

Panoramic Virtual Field Geological Information System Based on RIA

【作者】 邓春燕

【导师】 薛林福;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 数字地质科学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 地质信息系统是计算机科学、地质学、地图学等多门学科综合的交叉学科,随着相关技术的发展,人们对现有地质信息系统的可视性、交互性、实时性都提出了更高的要求。近年来快速发展的虚拟现实技术、网络技术和地质信息系统理论为构建三维的虚拟地质信息系统提供了技术基础。本文的目的是系统地研究虚拟现实、计算机网络和地质信息系统的集成技术,并以吉林大学兴城野外地质教研基地为示范区,建立示范的三维全景虚拟野外地质信息系统,实现三维虚拟野外环境的漫游功能,为虚拟漫游系统在地学及相关领域的应用提供技术支撑。作者首先对Web2.0的核心技术丰富互联网应用程序(Rich Internet Applications,简称RIA)和虚拟现实技术(Virtual Reality,简称VR)做了系统的研究,分析了这两种技术给地质信息系统的发展所带来的契机,并在此基础上提出了全景地质信息系统的概念及其理论和方法。结合地质信息系统自身的数据特点、操作特点和用户需求,提出了实现三维全景虚拟野外地质信息系统的技术路线:采用全景图像作为存储方式、利用基于图像绘制的虚拟现实技术来构建虚拟野外地质信息系统,并发挥RIA主流技术Flex和Ajax(Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)各自的优势,解决构建虚拟场景过程中所带来的实时性、交互性和画面加载的瓶颈问题。论文的主要贡献和研究成果如下:1.提出了全景地质信息系统的概念、理论和方法。对于现有的虚拟现实技术和地质信息系统的集成进行研究,结合目前所存在的问题,分析了相关技术,在此基础上提出了全景地质信息系统的概念,从基本理论、技术系统和应用研究三方面详细阐述了全景地质信息系统的研究内容,讨论了全景地质信息系统软件工程建设,并提出了在现有3S(闾国年,2003)技术基础上增加全景信息系统(Panoramic Information System-PIS),成为4S技术,以提供更加全面的空间地理信息服务。2.自主研发了全景图像采集设备。作者和项目组成员自主研发了车载高分辨率全景图像采集系统。该采集系统由GPS控制,可在车辆运动过程中按一定距离,自动采集全景图像。可对工作区进行高密度的快速数据采集,相对手工测绘工作方式,在不降低数据精度的情况下,大大提高了数据采集的效率及有效数据采样点。该系统已获得国家实用新型专利。3.实现了三维全景虚拟野外地质信息系统,提升了地质信息系统的可视性和交互性,该系统在真实感、交互性、制作成本及开发周期方面都显示出巨大的优势。虚拟漫游技术是目前虚拟现实领域的一大研究热点,虚拟现实技术在地学领域中均是采用了传统的基于几何绘制的实现方法,这种方法在单机版本中可以有效地增强系统的可视性和真实感,但是由于涉及复杂的几何建模等计算过程,当利用Internet进行网络发布时,画面加载速度成为此类系统的瓶颈,这也是虚拟现实技术难以和地质信息系统进行集成的主要原因。论文利用全景图像作为存储方式,实现了基于图像绘制技术的虚拟野外地质信息系统,实现了地质信息系统中虚拟漫游系统零的突破,在很大程度上提升了地质信息系统的交互性和可视性。4.利用图块技术实现虚拟场景构建时的分块投影,和传统的3D引擎相比,减少了计算机运算量,提高了场景的画面加载速度。5.在图块技术的基础上,论文融入了最新的互联网技术,通过Ajax的异步传输技术,利用网络空闲时间把当前视窗周围的图块预先进行网络传输,实现画面的无刷新加载,提高用户下一步浏览时场景画面的加载速度,极大的提升了用户的体验。作者结合吉林大学兴城野外地质实习基地的建设,给出了示范的全景地质信息系统的具体建设流程和实现方法。理论分析和实践证明该集成方案可行、有效、新颖,极大地增强了现有地质信息系统的可视性、交互性和实时性。全景地质信息系统可以应用于许多研究领域,如国土资源调查、地质学普及教育、地质环境评估、地质灾害预防等。该论文将为RIA技术、三维全景虚拟现实技术和相关领域系统的集成提供技术支撑,图块技术和Ajax的引入也将对虚拟现实技术发展提供新的思路。

【Abstract】 Geological Information System is a cross-disciplinary of computer science, geology and cartography, etc. In recent years, Geological Information System has developped rapidly. It has implemented the share of geoscience data and offered decision support for geological workers. With the rapid development of related technology, people don’t satisfy general browsing mode in two-dimensions of images and texts any more. They request a real-time system with high visualization and interactivity. In the background of the putting forward of the idea of digital earth and the implementation of digital China, considersing about the problem of present Geological Information System, the author proposes the idea of panoramic Geological Information System and elaborates on the theory and the methods from the basic theory, technology system and application studies. The panoramic Geological Information System software engineering is also suggested in this thesis. At the end the thesis, the author implements a three-dimension panoramic virtual field Geological Information System for the field geological teaching and studying base of Jinlin University in XingCheng as a demonstration of panoramic Geologcial Inforamtion System. In the demonstration sytem, the funciton of three-dimension roam is integrated to the present system, which could manage, analyze and manipulate the panoramic images of the system. The contribution can promote the cross-disciplinary studies and support the field geological researchs, mineral prospecting and field geological teaching, etc.In recent years, the improvement on performance and the reduction in price of the devices such as digital camera, computer, network, storage device, GPS and laser scan machine prepare the hardware base for the construction of panoramic Geological Information System, and the rapid development of the technology of network, Virtual Reality (VR) and the theory of Geological Information System prepare the technology base for it.VR is a new integrated information technology of recent years, which enable the user to observe and manipulate the virtual world interactively through the interactive User Interface (UI) implemented using computer. The starting out of the technology of VR in our country is late, but the related departments and the scientists have paid high attentions to it. Because of the features of real-time, immersion, interactivity and imagination, VR has been applied in many fields such as aeronautics and astronautics, machinery design, scientific computing, film amusement, chemical medicine and military training, etc. With the putting forward of the idea of Digital Earth and the implementaion of digital China, VR has been applied in the filed of geology in some degree. For example, some applications such as three-dimention geological modeling and the visualization of geological information have all greatly promoted the visulization of present system. There are two methods to implement VR, which are Model-Based Method and Image-Based Rendering (IBR). Most geological applications of VR are constructed by Model-Based Method.This method involves complicated course of eliminating hidden surfaces and shading computation, so it is a knotty problem to implement real-time rendering of realistic images on personal computers and release through Internet. IBR is one of the hottest technologies of graphics. It is also the most advanced method of generating realistic images, whose core idea is trying to avoid complicated modeling. Compared with traditional Model-Based Method, IBR has many advantages. For example, its rendering is only related with the resolution of the frame and has nothing to do with the complexity of scene. The image could be synthetized by computer or captured by photo in real world or even be the mixture of both. The computation cost is not so large and it demands for less computer resource. So it enables the general workstation or personal computer to display complicated scene in real time. Because of the advantages above, IBR could construct virtual environment which is nearer to the real world and offers a new efficient way to implement VR.Because of the urgent demand and good prospects, IBR has developped rapidly since it was suggested. According to the motion mode of virtual camera, the technology of IBR could be devided into five types, which include panoramic image technology, stereoscopic vision technology, plenoptic function technology, optical flow field technology and view interpolation technology. As a way of storing and displaying of IBR, panorama has many advantages. Firstly, the data is small to ensure the rendering speed. Secondly, panoram adopts real photos to display the virtual environgment, which could not only rebuild the vision information of the real scene but also simulate user’s feeling to some degree. Lastly, the quality of the virtual environment based on panorama is better than the one based on modeling. So, the technology of panorama has good application prospects in many fields.There are lots of observation points in the virtual field Geological Information System, so the amount of images is very large. And the user of the system needn’t the interactivity for the certain object of virtual environment but only roam. Considering those factors, the author suggests the solution of constructing virtual field geological environment based on the technology of IBR with panorama.Rich Internet Applications (RIA) is the core technology of Web2.0, and its destination is to combine the responding speed of desktop application with the extension of Web application. With RIA, developers could not only arrange the client programs of C/S on browser but also get much higher performances than traditional HTML pages. Flex and Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax) are both the main technology of RIA. Flex has great advantages on interactivity and interface displaying, and Ajax could shorten responding time through its technology of asynchronous so as to improve user experiences. If the advantages of both could be combined to solve the problem of slow image loading speed caused by constructing VR, the visualization and interactivity of present Geological Information System could be improved greatly.The technology of VR could improve the visualization of present Geological Information System greatly, but the problem such as real-time, interactivity and the bottle-neck of image loading speed caused by constructing VR should be solved firstly. Through constructing panoramic VR, the thesis improves the visualization of present Geological Information System. By the technology of RIA, the thesis solves the problem of real-time, interactivity and the bottle-neck of image loading speed during the course of constructing. Theory analysis and the practice prove the solution of constructing the three-dimention panoramic virtual field Geological Information System based on RIA to be feasible, efficient and innovative. The thesis mainly studies the integrating technology of RIA, VR and Geological Information System. There are no related studies at present.The main contributions and innovations of this thesis are listed as followings:1. The thesis integrates the technology of VR with the Geological Information System using panoramic images and implements a panoramic virtual field Geological Information System.The technology of virtual roam is one of the hottest points in the field of VR. At present, most VR applications of geology adopt traditional Model-Based Method, which could improve the visualization and reality efficiently. However, because the method involves complicated computation of geometry modeling, image loading speed becomes the bottle-neck of this type of system while being released through Internet. It is the main reason why it is difficult to integrate the technology of VR to Geological Information System. The author implements a virtual field Geological Information System based on IBR with panoramic images, in which user could roam randomly in the virtual environment. This is the first Geological Information System with the function of virtual roam, which improves the interactivity and visualization of present Geological Information System.2. The author puts forward the idea of panoramic Geological Information System and discusses its theory and method systematically.Having analyzed the disadvantages of present integration of VR and Geological Information System and demonstrated the related technologies basis, the author puts forward the idea of panoramic Geological Information System and introduces the study objects, which include the basic theory, technology system and application study. The basic theory mainly includes the concept, architecture, functions and features of panoramic Geological Information System. The technology system mainly introduces the whole constructing steps from the acquisition and pretreatment of images, the construction of panoramic image database to the visual browsing. The application study mainly discusses the application field and the application method.3. In this thesis, a panoramic image acquisition system is designed and developed. The work group which the author belongs to designs and develops a vehicle-carriedpanoramic image acquisition system (PIAS) completely independently. The system is controlled by GPS and could capture panoramic images efficiently according to certain distance during the course of driving. Compared with the traditional handwork, it improves the capture efficiency without reducing the data precision. Patent of utility model has been granted to the system.4. The technology of tiles is adopted to improve the efficiency of rendering and the image loading speed.The technology of VR could improve the visualization of the present Geological Information System, but the problem of interactivity, real-time and the image loading speed caused by constructing VR must be solved firstly. PV3D is adopted in the thesis, which is an open source three-dimension engine tool. The three-dimension virtual scene could be constructed based on a cubic model. However, because of the limitation of the algorithm of PV3D, six images on the different sides of the cube have to be loaded together when constructing the virtual scene, which will increase the computation and make the efficiency fall down. Having analyzed the core rendering algorithm of PV3D, the author modifies its core codes. Each bitmap on the side of the cube is separated to four parts. When the virtual scene is constructed, only the tiles in the view port are rendered, which could decrease the computation greatly and improve the rendering efficiency.5. The asynchronous transmission technology of Ajax is adopted to improve the userexperiences.In the thesis, Ajax is adopted in the thesis, too. Ajax is one of the core technologies of Web2.0. Through the asynchronous transmission technology of Ajax, the surrounding tiles of current view port will be transmitted asynchronously when the network load is light, and the user might not feeling the action of image loading. So, the user experience is improved.It has great significance to study the technology of panoramic virtual field Geological Information System. Planet remote sensing and aeronautic remote sensing are two levels of describing the earth information at present, and the panorama is the level of ground remote sensing in fact, the solution of which is much higher than the other two. So, Planet remote sensing, aeronautic remote sensing and the panoramic form a perfect images information description system of the earth. It has great significance to construct panoramic Geological Information System. Firstly, panoramic Geological Information System could enlarge the natural resource information of our country and offer filed geological information in detail. Secondly, the putting forward of the panoramic Geological Information System suggests a new thinking for the development of Geological Information System. The technology architecture improves the visualization, interactivity and the bottle-neck of real-time, so it prompts the further progress of the implementation of digital China. Thirdly, the system implements the geological information share and lays the foundation of the further resource investigation and cooperation. Lastly, the long time accumulation of filed geological information could form filed geological repository.Panoramic filed Geological Information System is the combination of the technologies of panoramic images, spatial database and graphics. It is a tendency of spatial information system. Because panorama could offer images with higher solution than remote sensing, the combination of panorama and remote sensing has great application potential in many filed such as natural resource investigation, universal geology education, the evaluation of geological environment and geological hazard prevention, etc. At present, the technology of 3D has been applied in the geological research. Adding Panoramic Information System (PIS) into present technology of 3S could offers more detailed spatial information service.Three-dimension panoramic Geological Information System could be applied to many research filed, and the thesis offers the technology support for related integration of RIA, three-dimension panoramic VR and various system in different fileds. The technology of tiles and Ajax also suggest a new thinking for the development of VR.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

