

Study of Lunar Surface Spatial Information Base on Descrited Grid

【作者】 张旭晴

【导师】 范继璋; 陈圣波;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 2007年10月我国第一颗月球探测器“嫦娥一号”发射,2009年3月成功撞击月球表面,整个历时一年多的时间。其所搭载的科学仪器获得了大量的关于月球数据。月球研究是一个综合性的课题。本文以构建月球空间离散网格作为研究目标,系统地研究了“嫦娥一号”卫星数据产品的特点,在此基础上利用“嫦娥一号”卫星CCD相机二级产品进行月表图像镶嵌,利用“嫦娥一号”所搭载的激光高度计生成的DEM系列模型获得月球表面的地形数据。同时研究了月球重力场球协函数模型以及球协分析原理,并利用SGM90D模型生成了虹湾地区局部自由空气重力异常数据,结合地形数据进行了虹湾地区重力异常解释,对该地区的地质构造进行了初步划分。空间离散格网模型建立在统一的空间框架基础之上,面向全球,具有多分辨表达能力,空间位置分布均匀,支持多尺度变换,融合了空间索引制,支持位置不确定性表示,是一种无缝的、开放的空间层次性表达方法。在对空间离散网格模型研究分析的基础上,以红湾地区的月表空间信息为研究对象(重力、DEM、CCD影像),实现了月球空间信息的多尺度表达,对于空间离散网格模型在月球探测研究中的应用进行了初步的探索。NASA World Wind是一个开放源(Open Source)的地理科普软件,其重要特性之一就是作为开源工程,其整合了许多公开的以及私有的地理数据集,不单单只是连接到NASA的数据,同时也包括其他政府机构、行业等的数据。极大地丰富了科学研究中数据匮乏的问题。而且其可以通过附加、插件以及SDK等方式进行功能的扩展,是用户可以针对自己所需功能进行开发,将之与自己的系统融合集成,应用于不同的领域和目的。通过对World Wind整体架构的分析,利用AVA SDK方式,实现了月球空间信息离散网格以及月表空间信息的三维可视化表达。

【Abstract】 With the development of globalization, the in-depth research of remote sensing applications and theories, especially the conception of "Digital Earth" proposed by the U.S. President A1 Gore in 1983, people have begun to solve problem from a global perspective. Generally, there are many limitations in existing panel data models:Data conversion between sphere and plane through projection leads to data deformation, at the same time, because no projection method can be applied to all types of data, so far there are hundreds of projection method, which lead to a diversity of data. There are a variety of projection methods in one map system, resulting the difficulty expression between the different scale of map. Sphere discrete grid model is built in a unified sphere digital space framework, which avoid the projection errors in the angle, length, area of data, and the discontinuity of spatial entity.With the development of lunar exploration, a variety of sensors will obtain more multi-temporal, multi-channel, multi-resolution mass data, for solving large-scale lunar problems and even more. However, for the anisotropic moon, the sphere is an anisotropic manifold space and there is no way to make a continuous overlap by uniform square grid like the Cartesian space. Thus, when the panel data model is directly applied to deal with large-scale (even global) space problems, inevitably lead to discontinuous (overlapping and fracture) spatial data and larger space deformation.Firstly, Expound the characteristics of data products, data storage standards of Chang’E1 project are expatiated through data products and data processing of Chang’E1 satellite in the paper, further, the application of DEM model (CLTM-s01) of lunar laser altimeter carried by Chang’E1 is discussed, achieving imagery mosaic of lunar surface by use of secondary products of CCD camera. Apart from the existing imagery mosaic, the unique feature of this method consists in creating an empty frame, then making gray filling and inlay by coordinate matching with single-track, then finishing imagery mosaic by restoring the image.Secondly, the effect of the lunar gravity field in the lunar exploration is studied systematically in the paper, also, the theory of spherical harmonics model and its action in lunar exploration are described. High precise lunar gravity model is essential to study the inner layer-loop structure of the moon, its formation progress and inner physical distribution, which is solved by spacecraft tracking data. The accuracy gravitational field of the back surface of the moon is not very precise until the SGM90D model releaseed by Japan just because of no tracking on the earth when aircraft flying into the back of the moon. The discovery of mascon becomes the most typical application in lunar gravity field research, by now,29 sets of mascon have been discovered, which stands significant meaning to lunar geological evolution law. Correlation research about mascon distribution, inner basic structure and lunar crust thickness by use of spherical harmonics model of lunar gravity field have been made by Liang Qing, WangWen, Li Fei. The gravity anomaly in Rainbow Bay is compared to topographic data based on SGM90D model in the paper, the otherness of rock density distribution stands the main factor of the gravity anomaly in Rainbow Bay except the relativity in the northwest to some extent. The result shows that there are three main NNE structure line, the research area can be divided into four first order tectonic units including Northwest depression, central apophysis, central depression, southeast apophysis according to the distribution of main tectonic line.Thirdly, the theory and application situation of space discrete grid are discussed systematically the discrete grid system of lunar geo-information is constructed, in which some key techniques need to be taken into account about polyhedral choosing, subdivision method, location, encoding, and the relationship between sphere and plane. In order to minimize the deformation, icosahedron is choosen as the subdivision base, on which the two mid-points of the two sides are located in lunar South and North Pole separately, is symmetric to the lunar equator. As the basic unit, hexagon is applied to the lunar sapce discrete grid just because of the unique superiority of hexagon in space simulation. Considering the multi-resolution need, the lunar geo-information discrete grid including 12 grades is constructed on the basis of the minimum porosity(4). The research shows that the space resolution is improving gradually with increasing subdivision hierarchies of discrete grid continually. When the subdivision reachs to the 12th grade, the ground resolution can reach to 150 meter around. In the paper, the space discrete grid is generated by use of gravity data, topographic data, and CCD imagery based on Chang’E1 satellite. Analyzing to space information discrete grid achievements shows that the highest resolution of space discrete grid is decided by raw data sampling, which composes the key factor to the space discrete grid.World Wind is an open source of 3D geographical software (developed by the NASA carried out follow-up development by the NASA Learning Technologies), a visualized sphere, which displays the imagery provided by NASA, USGS and other WMS (Web Map Service, WEB Map Service) through a three-dimensional sphere model. Three extension modes are offered by the development team, is convenient to meet users’ specific application needs, including Add-ons, Plug-ins and the World Wind JAVA SDK. The lunar spatial information visualization system is developed by using JAVA SDK development kit in the paper, achieving the overall three-dimensional visualization on lunar DEM data (contours), lunar geological data (Geologyl), lunar gravity anomaly data (SGM90D model), and discrete grid data (multi-resolution) in Rainbow Bay.The lunar research is a large comprehensive subject, a mass of first-hand information about the moon is being obtained with the launch of Chang’E1, China’s first lunar satellite, the author has carried out exploratory work to how to manage and use these valuable data by use of discrete space grid and the World Wind.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期

