

Study on the Tombs of Early Xianbei

【作者】 吴松岩

【导师】 魏存成;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 鲜卑,是我国各边疆民族中最早建立政权,并被列为正统王朝的民族。公元一世纪末继匈奴而起,至魏晋时期成为中国北方主要的民族,十六国时期鲜卑陆续建立过很多政权,包括前燕、后燕、南燕、西秦、南凉及西燕、吐谷浑和代(北魏)。最后由拓跋鲜卑建立的北魏结束了十六国时代,统一了中国北方,在下启隋唐之局的进程中实际上也起到了重要的作用。本文以早期鲜卑墓葬为研究对象。依据墓葬分布情况以及自然地理环境的差异,将研究的空间分为四个区,再逐一对各区的墓葬性质包括葬俗、主要随葬品、年代、文化因素等方面进行梳理与分析。在此基础上对各区域之间的关系进行讨论,以此了解不同区域之间存在的关系。最后结合历史文献学、体质人类学等相关研究成果,对早期鲜卑的历史发展、迁徙流变以及人群构成等方面做最后探讨。其中主要涉及到的是拓跋鲜卑的起源、迁徙问题,源自东胡的鲜卑与拓跋鲜卑之间的关系,慕容鲜卑在辽西地区的发展以及与其他邻近部落之间的关系。

【Abstract】 Xianbei is an important nation in the north of the country. This paper is about the tombs of early Xianbei, basing on the studies and researches of former scholars and researchers, combined whit relative history materials and physical anthropology, the author studies the early history of Xianbei. There are six chapters in this paper. Chapter one is the preface. In this part, the author defines the time-space scope of this paper. And then makes reviews on the discoveries and researches of the tombs of early Xianbei , analyzes the shortcomings and problems in the previous studies, upon which the thoughts and purposes of this paper were raised.Chapter two is about the burial customs. According to the different materials used for constructing the chambers, the burial customs could be classified into three categories, which include the earthern-shafts, catacombs and stone-built tombs. Each category could be divided into several types and sub-types.Chapter three, "Zoning of the early Xianbei burial": According to the graves and the distribution of different natural and geographical environment, the study of the space is divided into four regions, namely Hulunbeier plateau area, West Liaohe River Plain, central Inner Mongolia region and Daling watershed areas. The nature of the burials in each district, including burial custom, the main tomb, age, cultural factors, combing and analysis, and finally determine the properties of each area burial.The study concluded that the tombs belong Hulunbeier plateau early 1st century to the middle of 2 century, though the whole show remains the same characteristics, but between the cemetery and personalized, meaning remains complicated the crowd is not a single component. West Liaohe River Plain, according to the typical tongue-like lip pot luxury objects of type evolution, sooner or later, this area is divided into two graves, should be the early part of the mid Eastern Han Dynasty or earlier (early 2nd century AD), early burial that is North Manito cemetery, the original belongs to the East Hu tribe Union retreated to mountains in the vicinity of Xianbei Xianbei; late tombs is about the late Eastern Han Dynasty - Western Jin period, should belong to the establishment of Murong before the remains of the feudal regime. Burial in central Inner Mongolia are TuoBaXianBei Union remains, in which the ceiling to the age of TanShiHuai after the collapse of the Union (2 century AD), lower limit to the Northern Wei (4 century), but the main age of the tombs should be the middle of the century to 4, this end of the century and a half century, elements within the Union TuoBaXianBei more complex and diverse cultural factors from the archaeological remains and written records can be proved in. Daling River watershed area, according to literature and previous research results, can be identified more clearly the tombs here are Murong Xianbei’s remains, according to the article on the definition of time, the time frame chosen in this section early in the Wei to Yan regime just before the establishment (3 Century - early 4th century), and "Three Yan" during the burial of comparison, culture because the regime did not look to establish the qualitative change, change is gradual.Chapter four , "the links between regions and different": The chapter is based on the comparison between regions remains to explore the links and differences between them, and to further analyze the reasons for these differences or contact. Mainly related to whether the homologous Xianbei TuoBaXianBei and that is all the same from East Hu; TuoBaXianBei migration issues; Initial Exploration activities in the western Liaoning area of migration; TuoBaXianBei and western Liaoning Xianbei links.Chapter five, "Origin of Early Descent": the text of this chapter, based on the conclusions above, combined with historical philology, anthropology, ethnology and other related research disciplines, thinking of various tribes of early development of Xianbei, the historical process of migration flow, etc.The focus of the discussion focused on the following points.(1)The origin, migration and development of TuoBa XianBei. This view that the formation and development of TuoBa XianBei process, ethnic groups are not single. TuoBa XianBei a crucial period of the formation is in the Eastern Han period from Regional, where TuoBaXianBei experienced a national fusion south again in the course of its absorption capacity has a lot of different peoples and tribes, which with the Xiongnu relationship appears to most closely. Their migratory routes roughly, from Regional→(Southwest migration to) the Mongolian plateau (Mongolia territory)→Yinshan zone (Inner Central). Tuoba Department moved to central Inner Mongolia after a half century, no overall reception moving, relatively stable, even once encountered Former Qin of subversion, the Department of Ye Tuoba not like the other tribes were forced Zhengquanyiyang discrete movement. Long occupied on behalf of the North region, won the development, growth and improve the stability of their environment, they will rise to take up the end of the 16 countries of the historic task. To enter the Northern Wei Dynasty, the remains of style suddenly changed, and this paper is due to the help of the powerful Northern Wei after the military and political power, even the brutal use of force would be a backward way of the Department of(2) the development of Xian Bei. This view North manit cemetery is probably originally part of the Eastern Hu tribe Union retreated Xianbei Hill area Xianbei remains. But why this period of archaeological remains so small? In addition to the limitations of archaeological findings, the should be also due to swim in Xianbei developed in the Eastern Han Dynasty, together with tribal many on the Loose and other reasons, not easy to stay long in one place, thus creating districts, and the period remains less Xianbei. Archaeological Remains of this period because of too little, the focus of the article had to be more specific on the family remains Murong on further analysis of the Initial Exploration in the rise of western Liaoning area, as well as Yuwen, Duan relationship between the Department and Goguryeo, and its flow to make a simple.(3) The Descent of various tribes of different development path. Mainly for the Department of Murong Tuoba Department, the article pointed out that as their cultural traditions, different geographical and ethnic neighbors week, causing these two different development paths Xianbei.Chapter six is the conclusion. In this part, the author summarizes the conclusions in this paper and point out the deficiency and some problems require in-depth study in the future.

【关键词】 早期鲜卑墓葬
【Key words】 earlyXianbeithe tombs
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

