

Study on Key Technology and Evaluation on Green Property of Permanent Magnet Generator in Agricultural Vehicle

【作者】 刘瑞军

【导师】 杨印生;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 农业机械化工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文以农用车永磁发电机的关键技术研究与绿色属性评价为研究主题,对农用车永磁发电机研发和推广过程中所涉及的技术问题和绿色评价、生命周期评价、矛盾问题处理等管理问题进行了详细的研究,形成了一个较为完整的农用车永磁发电机设计体系。其中,对发电机电磁设计的研究主要包括永磁材料的特性研究,永磁材料对发电机性能的影响研究,转子、定子结构的改进设计,电磁设计与计算,性能参数对发电机外特性的影响,结构参数对性能的影响等等;对发电机稳压整流电路的研究包括永磁发电机电压控制现状分析,四相半波整流原理分析(可控整流电路设计、电压平均值计算、电压脉动系数计算、电流平均值计算等等),发电机自稳压原理分析,稳压电路设计,整流稳压系统的仿真及仿真参数的变化对发电机性能的影响等等;对发电机的绿色设计与评价包括绿色产品基本概念及特征的界定,发电机绿色评价指标的设计,绿色评价模型方法研究,发电机绿色优化分析等等;对发电机生命周期评价与分析主要包括生命周期评价的技术框架的建立,农用车发电机生命周期框架分析(材料选择、结构设计、生命周期评价框架的建构),发电机生命周期评价的技术步骤,生命周期评价的缺陷与不足,以及发电机生命周期评价的指导作用等等;对农用车发电机研发体系中的不相容问题研究主要包括不相容问题的辨识(问题的提出、人才问题辨识、资金问题辨识、其他问题辨识),不相容问题的可拓分析(目标的界定、条件的界定、问题的界定、相容度判断、可拓策略的生成、相容度二次判断等等)。通过对以上内容的研究,取得了一系列创新性成果,有利于促进农用车永磁发电机的技术创新并使之更好地服务于“三农”。

【Abstract】 Generator is the necessity and main power supplier on agricultural vehicle, which acts very provical function and impartible composeing part. Currently, the ordinary usage of generator in agricultural vehicle is silicon rectification and alternator generator, which produce maganent field by winding electro-magnetic. In this process, the power which goes through the electro-magnetic unit can not transfer into magnet for producing electorcity. Most of power is consumed by heat which induced in the winding. On the same time, the silicon rectification and alternator generators are easy to be burned and cut, which need to be supplied current by accumulator. All of them need to increase the cost in production and application. With the developing of vehicle industry, the generation should have higher reliability, longer life-span, more power and upper rotation speedy. They need a new green generation generator which has the capability to improve low speed supply performance. Obviously, the silicon rectification and alternator generators can not satisfy the development and demands of vehicle industry. The topics of this dissertation were proposed uner the background mentioned above. By using the high magnet character of Nd-Iron-Boron thulium permanent-magnet material, we can design the permanent-magnet generator for agricultural vehicle, which can make up for the sortcomings in silicon rectification and alternator generators and meet the needs of vehicle industry. With the advanced structure and characters, the new material can substitute the silicon rectification and alternator generators and enhance the technical level in vehicle power instruments and technology in vehicle industry.The main research works and conclusion can be described as follow1. The material choice and electro-magnet design for agricultural vehicle. By comparing the romance magnetic induction ( B r), coercive coerce ( H c), magnet power product ( ( B ? H)), temperature coefficient (%/°C), specific gravity (g/cm3) and ratio resistance capability (μΩ/cm) of Nd-Iron-Boron thulium permanent-magnet material, the thulium permanent-magnet material has more advanced merit in generator manufacture. Based on the optimal design of thulium permanent-magnet material, the radial excitation structure and magnetic route calculation, volumeter calculation on Nd-Iron-Boron thulium permanent-magnet material, calculation for winding circle for each posture, calculation on armature feedback, voltage balance module and equivalence were proposed in this dissertation, which can prove the advantage of permanent magnet in-phase generator.2. The design and simulation for permanent magnet generator voltage stable commutate circuit. Based on the characters of permanent magnet generator, according to the theory of four-phase half-wave commutate circuit and theory of self-stable voltage in generator, the design of four-phase half-wave controllable commutate circuit for permanent magnet generator was proposed in this dissertation, which involved four-phase half-wave controllable commutate circuit, benchmark circuit, voltage signal sampling circuit and spring circuit. By applying the design of protection circuit and over voltage protection circuit in permanent magnet generator, the security and safety for application of permanent magnet generator in agricultural vehicle will be enforced. By using Simulink Software, a commutating stable voltage circuit module was established. By changing the variable coefficient, we can identify the effect to the function of generator with the change of stimulating coefficients.3. The green design and evaluation for permanent magnet in agricultural vehicle. By using the analysis on the conception and characters of green production, the green appraisal indexes are identified which include environmental property, energy source property, resources property, economy property and time property. On the same time, all of the indexes can be divided into input indexes and output indexes. In the survey at Wuzheng Company, we got three series of data for different type of agricultural vehicle. By using the peer appraisal method, we can calculate the green property in cross efficiency for different type of agricultural vehicle. As result, the green property of agricultural vehicle with Nd-Iron-Boron thulium permanent-magnet generator was ranked on the first comparing to the other two type of agricultural vehicle. For pinning down the range of green property, the aggressive and tolerant models are calculated for the three types of agricultural vehicles. The range for agricultural vehicle with Nd-Iron-Boron thulium permanent-magnet generator is shorter than agricultural vehicles with ferrite permanent magnet generator and silicon commutate generators, whose upper bound is the value of tolerant efficiency and lower bound is aggressive efficiency. Therefore, we can draw the conclusion that agricultural vehicle with Nd-Iron-Boron thulium permanent-magnet generator has higher green property.4. Life cycle assessment and analysis on agricultural vehicle. In the process of permanent magnet generator industrialization, the life cycle assessment and analysis on agricultural vehicle is significant. Based on the basic frame of LCA, the LCA process for agricultural vehicle with permanent magnet generator can be listed as Identification of Goal and scope, Inventory Analysis, Impact Assessment and Interpretation & Improvement Analysis. According to the characters of permanent magnet generator, the shortcomings in LCA process were proposed in this section.5. The incompatibility issues in the research system of agricultural vehicle with permanent magnet generator. Identify the contradictions in the process of design and popularize on agricultural vehicle with permanent magnet generator. For the main issues, the extension analysis was proposed in this dissertation. On the same time, the extension strategy collection can be drawn for resolve the contradiction issues. By establishing the extension model of human resource incompatibility issue, the kernel issue can be identified. Then, we can calculate the compatibility for the kernel issue. In the scope of integrating internal and external resources in the process of research design and extension application system, by using the radiation analysis on conditions and applying corresponding extension transformation, the extension strategy for resolving human resource incompatibility. The second judgment for compatibility was also applied in this section. At last, the human resource incompatibility issue was transfer into the compatibility issue in the process of design and popularize for agricultural vehicle with permanent magnet generator.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

