

Study on Nonlinear Pricing Models and Implementation Methods of Electrical Retail Tariff

【作者】 黄海涛

【导师】 张粒子;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学(北京) , 电力系统及其自动化, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 论文应用非线性定价理论,针对政府严格管制.非政府补偿条件下如何更好地兼顾经济效率和成本回收的问题出发,系统、深入地研究销售电价定价模型和实现方法,提出了容量成本分摊、最优非线性定价、最优多部制定价、用户自选择菜单式及居民阶梯递增式电价等一系列销售电价模型。论文取得了以下主要研究成果:(1)分析了发、输、配各环节共同成本的传统分摊方法,着重针对传统容量成本分摊方法不能反映用户用电负荷特性差异的问题,构建了考虑负荷模式的发电容量成本分摊模型。该模型在最优电源规划和最优发电运行的基本假设条件下,应用高峰负荷定价理论,分析表明单位负荷发电容量成本责任取决于用电发生的时间;以边际容量支付意愿确定各时期用电负荷的发电容量责任,建立了各时期单位负荷发电容量成本分摊近似计算模型;结合工程实际,构建了考虑用电负荷模式的发电容量成本分摊模型;算例验证了该模型能够有效克服传统方法只与单一时刻用户用电负荷大小有关的不足,合理反映用户用电负荷特性的差异。另一方面,针对今年五月启动的内蒙古大用户双边交易可能引起系统网损增加或者减少的分摊或补偿问题,根据两节点间边际损耗系数相对值的比例关系与平衡节点位置无关的特点,提出一种基于交易的边际网损分摊方法,该方法保持了节点边际损耗系数能够提供合理经济信号的优点,同时克服了分摊结果与平衡节点选择相关的不足;并根据等效双边交易原则,简化处理少量的集中交易的网损分摊问题。(2)深入分析差别定价和统一定价的效率,提出尽管差别定价常常作为一种增加企业利润的定价策略和手段,但是它也可以作为解决价格规制中成本回收和效率两难困境的可选择途径;在销售电价管制工作中,应当允许以差别价格回收成本和提高经济效率的定价行为,同时严格管制以差别价格获取超额利润的垄断行为,有利于引导和鼓励不同需求特性的电力用户改变用电模式,促进能源的高效使用。(3)针对销售电价分类改革后中小电力用户执行统一价格将引起的低效率问题,应用非线性定价理论,以二元需求特征函数和基于参数类型的消费者需求函数二种方式描述增量细分市场,建立了适合于中小电力用户的非线性销售电价模型和多部制销售电价模型。该模型在满足成本回收要求的同时,以用户购电量差异,甄别消费者间异质的需求特性,最大化社会福利,减少了统一定价的无谓损失。算例验证了该模型能够有效提高统一定价的经济福利。(4)实际销售电价结构调整工作,虽然能够提高总社会福利,但通常会引起部分用户利益受损,从而遭受反对而不宜推进;另一方面,处于信息劣势地位的管制者,也常常难以判断电网公司是否从中攫取了超额利润,而对销售结构调整持谨慎态度。针对实际销售电价结构调整遇到的这种困难,探讨了多种电力用户自选择菜单形式,并建立了相应的定价模型;以满足成本回收要求和不损害任何消费者现有利益为约束,提高统一价格的效率,实现帕累托改进,消除用户和管制者对结构调整的反对;为减少了销售电价结构调整工作的阻力,提供了一条销售电价结构改革的新途径。(5)针对我国即将推行的居民阶梯式递增电价政策,提出了一整套定价方法。首先,基于密度聚类技术、概率统计分析和居民家庭电器设备估算法,建立了科学的居民阶梯电价分段电量的综合制定方法;该方法合理确定了不同收入家庭的生活用电需求,同时避免分段电量边界的确定存在一定的人为因素和随意性。然后,提出了我国居民阶梯分段电价水平的科学制定方法,即:第一档,建立了考虑用户经济承受力的“生命线电价”定价方法;第二档,应用各电压等级输配电成本传递方法和基于边际成本的分类用户比价关系模型建立了反映供电成本的定价模型;第三档及以上,应用拉姆齐定价和非线性定价理论,建立了考虑消费者需求差异的分段定价模型。实例验证了该方法的合理性。

【Abstract】 This paper discusses the issues on economic efficiency of electrical retail pricing and cost recovery under the conditions of government strictly controlled and governmental non-compensation. Nonlinear pricing theory is adopted in this article to research on non-linear pricing model and realization under government regulation, and then some electrical retail pricing models are proposed, such as capacity cost allocation model, optimal nonlinear pricing model, optimal multiple-part pricing model, user self-selected tariffs menu and residential increasing block electricity tariff model. This paper made the key findings as follows:(1) The traditional cost allocation method of common costs in all links of generation, transmission and distribution is analyzed in this paper. Focusing on the fact that traditional capacity cost allocation model can’t reflect the differences in load characteristics, a new model for power generation cost capacity allocation model considering load was constructed. The model is on the basic assumptions of optimal power supply planning and operation of the optimal conditions, and the analysis showed that the unit load electricity generation capacity cost responsibility depends on the time of occurrence in the application of peak load pricing theory. According to the willingness to pay for marginal capacity, approximate calculation of the generation capacity cost is established for each unit of load. Combined with practical work, this paper sets up a generation capacity cost allocation model considering load. Calculations of an example show that compared with the traditional method, this model can effectively overcome the shortage and gives a reasonable reflection of differences between various load characteristics of customers.(2) This paper gives a depth analysis on the efficiency of differential pricing and uniform pricing. Although differential pricing is often used as a pricing strategy and means to increase profits of a company, it can also be an alternative means to solve the contradictions between cost recovery and efficiency in the price regulation. In the regulation of electrical retail pricing, differential pricing should be allowed to recover costs and improve economic efficiency, and the monopoly behavior for excess profits via differential pricing must be controlled strictly. It will help guide and encourage customers with different characteristics to change their consumption habits, and thus it will promote the efficient use of energy.(3) After the merge sort of electrical retail price, middle electric customers and little electric customers will implement the uniform price, but it is with low efficiency. Then nonlinear pricing theory is introduced to solve this problem. It describes market segments by means of two incremental parameters:dual needs of characteristic function and consumer demand function based on parameters, and then establishes the optimal nonlinear prices and multi-part electricity price model for middle and little electric customers. The model can meet the cost recovery requirements, meanwhile maximize social welfare and reduce unnecessary losses in the uniform pricing by discriminating heterogeneous needs of consumers. Example shows that this model can effectively improve the economic well-being of the uniform pricing.(4) Considering the actual difficulties in promoting the structural adjustment of electrical retail price, a user self-selected menu is discussed and the corresponding of pricing model is established. Under the requirement of cost recovery and constraints of without prejudice to any existing interests of consumers, pricing models can improve the efficiency of uniform pricing to achieve Pareto improvement, simultaneously elimination opposition of structural adjustment between customers and regulators. Therefore it will help reduce the resistance of structural adjustment of electrical retail price in pricing theory from.(5) This paper discusses the necessity of implementing residential increasing block electricity tariff in China in three aspects-the applicable conditions of residential increasing block electricity tariff and residential decreasing block electricity tariff, the important role of residential increasing block electricity tariff in solving the problem of cross-subsidization in electrical retail price and promoting energy saving and emission reduction.This paper presents a scientific pricing method of the electrical consumption level of each block in residential block electricity tariff on the basis of variable-density cluster analysis, the probability distribution function and electrical equipment power estimation method. In this way, the model can determine a reasonable electricity demand for electricity consumption of different income levels of household; at the same time, it can avoid the existence of certain human factors and randomness in process of determining the electrical consumption level of each block. The grades of the method are as follows:the first grade, "lifeline tariff" pricing method is proposed considering the economic affordability of the customers. The second grade, by a comprehensive consideration of transmission and distribution costs transfer method in various voltages and price relations model between different customer classes based on marginal cost, a pricing model reflecting the power supply cost is set up. Ramsey pricing and nonlinear price theory is applied in the third grade and the grade above it, and then the electrical consumption level of each block is determined considering the demand of different customers. Example shows that the method is reasonable.The methodology of Electrical Retail Pricing as well as the methodology of economic compensation is the most important and effective economic instrument for the electric industry to promote energy conservation. The electrical retail price in China will be made by the government in a long period. Research on the nonlinear pricing model and the implementation method of electrical retail price under government control is conducive to reflect the differences in cost and demand between customers. It can improve the efficiency of government pricing and power resource allocation; meanwhile, it plays an important role in the construction of energy-saving society in China.


