

The Genealogy of Logic in East Asian Community Building

【作者】 徐佳

【导师】 刘雪莲;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 国际政治, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,随着东亚各国在经济领域的合作日趋紧密,建设东亚共同体的议题也越来越为各方所关注。如何将经济的整合之势导入既深且广的发展方向,全方位构建东亚地区在政治、安全乃至社会文化等多个领域携手共进的共同体模式,无疑是在当下极具战略意义的研究课题。地区共同体在东亚的形塑,必然要立基于东亚独特的时空界域,从中探寻其深藏的地区特性,以此勾勒出东亚共同体建设的逻辑谱系。揭示东亚共同体建设之缘起与流变的时空逻辑,探求东亚在开放与封闭的发展轨迹之间将作何选择的市场逻辑,关乎东亚共同体建设成败的一元霸权与多元均势的两重权力逻辑,嵌植于东亚历史之中的记忆交集与现实的地区身份建构所产生的文化逻辑,是开启与推动东亚共同体建设进程所必需明确的几大逻辑重点。而在明晰几大“逻辑板块”之后,对东亚共同体建设的路径选择亦属不可或缺。模仿,还是原创,这是地区共同体模式在东亚能否落地生根的关键。对东亚的共同体建设而言,其内容与线索有待厘清。东亚共同体建设的逻辑谱系,恰是由上述逻辑重点与逻辑主线纵横连接而成。也惟有形成此逻辑谱系,方能在纷繁复杂、千丝万缕的地区情势之中梳理出凝聚东亚合力的共同体建设模式。

【Abstract】 The term East Asian Community is not nascent, but has existed for a few years. However, what does it mean? How does it emerge? What principles does it adhere to? And what does it resort to being? Over the years, the parties with no consensus are always difficult to compromise about the issues mentioned above. Probably because of such reasons, East Asian Community is once regarded as a fashionable word with pretentious nature, hard to get a practical understanding of its meaning. As East Asian countries increasingly show a posture of overall economic rise, the loose relationship with each other gradually disappears. Such a situation of closer and closer economic cooperation and integration within East Asia objectively stimulates countries in the region to ponder over the idea to shape East Asian Community. Communication and coordination on politics and traditional and non-traditional safety about a series of regional hot issues promote East Asian countries’perception of regional fate community as well as. As a result, East Asian Community is no longer a topic only with visional appearance, and it enters a new phase to outline a blueprint so as to implement. The genealogy of logic in East Asian Community building is the very attempt to fulfill the goals.The basic arrangements of this dissertation are to strive for the precise position of the“points, lines, and plane”. To identify the key breakthroughs and the clues throughout the context, the dissertation ultimately proposes a survey review around the processes of East Asian Community building. The dissertation includes introduction, main body, conclusion, and appendices. Among them, there are five chapters in the main body. Starting from the time-space logic, and then extends to market logic, power logic, and culture logic, the dissertation seeks to interpret the historical origin, primary impetus, the structures of institutions, and the identity on values of East Asian Community. Finally, some tentative suggestions are made to choose the path in the East Asian Community building. The dissertation has always been to follow the main lines of logic genealogy in the community building of East Asia, actively explores the possible linkages induced by the interrelations within the relevant parties. This dissertation pursues to achieve the academic aesthetic effect to respect history, to concern the reality, and to prospect the future. In the voluminous literatures about East Asia research, drop in the ocean should have its own features. Whether the study on East Asian Community will be spectacular like other East Asian topics or not, it depends on our continuous efforts. This dissertation is the small step to move forward the direction. The main arrangements of the dissertation are as follows:Chapter I: Origin and Evolution– Time-Space Logic of East Asian Community Building. First of all, the time-space horizon should be described in the genealogy of logic in East Asian Community building. The specific analysis must be stemmed from this description.Chapter II: Openness and Closure– Market Logic of East Asian Community Building. This chapter gives the interpretation of regionalism, and then distinguishes between its new and old stages, positive and negative effects as well. Furthermore, this chapter points out the running track of regionalism faces the choices between openness and closure. The critical linkages between regionalism and regional community are to determine the optimal option among the relations intertwined the outward looking with the inward looking. The development of regionalism in East Asia has been accompanied by the competition between the APEC and“10+3”mechanism. They respectively infuse the different elements of openness and closure into the building track of East Asian Community.Chapter III: The Unilateral and the Multilateral– Power Logic of East Asian Community Building. This chapter firstly defines the original meaning of power, and then explores the form of power politics embedded in the international relations. The chapter further reveals the logical links between the distribution of power and the regional community building, and then specifies the power structure in East Asia is the contest between the unilateral and the multilateral. The U.S.’s strategy of East Asia is to maintain its stable position to be a hegemon. The interaction between China and Japan will affect the future power pattern of East Asian Community whether should be on the way to the unilateral or the multilateral.Chapter IV: Memory and Identity– Culture Logic of East Asian Community Building. The chapter respectively clears up the logical linkages between construction of identity and nation-state, the construction of identity and the regional community as well. By clarifying the significance of East Asian discussion, the regional experiences about industrialization and modern civilization, the flooding of war and nationalism, the chapter reveals the advantages and disadvantages of the construction of East Asian common memory. Then, this chapter proposes the methods of construction in psychology, responses to stress, and functions to shape the East Asian collective identity.Chapter V: Imitation and Originality– the Logical Path of East Asian Community Building. This chapter focuses on the use of comparative analysis by combining the possible plan in East Asia with the experiences of European Community. Thus, this chapter discusses the path choices of East Asian Community building. European building project in market logic, power logic, and culture logic can all be learnt by East Asia. However, different time-space environments determine East Asia will necessarily explore its individual original way to build the regional community.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

