

The Theoretical and Empirical Research on Technology Diffusion of Industry

【作者】 王江

【导师】 赵树宽;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 技术扩散是技术创新取得社会效益的源泉,一项新技术的经济效益主要来自于它的扩散。产业技术扩散是将先进的技术扩散到其他企业和社会组织,以促进新技术在其他企业和社会组织中的广泛应用,对提升整个产业的技术水平,推动产业的技术升级,提高产业的创新绩效,以及对社会的经济增长都会产生积极的影响。同时,产业技术扩散是一个连续而缓慢的过程,它使新技术在潜在使用者之间传播、推广和应用,从而提高产业内各企业技术水平,提高产业内企业的经济效益和竞争能力。因此产业技术扩散不仅关系到技术新成果自身价值的实现,而且对于产业结构的合理化、高级化,提高科技投入的经济效益,有效地将新技术扩散到行业、部门或其他领域,促进经济发展和社会进步具有重要的作用。本文以产业技术扩散为研究对象,首先结合技术学习理论、技术创新理论、技术扩散理论、技术转移理论、产业技术及其生命周期理论、产业经济学理论等,为产业技术扩散理论的研究提供较为完整的理论背景和铺垫。其次,文章从产业内部和产业外部分析了影响产业技术扩散的主要因素。之后,对产业技术扩散的动因、产业技术扩散的过程以及产业技术扩散的模式进行了分析。再次,阐述了产业技术扩散的机制,并对动力机制、供求机制、激励机制、约束机制以及中介机制五种机制之间的关系进行了分析。最后,在阐述上述理论的基础上,文章构建了产业技术扩散的效应评价模型,并进行了实证研究,分析了中国汽车产业技术扩散的现状和存在的问题,进而提出了中国汽车产业技术扩散的促进策略。

【Abstract】 In the era of knowledge economy, science and technology are advancing rapidly, economic globalization is also accelerating constantly, that makes the technical innovation and technological advances improve economic more and more strongly, and it results in the adjustment of industrial structure and upgrades. While which decided to fast economic growth is not only the invention and creation of new technology, but also is the spread of new technology very important. Technology diffusion makes the technology spread and apply in the economy and geographical space constantly, the diffusion of technology has become the important way to make technological progress. For a country or region of the industry, technology diffusion is not only very important, but also even more important than technical innovation itself in economics way, because it has become the resource of how the technology innovation gets social benefit. The economic benefits of a new technology are coming from the spread of new technology, if only the new technology spreads on a large scale, the whole industry and society can achieve greater social economic benefits. Industrial technology diffusion is the spread of new technology, which is also a spread process of industry spreading to the enterprises or other organizations after getting a new technology. Industrial technology diffusion has promoted the new technologies to spread among the enterprises and social organizations, it also can promote the technological level of the whole industry, and improve the operation efficiency of social organization and industrial upgrading, the technology innovation as well, and most important it can give a positive impact to social economic growth.Technology, innovation and diffusion is always a key research areas of economics, since the late 1980s, domestic and foreign scholars began to attach the research and technology diffusion, but it is rarely discussed from the angle of some one industry and technology diffusion mechanism separately, most scholars discussed technology diffusion from the technology innovation, industrial organization and industrial clusters, these researches are studied from technological innovation and there are no clear conclusion about technology diffusion, and also short of analysis framework as a whole part. This paper studies that industrial technology diffusion mechanism is more important than technical innovation, which makes the study have more theoretical and realistic significance. Based on industrial technology diffusion as research object, the paper combines of technical study, technology innovation and technology diffusion, industrial technology and the other related theories and methods, make use of the methods of combination between normative analysis and empirical analysis, quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis. The research content as follows:1.Industrial technology diffusion theoryThe aim of study on industrial technology diffusion theory is to provide complete follow-up study of theoretical background and bases. First, this paper expounds the concept of technology, analyzed the technological factors and the essence of technology. Second, the paper expounds the concept and distribution theory of technological learning and technological improvement theory, and also discusses the imitation mode and independent mode of technological learning. Third, it expounds the concept, resource and development present situation of technology innovation. Fourth, the research status of the theory of technology transfer in the world is reviewed. Fifth, the paper expounds the concept of technology diffusion, and distinguishes the concepts of technology diffusion and technology innovation using, technology diffusion and technology transfer, technology diffusion and technology innovation diffusion , analyzes the technology diffusion imitation theory, technical deadlock theory, technology evolution theory, the theory of space, time theory, equilibrium theory, the choice theory and resource demand relations theory etc. Sixth, the paper analyses the definition, connotation and characteristics of the industrial technology and connotation and characteristics of life cycle are discussed. Seventh, the emergence and development of industrial economics, and industrial economics theory.2.The influence factors of industrial technology diffusionIndustrial technology diffusion is affected by many factors. From the internal and external industries the paper analyzes the main influence factors of industrial technology diffusion, and the internal factors are decisive, external factors are conditions. Internal factors insist of organizational structure, technical properties and characteristics and industrial enterprises in scale, marketing ability, property, human resources and innovation ability. External factors insist of economic environment, policy environment, social environment, the information environment. Through analysis and comparison of the internal and external causes, the paper gives a deep thought about the influence factor of technology diffusion. 3.Industrial technology diffusion model researchThis paper analyses firstly the causes of industrial technology diffusion which is not only from the receiver’s demands, but also from chasing the interests. Secondly, this chapter discusses industrial technology diffusion process, including chain process and chain loop, only if clears the process of industrial technology diffusion, innovation resources can make the efficient allocation. Finally, on the basis of analysis, the paper elaborates the industrial technology diffusion mode, including of technology innovation、demand to market、technology and market、integration and durative, the paper concludes that the technology diffusion mode is different, and also the industrial technology diffusion process.4.Industrial technology diffusion mechanism researchAccording to the study above, analysis to the industrial technology diffusion mechanism base on system height. The paper first defines the meaning and form of technology diffusion mechanism, analyses the characteristics of technology diffusion mechanism. Secondly, industrial technology diffusion mechanism is analyzed; the dynamic mechanism and incentive mechanism and restriction mechanism are mainly discussed, supply -demand mechanism and mechanisms. Supply-demand mechanism is the condition, dynamic mechanism improves the supply-demand mechanism and incentive mechanism and restraint mechanisms will constantly improve supply -demand mechanism, medi-mechanisms can promote and adjust the technology diffusion. So five mechanisms through function coupling and circulation function complete industrial technology diffusion process.5.Industrial Technology Diffusion Effects ModelOn the basis of industrial technology diffusion theory, the paper constructed the evaluation model of industrial technology diffusion effect. First of all, on the basis of the principles of indicators, the paper designed the industrial technology diffusion in the evaluation index system, the main purpose is to order to evaluate the spread of technology diffusion objectively and accurately; Second, the paper described the evaluation of technology diffusion, according to the characteristics of different methods, combined with the perspective of this study, the paper determined the principal component analysis and questionnaires for the evaluation of this method of building models, and on this basis, the industrial technology diffusion effect evaluation model is built.6.Empirical StudyAn Empirical Study of Industrial Technology Diffusion is chosen of China auto industry, combined with the proliferation of Chinese Automobile Industry Technology Status, China’s automobile industry was evaluated by using of Industrial Technology Diffusion Effects in evaluation model of technology diffusion applications. The paper mainly analyzed the three variables of industrial technology diffusion investment, production and management with qualitative and quantitative analysis methods, by evaluating results to identify the main problems of the technology diffusion in China’s automobile industry, and on this basis, the paper put forward for the promoting strategy of Chinese automotive industry.To sum up the whole paper, industrial technology diffusion is to obtain corresponding economic income and use the technology results to transfer technology benefits. The process of industrial technology diffusion has such characteristics as speed fast and scope wide and scale great, it makes the new technology communicate, promote and apply among the potential users, and leads to improve the level of industrial technology. Therefore technology diffusion is not only related to the realization of its value of new technical achievement, but also to the rationalization and high grade of industrial structure, new technology spreads to industries, department or other fields, and also to promote economic development and social progress.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期
  • 【分类号】F224;F273.1
  • 【被引频次】23
  • 【下载频次】1871
  • 攻读期成果

