

Rhetorical Studies of Specific Type in Pre-Qin and Han Dynasties

【作者】 李美妍

【导师】 徐正考;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 根据功能主义强调的“连续统”概念,我们将特指式反问句和特指式询问句放到一起进行历时考察。以疑问代词为线索,对先秦两汉时期十二部文献中的疑问代词在反问句和询问句中的出现频率进行穷尽性统计,然后考察它们在句法功能、语义指向等方面的异同,在“描写”的过程中进行“解释”。本文共分为七章。第一章是绪论,在这一章里我们首先谈选题依据,将反问句从疑问句中独立出来进行专题研究的价值,概括古汉语反问句的相关研究成果,明确我们的研究对象以及确定研究对象的依据和类型划分,然后对本文的研究方法、以及研究框架进行说明。第二章我们主要对反问句的句法、语义和语用方面的性质特点进行了说明。第三章至第五章是本文的主体部分,在这三章里我们按照指代功能将疑问代词分成三类,然后分别对这三种类型的疑问代词在十二部文献中出现在询问句中和反问句中的用例进行穷尽性考察,在穷尽考察的基础之上,采取定量与定性相结合、共时与历时相结合的研究方法,揭示每种类型的疑问代词在询问句和反问句中的发展情况。第六章重在“解释”,将疑问代词从询问句到反问句的嬗变看成是一个连续统,疑问代词由原来的只用在疑问句中表示疑问,渐渐地可以用在反问句中表示反诘,随着它们在反问句中用例的不断增多,使得它们的指代意义变得越来越虚,也即疑问代词由有所“代”转变为无所“代”,最终实现语法化的过程。换句话说,疑问代词的衰变表明了特指式反问句的嬗变,而疑问代词正是通过在反问句这种句法环境中的使用而重新分析为虚化的、无所代的反问句标记词。第七章是结语和余论,我们通过疑问代词在不同句法环境中的发展演变情况可以看出某些语法化的规律来。但是还有很多问题有待于我们去做进一步的研究。

【Abstract】 Based on the concept of“consequent system”, which is emphasized by functionalism; we made the diachronic investigation to specialized rhetorical question sentence and specialized inquiring question sentence simultaneously. Using the thread of interrogative pronoun, we performed limited statistics to interrogative pronoun’s appearance frequency, which existed in 12 literatures in the periods of pre-Qin days and tow-Hans, and then investigated the differences and similarities between them within sentence structure condition,“explained”in the progress of“description”. There are 7 sections in all, within about one hundred thousand words.The first chapter is the Introduction.This chapter we talked about five topics, section I, we first clear the basis of selection that we would ask from the interrogative sentence, independent of the value of a thematic study .Section II of this article we explain the object of study and to determine the basis for the study and type of division.Section III describes the three aspects of this article will be specific to type of rhetorical study.Section IV we have the ancient Chinese rhetorical questions related to research results are reviewed.The second chapter is the investigation to the characteristics and particularity of the rhetorical question sentence in Chinese.First, we are Chinese rhetorical section of the previous research results have been summarized, section II, we have focused from the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic aspects of the nature of rhetorical questions in Chinese were studied.Refers specifically to type-type ask rhetorical questions, and refers specifically to sentence is not completely separated, and the two not only in the degree of doubt that there are differences, But also in the history of the evolution there is also intrinsically linked to rhetorical questions are still subordinate to the interrogative, in the interrogative, in accordance with“问”in the continuum of attainment. Therefore, we can ask is a question of the sentence as“using”and asked is the interrogative sentence in the“body.”From the semantic point of view, rhetorical questions in the semantic“no”from the ask rhetorical tone, rhetorical questions in the negative is to remove ask sentence marker other than the part, that is a negative proposition.Chapter III is the investigation to the rhetorical question sentences,which were marked by interrogative pronouns of“谁”、“孰”and appeared in Pre-Qin and Han Dynasties. First, from the use of the frequency point of view, the early literature, only“谁”to mark rhetorical questions, do not use“孰”;had to medium term,“谁”used to mark the use of rhetorical questions is always in a strong position,“Zuo Zhuan”“Mandarin”“Mo Zi”“in the“谁”rhetorical question mark was significantly higher than that,“孰”tag rhetorical questions,and the“Zhuang zi”in the“谁”the symbol does not appear rhetorical questions,all with“孰”to mark, which may involve regional problems. From the syntactic function point of view,“谁”and“孰”in the Qin and Han Dynasties period of Chinese sentence may be subject to ask, but it is worth noting that, in the literature“谁”,“孰”division of labor is still relatively clear,“孰”can be subject, and“谁”can be used as predicate, verbs and prepositions object object.“谁”asked the sentence be used in the end of the sentence when the subject does not appear in general tone of the word, and“孰”in the end asked the sentence disposes statements often have the word connected to the tone, and mainly“也”、“乎”、“哉”、“焉”、“孰”not act as a predicate sentence, and“谁”can be, and to predicate takes two forms: the“非A…谁”and the“舍A…谁”、“谁”can be verbs and prepositions of the object, located in front of the verb, use cases are not many.To refer to sense from the point of view, an interrogative pronoun“谁”to refer to objects, can only be used in the question sentence. Sentence can only be used to ask people to refer to that term refers to sex, primarily reflects the surrounding means. When the meaning of a sentence with a surrounding, with the equivalent of affirming the sentence,“No one could, no one can.”Used in the negative sentence is equivalent to“any one person, everyone.”When the sentences are contextual effects, and the speaker with a clear mind to refer to an object, the sentence does not have the surrounding nature, the equivalent of“only.”Interrogative pronouns, “孰”can both refer to people, you can also refer to objects. Is used to refer to objects, the marks are generally as rhetorical questions, and the tone of the word end of the sentence can occur.Chapter IV is the period of Qin and Han Dynasties interrogative pronouns,“恶、安、焉”marking rhetorical studies. From the perspective of voice, you can certainly doubt that the pronoun“恶、安、焉”under the pretext of coming through for interrogative pronouns speaking, its essence is a word written in three different forms, this can also be predecessors of the ancient books of note have been tested. Interrogative pronouns“恶、安、焉”in roughly the same usage, mainly used in the inquiry sentence, on behalf of the premises and asked to mark the word sentences, and sentence to ask for marker in the main.Chapter V is the interrogative pronouns during the Qin and Han Dynasties,“何”、“曷”、“奚”、“胡”tag rhetorical studies. In the early literature“Shang Shu”in the“何”and”曷”in use on a clear division of labor,“何”is mainly used to ask things,“曷”mainly used to mark rhetorical questions.“何”and refer to further expand the scope in the”shi jing”, and“曷”is mainly used to refer to a future time, used to mark the use of rhetorical questions have also weakened, and can say that the early questions about the pronoun“何”、“曷”were not fixed, is still in the stage of constant adaptation. In the middle of“曷”significantly reduced the use cases, and in many cases the literature are not used, we can see the development of its language has lost its competitive edge. With the Spring and Autumn Period of which produced a number of new questions about pronouns (such as the Western Zhou Dynasty did not see an interrogative pronoun“奚”“胡”etc.), also from“何”constitutes a composite of a large number of interrogative pronouns appear related to making the“何”became the most frequent and strongest vitality of an interrogative pronouns. Interrogative pronouns“奚”“胡”the most important usage is used to mark rhetorical questions, used in the inquiry sentence,“奚”main-generation methods like situation,“胡”mainly on behalf of the reasons. Interrogative pronouns“奚”“胡”in usage and syntax function with the“何”has similarities, but they are nowhere near the usage and the“何”comprehensive and flexible, even far from the usage and the“何”when complete decay eliminated.Chapter VI we mainly dealt with two questions, section I, mainly specific to type the word part of speech tag to ask sentence to further clarify his point of view of attribution. Section II is mainly meant to ask sentence marker specific to type the words of the analysis method. Into the interrogative pronouns in different syntactic environments to analyze and found that specifically refers to rhetorical style, and refers specifically to type interrogative close relationship exists between, a variety of association between them is built up through the interrogative pronouns. Generation of an interrogative pronoun“谁”“孰”whether it is asked in the question sentence or sentence, used to refer to the meaning of generation has not changed, and changed their finger on behalf of the features. Used in the inquiry sentence,“谁”and“孰”of can be expressed as the surrounding means, a means, specifically, while used in the sentence asked,“谁”only have the surrounding refers to this“任指性”functional reduction also reflects the“谁”asked the sentence in virtual technology. On behalf of the reasons for the purpose of an interrogative pronoun”何”“奚”“胡”by the end of the first sentence, there can only be asked to make predicate to the predicate after the verb before the pre-adverbial, adverbial position of an interrogative pronoun is providing the Virtual the syntactic condition. When the“何”“曷”“奚”“胡”placed before the adverbial predicate verb, if the“VP”statement of the content of the unknown speaker is not clear the information, then the sentence should be asking the sentence, question at this time is the highest level. If“VP”statement is a common sense, or is in line with common practices are the norms of the common sense and a negative, often rely on the negative asked that question at a time when significant reduction in subjective attitude has improved. When the interrogative pronoun”何”“奚”“胡”can be connected to the back like the verb“敢”、“肯”、“可”、“得”and so on, makes the“VP”as stated in the Known information even if the information is contrary to common sense, the speaker can also be rhetorical syntactic environment will it be negative, in order to achieve certain common sense information purposes. On behalf of the premises for word queries, the“恶、安、焉”in the envisaged, former VP first language, with a direction from VP or premises of significance to the functions of word meaning of words, because“functional”verb itself with the words are often the subjective feelings, which led to an“恶、安、焉”,Acting premises, where the significance of further false. When the speaker’s subjective feelings become stronger, even in the“恶、安、焉”added behind the verb can be ready when the subjective to further enhance the sentence,“恶、安、焉”the meaning of the premises on behalf of the disappeared make an interrogative pronoun“恶、安、焉”, the completion of the premises from generation to become a rhetorical marker changes. Love-like manner on behalf of the interrogative pronouns“如之何”“如何”category at the asking sentence for the predicate phrase, are derived from the“如……何”category form.“如之何”category the phrase is used to approach the situation like on behalf of the most commonly used feature is the syntax for predicate in a sentence,“之”experienced by the refer to specific things to refer to the Behavior of the virtual process.“如之何”category on the form of the verb before the adverbial predicate, the adverbial position of“之”word can not make any allegations of sexual, losing to refer to the meaning has been completely blur.“如之何”asked the sentence be used in the adverbial, followed by a tone often have to add the adverb“其”to strengthen the rhetorical tone of the sentence.“如之何”class form in these sentences by the behavior of the action-like manner or circumstances into question the reasons for behavioral change on the question. Such changes also making the“如之何”category form of words into“如何”type format. Because“之”virtual technology, the“如之何”category is equivalent to the usage of the basic“如何”category.Chapter VII is the conclusion part of this article. Chapter VII is the conclusion and I theory, we have adopted interrogative pronouns in different syntactic environments in the evolution of the situation can be seen in some of the laws of grammar. Also pointed out that there are many rhetorical questions about specific to type of problems to our further to study them.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

