

A Study on Chinese Participatory Party’s Democratic Supervision to the Ruling Party

【作者】 张宏伟

【导师】 宋连胜;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 民主政治中的政党监督普遍存在于当代世界各国,中国参政党对执政党的民主监督,主要指民主党派在参政议政、社会管理过程中对共产党及其国家机关的工作开展的政治监督,它不仅是中国特色政党制度的重要内容之一,也是中国特色社会主义监督体系的重要组成部分,更是中国特色社会主义民主的重要体现。本文在回顾参政党民主监督发生发展历程的基础上,明确中国参政党民主监督的独特优势与重要价值,指出参政党监督目前存在的问题,同时深入分析制约参政党民主监督职能发挥的主要因素,进一步探讨加强和完善中国参政党民主监督的对策途径。论文的第一章绪论部分,主要介绍论文的研究背景、选题的理论意义和实践意义,相关的研究成果,以及研究角度与方法。第二章,在理清政党监督理论来龙去脉的基础上,总结中国参政党民主监督的性质特点和内容方式。第三章,把参政党的民主监督历程分成初步探索、提出实践、破坏停滞、恢复发展四个阶段,用历史研究的方法详细阐述中国参政党民主监督的形成发展过程。第四章,主要论述参政党民主监督对于发展社会主义民主政治的重要作用,指出民主监督职能的有效发挥有利于建设社会主义政治文明、构建社会主义和谐社会、提高执政党执政能力和参政党参政能力。第五章,分别从中国传统政治文化、参政党自身建设、参政党监督机制三个方面,深入分析制约当代中国参政党民主监督职能有效发挥的因素。第六章,建议通过优化参政党民主监督的外部环境、加强参政党的建设、完善参政党监督机制以及联合其他类型监督形成监督合力四个方面,进一步推进参政党民主监督的发展。最后的结论部分,主要是对整个论文做简短的总结和补充,并对中国参政党民主监督的发展前景给予展望。

【Abstract】 Nowadays party supervision in democracy almost exists in every country. Chinese participatory parties’ democratic supervision to the ruling party mainly refers to the democratic and governing supervision which the democratic parties make to the work of the Communist Party and the state governments in participating in and discussing state affairs, social management. It’s not only one of the important parts of the party system with Chinese characteristics but also an important part of socialist supervision system with Chinese characteristics, moreover, it’s an important manifestation of socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics.On the basis of reviewing the development process of participatory parties’democratic supervision, this dissertation makes it clear that Chinese participatory parties’democratic supervision has its unique advantages and important values and points out the existing problems of Chinese participatory parties’democratic supervision, at the same time it also deeply analyses the major reasons that restrict the democratic supervision function of Chinese participatory parties. Furthermore, it explores the ways and strategies of strengthening and improving Chinese participatory parties’supervision mechanisms .This dissertation includes preface, body and conclusion.Chapter I makes an overall generalization about the dissertation, including the studying background of the Participatory parties’supervision, theoretical and practical significance of the study, the basic train of thought on writing this dissertation and some basic concepts and the main studying methods which needed to be clarified.Chapter II to Chapter VI are the bodies of the thesis. Chapter II concerns about the theory of participatory parties’democratic supervision. It starts with the general analysis of supervision theory, then elaborates Marxism-Leninism democratic supervision and the western countries’supervision theory. By comparative analysis on these, it sums up that Chinese participatory parties’democratic supervision theory not only has an inheritance to Marxism-Leninism supervision, but also has reference from western countries’supervision theory. At the same time, it also incorporates the Chinese basic conditions so it is a party supervision theory with Chinese characteristics.Chapter III mainly makes a fully investigation on the history and development of China’s participatory parties’democratic supervision. It divides the process of participatory parties’democratic supervision into the stage of gestation, preliminary exploring, proposing practice, stagnation and redevelopment. It describes the formation and development of China’s participatory party’s democratic supervision in details by using historic methods and indicates that the achievements and practical experiences that Chinese participatory parties’democratic supervision has made with plenty of facts. It also points out that participatory parties’democratic supervision has encountered setbacks in its development.Chapter IV expatiates upon the important role of participatory parties’democratic supervision comprehensively and systematically. It emphasizes the roles which the democratic supervision plays from the perspective of socialist political civilization, socialist harmonious society, the ruling party’s governing capacity, participatory parties’ability in participating in government and political affairs. Through discussion of these four aspects, it mainly shows that Chinese participatory parties’democratic supervision is not the so-called political doll. Whether the role of democratic supervision is effective or not is directly related to the legitimacy and longevity of political party system’s with Chinese characteristics, the harmonious development of Chinese political parties’relations, the ruling party’s democratic and scientific governance, and participatory party’s quality of political consultation and participation in politics. Consequently, Chinese participatory parties’democratic supervision has the necessity to exist and go on development and we must pay attention to itChapter V analyzes the reasons of constraints with full use of participatory party’s democratic supervision from the perspective of objective and subjective factors, these can be divided into three specific parts. First, China’s democratic parties are parties which came into being in China from the perspective of traditional Chinese political culture, thus the function of democratic supervision is subjected to traditional political culture, especially in the process of monitoring, the effectiveness of the implementation reduces greatly because of negative factors of traditional Chinese political culture, this results in the heavy burden of democratic supervision construction. The second main reason lies in the imperfection of supervision safeguard mechanism, the deformity of supervision operational mechanism . These are analyzed from the perspective of participatory parties’supervision mechanisms. The two aspects both belong to the objective factors Third, from the perspective of participatory party’s self-improvement, strengthening the building of the primary organizations, raising the consciousness of party and the level of management of state affairs are necessary. These are analyzed from the perspective of the participatory parties’self-improvementChapter VI proposes some specific strategies to perfect the participatory parties’democratic supervision tentatively. Firstly, we should build up socialist political civilization, expand socialist democracy and insist on governing the country with laws. All these can provide a healthy external environment for the participatory parties’democratic supervision. Secondly, we speed up the participatory parties’building, cultivate the party sense of the participatory parties, perfect the participatory parties’grass-roots organizations and improve its participating ability in administration. In addition, the improving of the participatory parties’quality also plays a critical role in the quality of democratic supervision. Thirdly, we need to perfect the participatory parties’supervision mechanism and quicken institutionalization, routinization and standardization of the participatory parties’democratic supervision. Moreover, we should expand the supervision channel and innovate the way of supervision in order to ensure the effect of supervision. Last, we should combine participatory parties’supervision with other types of supervision and make them work efficientlyFinally, it makes a brief summary and supplement and makes prospects to the further development of Chinese participatory party’s democratic supervision.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

