

On the Countermeasure of Government’s Ensuring the Effective Supply of Countryside Public Goods in New Countryside Construction

【作者】 刘靖

【导师】 李德志;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 行政管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 当前,在我国已进入全面建设小康社会、面临着经济体制转轨与社会转型的重要发展时期,农村的和谐发展已经成为中国经济稳定,社会进步的重要基础,农村公共物品的有效供给对农村的发展起着决定性作用,为农民提供必要的公共物品是各级政府义不容辞的责任。新农村建设最主要的任务就是要建立覆盖广大农村、惠及七亿农民的农村公共物品供给体系,甚至可以说新农村建设的过程就是农村公共物品提供与完善的过程。尤其是面临当前席卷全球的金融危机的严重冲击,有效的农村公共物品供给是促进农村经济可持续发展、维护农村安全稳定、提高农民生产生活质量的重要保障,所以从政府管理角度研究农村公共物品有效供给对策的完善具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。本文基于对现有国内外文献资料的认真梳理,诠释了农村公共物品的含义与特征,界定了农村公共物品有效供给的标准;通过纵向的分析考证,理清了农村公共物品供给对策的历史演进;通过大量的数据积累,分析了我国现行农村公共物品供给对策的成就与不足;通过对政府现行供给制度、供给职能、供给模式、供给机制等的深入分析,探寻了农村公共物品供给对策缺失的根源;最后,运用政治学、行政学、社会学、经济学等学科知识与研究成果,提出了新农村建设背景下政府保障农村公共物品有效供给的对策建议——“统筹发展、分权改革、多元供给、供需平衡、效能升级”,主要包括:统筹城乡发展,建立城乡均衡的公共物品供给制度;转变政府职能缺位现象,理顺各级政府的财权与事权;转变政府单一供给渠道,建立多元化的供给模式;转变“自上而下”的决策方式,建立农民的需求表达机制;转变涉农资金管理混乱状况,提高涉农财政资金的使用效率。

【Abstract】 Now our country is experiencing an essential period of building new socialist countryside, which is the crucial stage to change the economic system and society. Thus the countryside’s accord development is the important foundation of China’s economic stability and social progress. Building a new socialist countryside is the great strategy of our achieving the goal of ensuring our people a relative comfortable life, and it also requires the two civilization development of political and spiritual with the material progress of rural areas, which is not only the inevitable require of shrinking the difference between urban and rural areas, and cultivating the coordinative development between them, is also the result of promoting countryside’s economic development. The aim of building a new countryside is to give farmers the real equal national treatment according to taking developments as a whole, such as balancing urban-rural areas development, balancing regional development, balancing economic society and balancing the development of human beings-nature. Building a new socialist countryside contains productive development, rich living, rural civilizations, fresh environment and democratic management. It’s the most important duty and obligation for all the governments to cultivate new countryside construction, improving farmers’life level and offering basic and safe public goods to agriculture, countryside and farmers.With the social improving and developing, the countryside issues are highly valued. For example, our central government issued seven“No.1 documents”concerning agriculture, countryside and farmers, and paid more attention to solving agricultural increase, farmers’raising income, and improving countryside’s infrastructure construction from 2004 to 2010. Under this situation, we have made great progress in ensuring the public offerings to the farmers and improved the supply state. But we must have a clear idea that there is great gap between nowadays supply strategies and effective offerings because of Chinese special state: we have wide rural region, definite division between urban and rural regions, numerous farmers, while there is a certain flaw in nowadays supply system, function, pattern, and organization system, all of which can lead to a flaw in effective offerings, a short of supply goods, efficiency and fair.This subject will play a great role in promoting new countryside construction, narrowing the gap between urban and rural regions, at same time building a harmonious socialist society. It’s valuable reference in solving many great real and anxious issues. The most important duty of building new socialist countryside is setting up a wide supply system covering the whole rural areas. We can even say the proceed of building a new countryside is that of rural public offerings, and perfection. Particularly facing the heavy crisis, effective rural public offerings can ensure continual development of rural economy, villages’safety, and improving farmers’production and life quality. So from the view of government, research on the strategies of rural public offerings is significant theoretically and truthfully.The paper comprises five chapters besides introduction and epilogue, the contents as following:Introduction: there are four parts in introduction. Part I, introduction of the causes of the subject and significance with the view to the purse of the subject, value, theory and practicing significance. Part II, a summary and classification of domestic and overseas documents after collectting a lot of relevant information. Part III, research method, including documentary research method, comparative research method, regular and empirical research. Part IV, the structure and innovation of the thesis.Chapter One, basic concept, related theory and demonstration of principle. It contains:I. background and concept of social new countryside construction, distinction of public goods and rural public goods, and the definition of countermeasure of rural public goods and standard of effective supply. II. theoretical foundation of the viewpoints of the thesis, such as Marxism on government function supply, well-known Western public goods supply pattern, the public supply subject theory and the restricted dualistic structure theory. III. related policies and regulations.Chapter Two, the evolution of our village public offering strategy. The paper will show us a clear clue of our government’s supply to village public goods in term of time: transition of goods supply system, the establishment of supply function, the selection of supplying object and the change of capital channel. This part includes:I. introduction of rural public goods supply in traditional agricultural system, and analysis of this strategy.II. introduction of public goods supply in people’s commune system, and analysis of the strategy .III. introduction of public goods supply in the household contract responsibility system and the analysis of it.IV. introduction of the reform of taxation expenses of public goods supply and the analysis of that.Chapter Three, the analysis of government’s countermeasure of nowadays rural public goods supply. The aim of this part is, on the basis of a combination of theoretical research and practical study, through analysis of current supply of countermeasures, not only to confirm the great progress of current strategy of rural public goods supply, but also to work out the disadvantage and limitation of it. The contents are as following: I. a fair and objective presentation of the achievement of our rural public goods supply including the financial policy, yearly increase of agricultural inputs, the policy of urban-rural service equalization.II. systemic and profound analysis of deficiency of rural public goods supply strategy, including the lack of total amount of offerings, and the lack of efficiency and fair.Chapter Four,the causes of leading to deficiency of rural public goods supply. Because of countermeasures absence and facing difficult position in the process of supply of countryside public goods, this part will analyze its causes. This part includes: I. dualistic supply strategy, urban-rural division, is a kind of institutional defect.II. governments at all levels’ambiguity of power and duties is a function defect.III. dull supply channel is a supplying pattern defect.IV. administrative authority is a decision systematic defect.V.“anomic”capital management on agriculture is a management system defect.Chapter Five, perfection of the strategy. On the basic of above research, from the viewpoint of government’s control, how to perfect this strategy is proposed and argued—well-coordinated development, decentralized reformation, multi-supply, co-ordination of supply and demand, efficient promoting:I. balancing urban and rural development, setting up urban and rural equal public goods supply system.II. changing omission of governmental function, straightening out the administrative and financial powers of governments at all levels.III. changing single supply channel to build multi-supply pattern.IV. changing governments’authoritative decision method to build farmers’demand system.V. changing chaos of agriculture-related capital management to perfect management supervision institution.In the current new situation, we can say coexistence of development & difficulty and the coexistence of opportunity &challenge exist in rural public goods supply. Therefore it is necessary for us to perfect rural public goods supply, which can ensure public goods effective supply, push forward new countryside building, and advance the rural economic development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

