

The Persuasion Effectiveness in the Sales Interactions

【作者】 梁静

【导师】 项保华;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 在当今买方市场占据主导地位的商业背景下,企业的营销宣传需要站在消费者的视角进行,以说服消费者对产品形成良好态度进而实现销售为目标。然而,复杂的市场环境造就了消费者面对企业宣传的双重反应。一方面,科技高速发展,产品更新换代迅速,为消费者把握产品性能树立了较高的门槛,消费者迫切需要相关商业宣传以增进对产品的了解;另一方面,经过长期熏染,消费者对企业采用的说服策略已有大致了解,不会再轻易受其影响,兼之某些企业的造假、欺诈行为加剧了消费者对企业的怀疑,使之对产品宣传总要打个问号。这两种现状的交织演进最终导致消费者对企业宣传形成了又爱又恨的矛盾心理,忽视消费者任何一种反应都不可能达到有效的营销沟通。可见,全面地认识消费者面对产品宣传的反应从而引导有效的商业说服,已成为企业营销沟通面临的一个重大现实问题。销售互动是企业进行营销沟通的重要形式,也是一种典型的商业说服情境,它直接决定了交易的成败,因此一直以来都备受学者关注。纵观销售互动的相关研究可以发现,当前研究已放弃了以往仅通过销售人员特征来解释互动结果的思路,而是越来越强调互动中消费者的作用,并且,从信息加工和认知反应的角度来挖掘互动结果的形成已经成为新的研究热点。可见,现实背景与理论研究已经共同聚焦于消费者面对营销宣传的反应这一关键问题,对此,有学者提出运用“说服应对”来表示这种反应,因为它突出了消费者的主动性和目标导向性。然而,文献回顾显示,鲜有学者从说服应对的视角探讨互动结果的形成,并且,目前关于说服应对的研究大部分都侧重于探讨消费者对说服的防御,而没有与传统研究中注重消费者信息搜寻的观点结合起来,从而导致相关结论有失偏颇。本研究着眼于销售互动的整体过程性,以消费者的说服应对作为链接销售人员特征及最终说服效果的结合点,聚焦于“面对销售人员的说服,消费者将进行怎样的应对从而形成最终的说服效果”这一基本问题。在借鉴态度形成过程相关研究成果的基础上,构建了“销售人员可观察特征(外部刺激)-消费者说服应对(信息处理)-最终说服效果(态度形成)”这一整体框架,逐步深入地探究了以下三个紧密相关的子问题:①怎样诠释消费者的说服应对才更准确、更全面?②消费者的说服应对在说服效果形成过程中起什么作用?③消费者知识与销售人员特征的交互作用对说服应对的影响如何?相应地,本文通过三个子研究依次解答了上述问题。对于子问题一,本研究进行相关的理论整合与逻辑推导,从不同角度引用了大量研究成果作为消费者说服应对维度划分的依据,同时结合深度访谈以及因子分析,充分证实了说服应对所包含的维度。对于子问题二,本研究首先提出了销售人员特征(专业技能、努力水平、受喜爱度)通过影响消费者说服应对进而影响说服效果的概念模型和具体假设,之后针对收集的687份有效问卷进行因子分析和结构方程检验。对于子问题三,本研究引入产品知识和说服知识这两类有代表性的消费者知识,探究它们对消费者说服应对的直接影响,及其对销售人员特征与说服应对之间关系的调节作用,并且通过对所收集样本的多元回归分析进行了验证。通过上述研究,本文主要得出以下结论以及相应的创新点:(1)消费者的说服应对包括寻求性应对和防御性应对两个并存的维度。经过充分的理论分析,辅以访谈结果和因子分析的支持,本研究明确了这样的观点:在销售互动中,消费者的说服应对包括寻求性应对和防御性应对这两个貌似矛盾实则并存的维度。从以往研究中可以发现,寻求性应对是消费者基于对销售人员的信任和依赖而做出的反应;而防御性应对则是基于对销售人员的怀疑和抵制而做出的反应。尽管以往的研究多数对此分开讨论,但事实上,二者是同时存在的。寻求性应对针对销售人员提供的产品信息,而防御性应对针对销售人员本人的动机,分别反映了消费者应对中的认知元素和社会元素。从相应的访谈和因子分析结果也可以发现,消费者的寻求性应对和防御性应对各有侧重,不可相互替代。这一研究结论解决了以往研究在解释消费者说服应对方面的冲突,提供了消费者说服应对中寻求和防御共存的理论凭证和实证依据;同时,清晰阐释了消费者说服应对的内涵和维度,拓宽了消费者说服应对理论的研究视角,为相关的后续研究奠定了基础。(2)销售互动中,销售人员特征(专业技能、努力水平、受喜爱度)通过影响消费者的说服应对作用于说服效果。本研究通过对687个消费者样本数据进行结构方程模型验证,发现销售人员特征对说服效果的影响是以消费者的说服应对为中介的,即销售人员特征可以通过影响寻求性应对而影响说服效果,也可以通过影响防御性应对影响说服效果,这两条路径一起构成了销售人员特征对说服效果的作用机制。具体来说,销售人员的专业技能、努力水平和受喜爱度均能通过正向影响寻求性应对而促进说服效果的形成,其中专业技能的影响最大;专业技能和受喜爱度能通过防御性应对影响说服效果,其中受喜爱度的影响较大,而努力水平对防御性应对的影响没有达到显著水平。这一研究结论从消费者说服应对的视角揭示了销售互动中说服效果形成的过程路径,从而将外部环境刺激和内部信息处理有机结合起来,实现了对销售互动的整体剖析,为说服效果的形成机制提供了一个新的解释视角。(3)消费者的产品知识和说服知识不但驱动说服应对的形成,还可以调节销售人员特征与说服应对之间的关系。消费者知识的相关研究启发了本文以此为基础探究消费者个体差异对说服应对的影响。本研究引入了产品知识和说服知识这两类分别针对产品和说服的消费者知识。通过对样本数据的多元回归分析表明,产品知识对消费者的寻求性应对具有显著的负向作用,并且,产品知识还能调节销售人员特征与寻求性应对之间的关系,产品知识越多,专业技能和受喜爱度对寻求性应对的正向影响越不明显。另外,说服知识对消费者的防御性应对具有显著的正向影响,说服知识越多,消费者的防御性应对就越强。并且,说服知识还对销售人员的受喜爱度与防御性应对之间的关系起到调节作用,消费者的说服知识越多,受喜爱度对防御性应对的负向影响越不明显。这一研究结论反映了消费者知识差异对说服应对形成的影响,深化了对销售人员与消费者之间互动作用机制的理解,并为营销者针对目标顾客的不同特征有效选择沟通策略、通过构筑均衡的双方沟通关系而促进销售的实现提供了一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 Under the current business background that the buyers’market play a dominant role, the firms’marketing claims must conduct in the consumers’view, which aimed at persuading consumers forming favorable attitude to products and then achieving the sales. However, the intricate circumstance has induced consumers’twofold reactions to the firm’s claims. On the one hand, the rapid development of technology and the fast upgrade of products have set up higher threshold for consumers to comprehend the products’quality and features than before, then, the consumers need certain business claims to increase their understanding of products. On the other hand, however, through long time contact, consumers have known a lot about the firms’persuasion tactics, so they wouldn’t be influenced easily. Add some firms’ fraud and trick, consumers’skepticism is intensified and they would question the product claims. The two states of affair are intertwined, making consumers’ contradictory psychological state of both love and hate to product claims, obviously, neglecting either reaction of consumers would not achieve valid marketing communication. Therefore, thoroughly understanding the consumers’reactions to product claims has become the key practical issue for firms’marketing communication.Sales interaction is one of the most important patterns of firms’marketing communication, and is a typical business persuasion situation, too, so it has got much scholars’attentions. A general survey of sales interaction related researches has shown that, the researchers now have given up the perspective of explaining interaction outcomes by salesman’s characteristics, and they have gradually emphasized the consumers’role. Furthermore, exploring the formation of interaction outcomes from the view of information process and cognitive reaction has become the new research focus. So we can see that both the practical background and theory research have focus on the key problem of consumers’action to marketing claims. Some scholars advocated using "persuasion coping" to express this reaction, which highlights consumers’intuitive and goal orientation. However, literature review has shown hardly any research has exploring the interaction outcomes from the persuasion coping perspective. In addition, present research on persuasion coping lay particular emphasis on consumers’defences, and not integrating the view of consumers’information search, so the interrelated conclusions may be biased.Therefore, this dissertation mainly focuses on the following issue:how the consumers cope with the salespersons’persuasion to influence the interaction outcomes? Referring to relative research results of attitude formation, the dissertation established the framework of "salesperson’s characteristics (external stimulus)-consumer persuasion coping (information processing)-the persuasion effective (attitude formation)", and explored the following three closely related sub-questions step by step:First, how to explain consumer persuasion coping is accurate and complete? Two, what role does consumer persuasion coping play in the forming process of persuasion effective? Three, how does the interaction of consumer knowledge and salesperson’s characteristics impact persuasion coping?Accordingly, three sub-researches were conducted to answer these above-mentioned questions gradually. For the first sub-question, the paper referenced a lot of research results from different views, combined to the results of in-depth interview and factor analysis, and then fixed the dimensions of persuasion coping. For the second sub-question, this paper proposed the mechanism model of salesperson’s characteristics (expertise, effort, likability) on the persuasion effectiveness through persuasion coping and research hypotheses. Then 687 valid questionnaires were collected, and factor analysis and structural equation modeling is applied to testify the concept model. For the third sub-question, the paper introduced product knowledge and persuasion knowledge, explored their direct influences on consumer persuasion coping, and their moderate effect on the relation of salesperson’s characteristics and persuasion coping.Through the above research, some conclusions are summed up as follow:(1) Consumer persuasion coping includes two coexisted dimensions of seeker coping and defender coping.Depending on theory integration and the results of interview and factor analysis, the conclusions definitely show that consumer persuasion coping in the sales interactions includes both seeker coping and defender coping. Former researches have shown that seeker coping is based on the consumers’trust and dependence on the salespersons, while defender coping is based on consumers’suspicion and resistance to the salespersons, so relative researches usually discussed them desperately. In fact, the two reactions are coexisted. The seeker coping is consumer’s reaction to the product information and the defender coping is consumer’s reaction to the salesperson’s motivations, expressing cognitive component and social component respectively. Furthermore, the results of interview and factor analysis also shown the same thing, that is seeker coping and defender coping emphasizing on different aspects, so they can’t be replaced by the other one.This conclusion resolves the conflict of different perspectives on consumer reaction to marketing persuasion, providing theoretical and statistical evidences to the coexistence of seeker coping and defender coping, then widen the research perspective of consumer persuasion coping.(2) In the sales interactions, salesperson’s characteristics (expertise, effort, likability) impact the persuasion effectiveness through the mediator of consumer persuasion coping.The statistical results show that salesperson’s characteristics indirectly impact persuasion effectiveness through consumer persuasion coping. In detail, expertise, effort and likability all can influence persuasion effectiveness through seeker coping, and the power of expertise is strongest. Expertise and likability can influence persuasion effectiveness through defender coping, and the power of likability is stronger. However, effort can’t influence defender coping significantly.This conclusion explores the process path of the formation of sales interactions from the view of consumer persuasion coping, which combines the external stimulus and the internal information processing, so a new explanatory perspective is offered to the formation mechanism of persuasion effectiveness.(3) Consumer’s product knowledge and persuasion knowledge not only drive the persuasion coping, but also moderate the impact of salesperson’s characteristics on persuasion coping.The multiple regression analysis of the samples shows that the product knowledge negatively influence seeker coping, and it also moderate the relation between salesperson’s characteristics and persuasion coping, that is, the more the product knowledge consumers have, the little of the impact of expertise and likability on seeker coping. Additionally, the persuasion knowledge has negative effect on defender coping, and it could also moderate the relation between likability and defender coping.This conclusion examines the influence of consumer knowledge on persuasion coping, deepening the understanding of interaction mechanism between salesperson and consumer, and providing some reference value for marketer to select customer-oriented communication tactics and coordinate the communication relation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期

