

A Study on Russia’s Population of the First Part of 20th Century

【作者】 梅春才

【导师】 李春隆;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 世界经济, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪上半期俄罗斯国内外发生的一些重大事件,对俄罗斯的人口结构、人口变动等方面都产生了重大影响,致使俄罗斯的人口状况在很长时间内都不能沿正常轨道发展。上个世纪90年代初苏联解体后,俄罗斯人口首次出现死亡率超过出生率,出现了负增长。而且,一直以来每年以30万人的速度减少。究其根源,与20世纪上半期的人口状况有着密切的联系。论文从人口结构角度,分析了俄罗斯人口的年龄结构、性别结构、城市和农村家庭结构、社会阶层从业结构及人口分布,揭示了俄罗斯各历史阶段人口的结构性特征及其原因,同时探讨了人口结构潜在的社会问题。从人口变迁角度,分析了俄罗斯人口数量和质量的变化,阐述了这一时期城市及农村人口的数量变化轨迹及原因。从人口素质的角度探究了人口识字情况及国民教育的发展。从重大历史事件的角度,阐述了两次世界大战、国内战争、20年代初和30年代初两次大饥荒、工业化和城市化以及农业全盘集体化等社会变迁的力量对俄罗斯人口状况的影响。研究20世纪上半期俄罗斯人口问题,不仅有利于发现俄罗斯的人口发展变化的轨迹,而且对于探究俄罗斯的一切社会问题均有一定的参考价值和借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 In the early part of 20th century the development of Russia’s population went through WWI, WWII, Civil War, two Starvations and some other events, which had a negative effect on the population situations , even consequently gave rise to the population crisis in 1990s. Contemporarily, it has become a fatal political and economic problem relating to the nation’s fortune that the decrease of Russia’s population causes a serious population crisis.Under the direction of Historical Materialism and Dialectical materialism, the paper, melting history, sociology, politics, statistics, exposing a lot of unknown secret documents, does a systematic research on Russian population problem in early 20th Century. The paper also makes great exertion to reveal the population situation in this period, to point out how this problem affected the Russian future, to help people grasp the trace of Russian population development and to analyze the social characteristics and economic development in the view of population.This paper does the research logically according to the Russian population development. The first Population Survey began from 1897, 3 years prior to 1900. The survey revealed a relative detailed information such as population quantity, gender formation, social construction, marriage situation, religious beliefs, Peoples structure, and education levels, which basically revealed the population conditions in early 20th century. Conveniently writing, I classify it into 20th century.This paper mainly researches how the such factors as population features, family survey, education level, social structure and the temporary home and broad events influenced the nation’s population.The paper consists of 5 chapters, prelude and summary not included.Chapter 1 illustrates the population features in the early part of 20th century. The early part of the 20th century witnessed a series of events such as WWI and WWII, the Civil War, two Starvations, the Agriculture Centralization, the Industrialization, Citization, which caused a huge influence on Russia’s population. The population features in the early part of 20th century lie in the followings: In people’s quantity and distribution, it grew from 125.7 Million at the end of 19th century to 117.5 Million in 1950s, which was deeply influenced by some home and abroad events; An unbalanced distributions existed in Russia, the people in Europe were much more than that in Asia, the people in industrial areas were much more than that in non- industrial areas; the majority of the population was in cities. An analysis on urban and rural population illustrates that there was a great change in both urban and rural population. In the beginning of 20th century, the majority of the population was in villages (86.6%), while after several decades majority of the population was in cities (52%), which was an important index to measure the modernization. An analysis on People construction illustrates that Russia is a integrate nation with many Peoples, but the Slavonic speakers take a majority, especially the Russians. The Russians took a proportion of 89% of the total in 1950s. An analysis on gender structure illustrates that at the end of 19th century, females were slightly more than males (51:49), but in 1950s, females were much more than males (55.4:44.6). Therefore, my analysis on Russia’s population problems during the end of 19th century and 1950s consists of the analysis on people’s quantity and distribution, the analysis on urban and rural population, the analysis on People construction, and analysis on gender structure and age structure. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian population features are the following: the number of the people under 20 years old took an half of the total population (48.7%), and the number of the people under 10 years old took 27.3% of the total population. While in 1950s the number of the people under 30 years old took 55% of the total population, after WWII, an imbalanced proportion came into being between 35-39 years old people and 40-44 years old people.Chapter 2 illustrates the family conditions in the early part of 20th century. Family is the union based on marriage and blood, as a cell of the society, it plays an important part in social development. The population changing process is the comprehensive changing process in all families. The family changing and development is the direct reflect to the society. The traditional family system witnessed a great change in the early part of 20th century. In the beginning of the 20th century, the marriage was affected by traditional regulations, religious beliefs and appropriate ages, tending to be stable. Before the October Revolution, Male Power controlled everything, with female no power and right. After the October Revolution, the religious marriage and trans-tribe marriage were cancelled, causing a large number of marriages. The WWI caused a large number of widows and fragment families, the marriage situation came to an adapt change. The urban families are generally made up of parents and children , with 5.3 children per family. The rural families are generally made up of 4.7 children. The people who got married, who divorced and who became widows came to be a large number. Early marriage was taken place by the marriage age 20-24. Actual marriage was committed by the law. Urban families are made up of 2-3 people while rural families, 4-5 people. Male households took the advantage, female housholds were also very common. Due to the starvation, the number of families decreased and the population came to a cession. In 1940s-1950s the marriage rate by the law is higher and higher, with male marriage age 30-34, female 20-22. Men’s remarriage and women’s self control marriage became popular. Trans-tribe marriage became more common, and divorce rate climbed up. Simple families with only parents and children became the typical families, with 3.5 members per family. The war caused a rural people decrease by 16.4 million, with a sharp increase of widows, a sharp decrease of marriage rate, a sharp decrease of family numbers, and a sharp decrease of family shape. At that time male marriage age 20-26, female marriage age was much younger than before. In-tribe marriage took a large toll, with 2-4 family members.Chapter 3 illustrates the social population construction of Russia at that time. The social population construction includes career features and career distribution. At the beginning of 20th century, the population construction in big cities was very obvious. The number of workers sharply increased and took a large proportion. In 1920s most of workers found their jobs in agriculture and handcraft mills, few in private factories. The number of male overcame the number of female. Workers and clerks were in most of economic fields. In 1930s most workers found their jobs in state owned enterprises, private enterprises vanished, only few people worked in Co-operation Association. In 1950s the population was made up of workers and farmers in collective villages. The works took 50% also and the farmers took 40% also. In the end of 1950s, the female workers became more and more, scattering all the fields including economics, science and culture. The intellectual workers became more and educational level got improved. In career distribution, the famers, workers, and foreign citizens took a majority at the beginning of 20th century. In 1920s the city population was made up of entrepreneurs, workers, clerks, officials, handcraft makers, business men, non-careers and nation–aided people. In countryside, the population was made up of peons and countryside gentlemen. In 1930s, 90% of the citizen people were workers and clerks in state owned enterprises. In countryside people were members of COMMUNISTFARM and farmers who hadn’t attended the Co-operation Association。In 1950s the citizen people were workers, clerks, members of COMMUNISTFARM, private farmers, and the handcrafts makers who hadn’t attended the Co-operation Association. The number of intellectuals climbed up. The rural population was the same as urban population. However, the number of physical labors took about 80% of the total.Chapter 4 illustrates the Russian educational level in the first part of 20th century. The educational level was the key factor influencing the population quality. The population quality can be measured by Education Scale (ES) and Character Identification Rat(eCIR). At the beginning of the 20th century, the CIR in Russian people was not balanced, with a low level. Cities got the priority than the villages. Men got the priority than the women. Caucasia, Siberian and Mid-Asian’s CIR was much lower than that in the European part of Russia. Russian people’s CIR was much higher than Non-Russian’s. In 1920-1930 the CIR was greatly improved. The CIR for women climbed up obviously, enabling the women to accept the higher education. In 1950s, the CIR for city people reached 100% , the CIR for rural people reached 98%. The CIR between men and women was the same. Everyone got to know the characters. In the view of Russian education, at the beginning of the 20th century, all the school belonged to Orthodox, with a low education level, and poor education quality. Education ignorant children were very few. Before the WWI, the primary schools attached to Education Department became more and more. At that time, middle-level education and higher education were the weak points with a low education level. In1920s-1930s primary education was widespread. During the third Five-Year Planning the 7-year-obligatory education was widespread. In 1950s, Russia government made a great progress in middle-level education and higher education. The people with middle-level education and higher education in rurals were much more than before, especially for the women. On the whole, Russia made a surprising achievement in CIR and all kinds of education in the early part of the 20th century.Chaper 5 illustrates how the big historical affairs influenced the population in the first part of 20th century. Wars are the weapon struggles for a certain political purpose. Social activity as it is, the consequence it brings out is of many aspects. The influence to the population is one of them. Wars broke down the gender, age proportion of the population, consequently, restricted the industrial and economic development. The war also took some wound to the people. The worse of the environment after the war, eg: starvation, also took a toll to the quantity of the population. The early part of the 20th century witnessed a series of events such as WWI and WWII, the Civil War, two Starvations in 1920s and 1930s, the Agriculture Centralization, the Industrialization, Citization, which caused a huge influence on the decrease of Russia’s population (93million). Gender proportion lost its balance, with the female majority. In age construction, the young and middle-aged people took the majority, with the quantity of people who were over 30 years old lost its balance. Plague broke out, some infectious. The bad living conditions restricted the national economic development. The Agriculture Centralization and strategy of eliminating rich farmers gave rise to a large immigration to the cities, causing the imbalance of the population. Some of the rich farmers were sent to the distant places, making the rural population decrease, and rural land deserted. In the view of the decreased population, we can say the population problem blocked the economic development of Russia.From the above research, we can conclude that the Russian Population Problems in the Early Part Century resulted from many aspects. In the view of its development, in addition to the the war, the man-made activities such as Agriculture Centralization and“Great Clean Movement”also caused a sharp decrease of population, a imbalance of gender structure, and a decrease of family scale, eventually caused an anti-pyramid abnormal population structure. All the above gave rise to a population crisis in the future. Since 1990s, due to the low birth rate and high death rate, the 4th population crisis came up. In ordr to summarize the experience and lessons in the population, it is of great importance to research the population in the first part of the 20th century.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

