

Study on Green Generation Dispatch Mode and Model

【作者】 谢国辉

【导师】 张粒子;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学(北京) , 电气工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 发电调度模式是随着电力技术的进步、电力工业及其体制的变革乃至资源与环境约束的渐强而与时俱进的。本文针对绿色经济发展而带来的电力系统节能减排和可再生能源大规模并网发电等要求,提出了绿色发电调度模式的概念,系统地分析了绿色发电调度模式的内涵和外延、关键要素以及实现途径和方法,全面、深入地研究绿色发电调度的演化模式及相应的发电调度优化模型。(1)以全面提升节能效益为基本出发点,研究区内以及跨地区节能发电调度的模式和模型。提出了节能发电调度模式下优化旋转备用计划的原则和模型,考虑机组组合、经济负荷分配、环保约束等因素,建立了较完备的区内节能发电调度的目发电计划模型。算例分析表明,相比于平均分配负荷调度方式,本文提出的调度模型和按设计能耗调度均可以显著降低系统能耗;并且,由于考虑了不同类型发电机组、同类型的发电机组之间煤耗曲线存在的差异,采用了更准确的耗量特性函数建模,相比于按设计能耗调度方式,本文提出的模型更节能。针对在多个地区之间开展节能优化调度的问题,考虑与现行调度管理体制衔接,提出了基于固定边界循环迭代模式的层级协调运作机制,采用序列无约束的二次罚函数法建立了节能发电调度跨地区的解耦模型,通过IEEE30节点验证了该协调机制的优越性。(2)在总结分析含风电系统并网的发电调度应对策略和国外实践经验的基础上,提出含风电系统的三种可能的发电调度模式。即,与常规火电机组配合、与储能设备配合和融入用电调度,并分别建立了优化调度模型。通过算例分析表明,采用与常规火电机组配合模式是短期内解决风电并网保障电力平衡的最直接有效模式;当规模化吸纳风电并网后,单纯采用该模式则不能满足系统旋转备用容量的需求而潜在弃风的风险,应当辅以更灵活多样的配合模式,例如实施与储能设备的配合模式。在蓄能技术没有突破或电力系统中的集中储能能力不足的情况下,必须借助需求侧管理来保障风电的充分利用,因而提出融入用电调度的配合模式,通过实施发用电一体化调度,提高整个系统运行的经济性。(3)研究准市场化的发电调度模式和模型。基于帕累托改进的经济学理论,结合我国电力体制现状,提出并设计了准市场化的发电调度模式,该模式基于两部制上网电价,兼顾节能、减排和经济目标,具有理论基础和实际可操作性。建立了适应准市场化模式的电量电价调度模型,并进一步考虑发电外部性问题,将发电环境成本融入到模型中。实际算例分析表明,准市场化模式具有目前发电计划和系统潮流不确定性较小,市场价格相对平稳,能够实现电力系统降低能耗等优越性,可为我国实现节能、经济等多目标的优化发电调度模式提供科学依据和参考方案。本文提出的绿色发电调度模式、模型及其实现途径,为当前电力系统运行实现节能减排目标提供有价值的参考方案,同时也为设计和引领未来发电调度模式提供理论指导,不仅具有学术价值,而且对改进发电调度方式、促进电力工业与经济社会和谐发展、实现绿色经济发展具有实践价值。

【Abstract】 The development of generation dispatch mode is relevant to the power technology advancement, reforming for power industry, as well as increasing resources and environmental constrains. To meet the demand of energy saving, emission reduction, the optimization of resource distribution and the large-scale renewable power integration, green Generation dispatch mode is proposed in this paper. Focusing on the promotion of green generation dispatch, this paper is intended to provide a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the evolutional mode and model of green generation dispatch through analyses on the connotation and extension, key elements of and the approach to green generation dispatch.First, the energy-saving generation dispatch mode and model including the Internal and across areas were studied in accordance with the benefits optimization. Comprehensively considering the unit commitment, economical load allocation, spinning reserve scheduling and emission reduction constraints, the two models with the target of energy-saving were established. The practical case study showed that compared to the average allocation dispatch mode, the mode in this paper and the mode according to designed consumption rate were both better. What is more, due to the advanced modeling technology introducing in this paper which accurately considering the coal consumption curve differences between the multi-type power units, the results of the model will be better than the designed consumption rate mode. In another aspects, in order to promote the optimal energy-saving dispatch, the area for implementing this mode would be widened. The hierarchy dispatch coordination operation based on fix-bound iteration was put forward and the area coordination center and sub-areas model were also established based on the quadratic penalty function method of SUMT. IEEE30 case demonstrated the superiority of this coordination mechanism.Second, embedding the new energy power dispatch mode and model were studied and designed. On the basis of analyzing wind power connecting grid strategy and practices and experiences, three possible dispatch mode with wind power were deeply studied and put forward. That is, cooperating with convention thermal units, the energy-store facilities and bringing in the DSM. The simple case showed that it would be the most the direct method under the cooperating with convention thermal units while would be failed after the amount of wind power connecting into the grid in a result of facing the risk of discarding wind power due to lack of negative spinning reserve. Thus, it had better combine with other methods, such as cooperating with the energy-store facilities. Whatever, without rich energy-stores, it will be necessary to take the high-efficient mode into the considerations. Bringing in the user resources dispatch mode to implement the whole the dispatch will be realizing the optimization of resource distribution and promoting the economy.Finally, the quasi marketization mode and model were also studied and designed. Implementing generation dispatch mode according to the market competition results will gain the both targets of energy-saving and reducing the purchasing costs and maximizing social welfare. Based on the theory of short-term marginal cost pricing and inspired by cost-based power pool in South Korea, this paper establishes a quasi marketization model of generation dispatch, taking into consideration the current electricity system in China. Adopting the two-part electricity price, day-ahead exchange scheduling is formed according to energy price checked by government. The quasi marketization model was also established and furthermore embedded the environmental cost into this model. Practical case demonstrates the superiority of quasi marketization model of generation dispatch. The superiority might contains minimizing the uncertainty of power flow and generation scheduling, stable market price, reducing energy consumption and so on.The research results of the dissertation enrich and develop the green generation dispatch mode theory; It is significant to shed light on the future researches on the optimization of generation dispatch.


