

Studies on Military System in "Zhou Li"

【作者】 李严冬

【导师】 许兆昌;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国古代史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 《周礼》对于先秦史和先秦军事史研究具有十分重要的意义。其所见军制内容严整详实,蔚为大观。其所述之军队建制、军政管理、军令发布、四时田猎、宫廷禁卫、军法执行、后勤保障等各个与军事建设有关之方面,或由专官负责,或由各官联合处置,都有较为完备的制度规定。本文以《周礼》军制问题为研究对象,立足于《周礼》兵学内容的文献考源与批判,对先秦时期军事发展、变化的过程以及其中出现的历史问题做一番透视,从而揭示出先秦军制与军事思想的若干特点。全文共分六章:第一章和第二章分别介绍了《周礼》中所见之各类军队组织及其制度源流。对王六军的建军方式、六军与文献和铭文中的“六师”的关系以及六遂、公邑、采邑的相关军事问题进行考述;对《周礼》所见之宫廷禁卫武装体系及相关制度作出分析。第三章主要介绍《周礼》对国家军事领导体制的设计与规划。《周礼》中的军事领导体制依托于古人对分封制度的认识体系,对天下邦国的军力等级进行规划。建立了以王为最高军事统帅的领导体制和指挥体系。并以夏官司马作为全国军政的最高管理机构。第四章重点讨论《周礼》中的兵役制度。并结合有关信息对战国秦汉的傅籍制度作出比较研究。第五章主要介绍了《周礼》所见之军法、军刑及其执行体制。《周礼》继承了先秦战争临时颁布誓命,宣示军法的传统。在军法执行体制上的设计上体现出各系统相互制衡的思想,其目的是为了使各部能严格纠察不法行为,无有偏私,从而保障全军令行禁止,指挥得力。第六章对《周礼》的后勤保障制度作专门研究。论述了《周礼》的后勤制度体现出与车战相适应,并为其提供各类保障的主要特征。同时又与《周礼》寓兵于农的建军方式相适应,具有平时无需养兵,战时临时供应的制度特点。

【Abstract】 Military question in "Zhou Li" focuses on the the military system and military theory in“Zhou Li”. The article uses Marxism as guidance, applies the shell inscription, the I Shout Vessels inscription, the warring countries words and the archaeological reports record, applies Xian Qin documents, studies the kinds of military management systems of Zhou Li.Exordium deals with the significance of the study, the study present situation and the writing method.Chapter one and Chapter two list all kinds of armed forces to prepare organizations, methods of combat and command systems in "Zhou Li" . The military pattern established in "Zhou Li" include : "Six Forces" is the regular army; Palace imperial guard army is the standing army; Aristocratic armies is the additional aimed forces.And analyse that whether there are armies in“Six Sui”,and the relations of“Six Army”and the“Six Divisions”. Consider that the viewpoint that“Six Sui”have aimy have no insufficient evidence,and the“Six army”and“Six Divisions”are not the same thing. Although "sixsui" people have been so militarization of regularization, and only by late spring and autumn as the kingdom of wild gradually disappear, and the fact that the "no field of vision system" kingdom of political, military thoughts.To zhouli, armed and related system make imperial collection and analysis. Through the staff for all kinds of palace armed, composition, function and its defense system of examination. Expounds the connections of the palace of armed command system and management system, and embodies many parties are involved in power distribution of thought. And with bronze inscriptions on HuBen materials and slave history origin and make an analysis system.Chapter three studys the military leadership system and principles of "Zhou Li",consider that the King is the supreme military commander,and“Xia Guan”is the highest military administration and military orders agencies,and the King 6 army, the major powers 3 army, the sub-country two army, the small country one army compose the national ranking of military,and established the Zhou King "unified" leadership and principle of the military leadership system. The connections to the highest military institutions for syma, to manage the army, and has formed a complete set of military decision-making system. Kaogongji (the military leadership system, is the connections in the military system on the rites of vivid representation.Chapter four discuss the question about military service system in“Zhou Li”.Consider that“Zhou Li”establish a kind of relatively complete record of military service system, whose purpose is to adapt to the way of fighting vehicles. However, the sources of historical materials used in“Zhou Li”are very complex. Some of them are relatively old systems and regulations,and another historical materials absorbed the information about census register in“Warring States”.So we must critically analyse these historical materials. On the issue of qin residence registration, cannot ignore the applicable standards for height, it is for the country in various periods can maximize maximum consent, can eliminate &political school-age; let the draftees fled, and the development of the household registration system is not perfect and the social conditions of unrest in wartime are mutually adapt.Chapter five study about the penalties of military and military law in“Zhou Li”.Consider that the military law in“Zhou Li”have the characteristic of statute, but the war still dominated the interim regulations. While the connections to violate act in the military, with specific disposal of noble discount MianXing system,which is based on the "eight kinds of preferential conditions" eight kinds of conditions listed system relief, noble receivable obvious trace of thoughts and punishment before. Chapter six discuss about the logistics System in "Zhou Li" ,including the army provisions, weapons, oxen and horses, transport and military agora, and training support, etc.Consider that the characteristic logistics system in "Zhou Li" is adapting to fighting vehicles and the military service system about militia. The logistics system in kaogongji size, although a clear division of work, but all the organizational slightly between system, neither unified department or the whole household officials, also did not have a set of complete logistics system will work integrated logistics departments.

【关键词】 《周礼》军事制度军事思想
【Key words】 “Zhou Li”Mititary systemMititary theory
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

