下的顾客订单分离点定位研究。分别针对功能性产品和创新性产品进行了顾客订单分离点定位的研究,综合考虑成本、提前期和产品顾客化程度等因素,确定了顾客订单分离点的合理定位。在此基础上,展开了标准化生产阶段的供应链调度研究。分别针对单一供应商对单一制造商的情况和多供应商多制造商的状况,建立了相应的批量调度模型;进行了供应商的零部件生产与配送的调度研究,解决了标准化生产阶段由于缺乏协调调度而导致的成本和时间的浪费问题。然后,进行了定制生产阶段的调度研究。首先针对多制造商及多顾客的状况,进行了顾客订单的批量调度研究;此后,进行了定制阶段的生产与配送的调度研究,以成本和延迟时间为目标函数,建立了基于协调的调度模型,并给出基于微粒群算法的模型求解算法和路线;最后,利用博弈论的理论,提出保证协调调度实现的补偿策略。最后是对大规模定制下的供应链调度问题的案例研究。通过案例研究验证了本文研究的有效性和先进性。

【Abstract】 Supply chain Responsiveness has been the pronoun of the competitiveness of supply chain. For improving the responsibility of the supply chain, many scholars begin to study the operational level of supply chain, the supply chain scheduling has been concerned about as the core problem of the operational level of supply chain. This paper study on the supply chain scheduling under mass customization to solve the problem of the operational level of supply chain, which can make the mass customization play the respect result, and let the supply chain reach the quick response with lower cost.This paper make the supply chain scheduling under mass customization as the main topic, on the basis of reading the foreign and domestic references, then figure out the theory and practice problem lies in the study of supply chain scheduling under mass customization. According to the characteristic of the mass customization, this study start from the study of Customer Order Decoupling Point’s(CODP)Position, and then, make the CODP as the boundery, and set up the batch scheduling model and production and distribution coordination scheduling model under the standardization production stage which lies before the CODP, and the customization production stage which lies after the CODP. Details are as follows:(1) Study on the Customer Order Decoupling Point’s position under mass customization. Base on the Fisher’s model of product’s classification, this paper studies the position of the Customer Order Decoupling Point for the fuctional product and the innovative production, lead the scale economy and the scope economy theory into the study, take full account of the position of CODP impact on the cost (scale economy), lead time and the customization of the product, then set up the MILP models base on the cost and the profit respectly, and make the customization factor (scope economy) into the study, and compare the different models for different products. This part lays the foundation for the following study of the supply chain scheduling.(2) Modeling the batch scheduling in the standardization production stage. Firstly, study on the batch scheduling for the one supplier to one manufacturer’s situation, then set up the related batch scheduling model for the multi- suppliers to multi- manufacturers’situation. Next to it, use the transportation problem in the operational research transform the model for the orders can be split’s situation, then use the transportation problem related methods to give the optimization solution; for the orders can’t be split’s situation, prove it is as the NP hard problem, and can use the PSO method to solve the model.(3) Modeling the production and distribution coordinated scheduling on the standardization stage. Firstly, analysis the scheduling conflict between the supplier and distributor, and measure the cost by the conflict through the numerical test, at the same time, compare the cost lead by the conflict of one part dominant’s scheduling, base on it, set up the MILP model for the coordinated scheduling of the production and distribution.(4) Modeling the batch scheduling in the customization production stage. Study on the customer order’s batch scheduling for the multi- manufacturers to multi- customers’situation, for the order can be split and the order can’t be split’s situation, bring the transportation into the study, and set up the batch scheduling model consist of the transportation cost, transportation time and the spare transportation capacity. Prove the batch scheduling model under the order can split situation as the transportation problem in the operational research, and can be solved by the related solution; at the same time, prove the batch scheduling model under the order can’t be split situation as the NP hard problem, can be settled by the OPS method.(5) Modeling the production and distribution coordinated scheduling on the customization stage. Firstly, find out the scheduling conflict between the supplier and the distributor, and measure the cost by the conflict through the numerical test, at the same time, compare the cost lead by the conflict of one part dominant’s schedule, base on it, set up the MILP model for the coordinated scheduling of the production and distribution.(6) OPS based model optimization method and route. Firstly, give the selected reason of the OPS, then design the related code, finally, set out the OPS’s calculation steps and process.(7) Use the game theory related theory, firstly, make the game analysis for the manufacture and distributor’s equality and inequality situation, obtain the equilibria for the manufacturer and distributor under the two situation, then analysis the equilibria of the coordinated scheduling pattern, base on it, we get the compensation to maintain the coordinated schedule.(8) Case study on the supply chain scheduling under mass customization. Base on the supply chain scheduling model under mass customization this paper setteled, make the S heavy truck as the background, to make the application study, analysis the validity and the practicality of the model, from the comparition with the existing scheduling patten, we get a lot of valuable conclusions.This research give the foundation of settle the conflict problem on the operational level between the enrerprise on the supply chain, reduce the operational cost of supply chain, improve the cooperative efficiency, strengthen the resposiveness capability of the supply chain, enrich the theory and methods on the operational level of supply chain, therefore, this research is of great theoretical and practical significance. With acceleration use of the mass customization and the supply chain management, the fruits of this research will have wide application prospect.The main features of this paper is to study the supply chain scheduling in mass customization from the optimal resource allocation point of view, not only study the scheduling problem, but also study the CODP position which affect the scheduling, also make it as the boundrary of the scheduling models. The innovative points are as follows:(1) Make the ecnomics of scope and the economics of scale applied into the CODP position models, broke the difficulty to accurately located the CODP, this increase the innovative and scientific of the research, also provide the support for the successful implantation of mass customization, and get the expect results.(2) This paper leads the Fisher’s product categories into the study of the CODP position, this make this study more realistic than the traditional model which do not take it into account. Study on the CODP position for different types of products, strengthen the accuracy and practical application of this paper.(3) This paper study the supply chain scheduling from the batch scheduling and the sequence scheduling aspects, breakthrough the past perspective of study the batch scheduling only, which reflects the systematic of this study, and meets the urgent need of the supply chain responsiveness, more subtle study into the problem of the operational level of supply chain, enhance the practical application of this research.(4) In modeling the batch scheduling, this paper consider the spare production capacity, cost, and time factors, and in the customization production scheduling model, make the cost and delay time as the scheduling objective, these allow the research to meet the operational objective of supply chain.(5) Game theory has been applied to the study of the operational level of supply chain, brokethrough the tradithonal application to the strategic level of supply chain. Solve the problem that the corporation rufuse to choose the coordinated scheduling because of the fear to loose their own benefits, ensure the supply chain scheduling model applied.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

